Season 1 Part 1

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The scene opens up as a bell can be heard ringing as students in a classroom get up and grabs their bags as a teacher was speaking.

Teacher: Alright everyone I hope you had a good day today and remember all projects are due next week Monday, class dismissed!

Everyone cheers as they all left the class as a 16 year old teenage boy can be seen grabbing his bag and texting someone on his phone. He exits the classroom while still texting until someone calls him.

???: Yo Y/N!

He looks up and sees his best friend Brad from middle school as he smiles and puts his phone in his pocket.

Y/N: Yo Brad my man!

They both dab each other up as they continued talking.

Brad: Yo did you finish the project Ms.Davicni talked about???

Y/N: Man I didn't even work on it at all. Plus it's due next week Monday so I still got time to work on it.

Brad: True, anyways wanna go to the pizza parlor with me and the guys???

Y/N: I'd love to but, I gotta watch my little brother since my mom and dad are gonna be working late tonight.

Brad: Ah understandable.

They kept walking until they made it to the parking lot.

Brad: Alright bro you stay safe.

Y/N: Yup you too.

Brad parts ways as Y/N walks towards the parking lot as he sees a black haired teenage girl who is half Ecuadorian, half Italian with a black leather jacket and jeans, she also has dark brown eyes and a beautiful body that's leaning on a red sports car. Y/N smirks as he walks towards the girl.

(She look like this. Yes Cree Cicchino will be your girl in this story cause I mean............ come on why not? 😏

Y/N: Excuse me miss but I think you're leaning on my car.

The girl turns around and smirks while looking at Y/N in the eyes.

Random Girl: Is that so?? I didn't see your name on it?

Y/N: Well maybe because you're sitting on the spot that has my name on it.

Random Girl: Maybe it's my name I'm sitting on.

Y/N: Hehehe clever girl.

The girl wraps her arms around his neck as they start kissing. This girl is Felicia Hardwick, Y/N's girlfriend from middle school. They've been together for about 5 years. They keep kissing until they stop after 15 seconds.

Felicia: I missed you baby.

Y/N: We're in the same school though babe. He chuckled

Felicia: I know but we have different classes and it makes me sad knowing you're not with me. She said making a fake frowny face

Y/N: Hehe I missed you too babe. He smiles

They kiss again as he opens the passenger side door for her as she gets in the car. He gets in the car and starts it up as he drives to Felicia's place. A few minutes pass by as he arrives at her place. He gets out of the car and opens the door for her as she grabs her things and exit the car.

Felicia: Thanks handsome.

She kisses him as he kisses her back.

Y/N: My pleasure babe. He smiled

Felicia's mom walks out and sees her.

Felicia's Mom: Hey Sweetie you're back.

Felicia: Yeah my loving boyfriend decided to give me a ride again. She smirks

Felicia's mom: Well that was nice of him.

Felicia: I'll call you later handsome. She winks before kissing him as he kisses her back as he slaps her behind making her yelp

Felicia's mom: Thanks again Y/N!

Y/N: No problem Mrs.Hardwick!

She heads back inside as Y/N smiles as he gets in the car and drives back home.

1 hour later

Y/N was home alone as he was listening to some rap music while working on his project for his class.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Y/N was singing the lyrics as he was doing his project. As he was listening to his music he hears a loud blood curling scream next door as he pauses his music and looks outside his window.

Y/N: What the....???

He grabs his phone and starts calling his mom as he kept looking next door. His mom answers the phone.

Lori(phone): Hey Y/N what's up?

Y/N: Uhhhh m-mom I- uhhhhhhh I think the neighbor next door is in trouble or something.

Lori(phone): What??? What do you mean????

Y/N: I was just doing my project and listening to music until I heard a really loud scream coming from next door. Do you think the neighbor got hurt or something????

Lori(phone): I uhhhhhhh- I-i don't know son are you gonna be ok????

Y/N: Yeah I'll be alright but i don't know if I should go over and check on them. I mean what if it's an elderly person????

Lori(phone): Alright just go next door and make sure they're ok and if anything happens call me or your father immediately ok???

Y/N: Alright.

Lori(phone): Alright I love you son. Please be careful.

Y/N: I will, love you too bye.

He hangs up as he goes to the window and looks over and tries to see if anything is going on inside the house. He goes to his closet and grabs his baseball bat as he brings his phone with him. He exits the house and goes next door. He notices the neighborhood was quiet. Dead quiet. He walks up the porch as he calls out.

Y/N: Hello???????? Is everything ok???? I heard screaming.

There was No response as he was about to go in until a police car pulls up. The officer gets out of the vehicle revealing Shane.

Y/N: Uncle Shane????

Shane: Hey Y/N, what are you doing over here????

Y/N: I heard screaming coming from inside so mom told me to go check it out.

Shane grabs his shotgun as he grabs his flashlight.

Shane: Alright it could be a domestic abuse so be prepared ok?

Y/N: Alright.

Shane kicks the door open as he was aiming his shotgun while walking in slow.

Shane: Atlanta Police Department anyone here????

Shane walks around as Y/N explores the kitchen to find any evidence of the disturbance. He notices multiple utensils on the floor and multiple drawers open with a red substance that looks like blood, fresh blood.

Y/N: Uncle, is this blood????

Shane rushes to the kitchen as he notices the red substance as he looks closely.

Shane: Jesus.... It's fresh too. You were right Y/N looks like someone got into a ruckus.

Y/N: So what now??? We look for a body??

Shane: Well maybe we should-


Y/N and Shane look up as they heard a noise coming from upstairs.

Shane: Y/N stay here! Check the backyard see if you find anyone or anything!

Y/N: Wait but-

Shane runs upstairs to investigate the noise as Y/N exits through the back door only to be hit with a foul smell.

Y/N: Ugh! Jesus Christ! It smells like something died here....

He looks around and sees destroyed plant pots, equipment, and destroyed tools. Y/N continues walking around until he notices a pack of clothes on the ground with lots of blood.

Y/N: What the fuck....??!

He walks towards the clothes as he kneels down and realizes the blood was fresh.

Y/N: It's fresh.......o-oh my god t-the blood is fresh!

He gets up and runs to go tell Shane until he sees a figure with no clothes on facing away from him as Y/N walks towards the figure a little.

Y/N: U-uhh... h-h-hello.....???

He walks a bit closer to the figure as he calls out a figure.

Y/N: Uhhhhh....h-hey....a-are you alright?????

The figure slowly turns around as their face was covered in cuts, bruises, and a bite mark on their cheek as their mouth was fully torn apart showing their jaw. Y/N backs up quickly as he holds his bat.


The figure starts walking towards him as Y/N backs go only to fall on the ground as he drops his bat and hits his head on the ground. The figure pounces on Y/N as he was holding the figures head back to prevent himself getting bitten.


The figure tries to bite at Y/N's cheek as he was trying his best to hold the figure back. He was getting tired as the figure was an inch close to his face until


Y/N felt a weird liquid feeling falling onto his abdomen as he pushes the figure off him revealing a hole inside the figure's stomach.

Shane: Y/N! You alright??!!!!

Y/N looks up as Shane helps him up as he was covered in blood as he was shaking.

Y/N(scared): I-I-I-I- o-oh-oh fuck OH FUCK! I-I got blood on me! I GOT HUMAN BLOOD ON ME!

Shane: Hey hey! Y/N! Listen to me calm down! Listen there was nothing we could've done!

Y/N: W-what the fuck is going on uncle??!!!!

Shane: Look I don't know! I found a body upstairs with- with their insides all over the place! But look we can't worry about that now! We need to find your mom and your brother you hear me??!!

Y/N: I- I- I- o-ok! Ok ok fuck it! Let's just get out of here before-

Shane: Shit! Move!

He pushes Y/N aside as he shoots another person as multiple figures were growling and groaning as they were slowly approaching Y/N and Shane.

Shane: Y/N RUN NOW!

Y/N runs as Shane follows him while shooting the figures. They approach back to the front of the house as they see more and more figure's surrounding the area.

Shane: Jesus!

Y/N runs to the passenger side of the police car as he runs into a figure.

Y/N: S-shit!

The figure approaches Y/N as he swings his bat towards the figure knocking them down as he enters the cop car along with Shane. Shane starts the car as he drives off running over two or more figures as he turns his sirens on.

Shane: Jesus Christ! What the fuck is this?!!!

Y/N: We gotta find mom and Carl quick!

Y/N turns the radio on as an emergency alert broadcasts.

Radio: The US President has interrupted this program to bring you a special message. People all over the world, a mysterious outbreak has occurred in all regions of the world. This outbreak is rising the dead causing people to be eaten alive or torn apart. Symptoms are, Vomiting blood, Fatigue, Blurry Vision, Hunger, Anxiety, Blood shot eyes, and even death. If you see anyone experiencing these symptoms you must take action and kill them-

Shane: Jesus we don't need to listen to that.

He turns the radio off as Y/N was getting a call from his girlfriend.

Y/N: Babe! Are you ok??!!!

Felicia: Baby, someone broke into my house and they killed my mom and my little sister! O-oh god I-i can hear them! T-they're making weird groaning noises and sounds..... I-it's l-like they're not human anymore! Baby p-please help me!

Y/N: Babe listen to me! Just stay where you are and don't make any noises! I'm on my way there right now!

Felicia: O-oh god what if-

The Call disconnects.

Y/N: Babe??? BABE??!! HELLO?!!!! FUCK! Uncle we need to go to her house now!

Shane: Alright alright!

Shane starts driving to Felicia's place. They arrive as Y/N notices the front door was broken down.

Y/N: Oh no! Babe!!!

He runs inside as he hears banging and growling. He rushes upstairs and sees two figures banging on the door.

Y/N: Hey!

The two figures turn around and see Y/N as he backs up a little while holding his baseball bat. The figure walks towards Y/N as he hesitantly hits the figure in the head hard with his baseball bat stunning them only for the figure to recover. Y/N smacks the figure again as he did it once more knocking the figure down. The other figure tries to grab him only for him to push the figure against the wall with his bat as he kicks the figure in the leg causing the figure to fall.

Y/N: Batter up bitch!

He does a hard home run swing to the figure smashing their head open. The other figure on the ground was crawling towards Y/N as he rapidly smacks the figure with his baseball bat over and over until he got tired. He opens the bedroom door as he calls out.

Y/N: Babe??? You in here?!

Felicia exits the closer as she rushes towards him and hugs him.

Felicia: Thank god you came for me babe! She cried

Y/N: Hey it's ok I'm here now. Listen to me my uncle is outside waiting in a cop car. We're gonna go get my mom and my brother and then we're gonna go get my dad if he's out there and then get the hell out of this city ok???

Felicia: O-ok.

Y/N: Just stick with me and you'll be safe I promise!

They both walk out as Felicia was trying not to look at the bodies.

Shane: Hey you both ok????

Y/N: Yeah we're alright! Let's just find mom and Carl and go get dad!

They enter the car as Shane starts to drive to Carl's school.

Shane: Hey I'm Y/N's uncle, well uncle figure to be exact but your in good hands I promise. We just gotta go find his mom and his little brother and then we'll get the hell out of this city.

Y/N: Wait what about dad????

Shane: I- Y-Y/N look we'll search for him after the main priority is to get your mother and your little brother together so we can get the hell out of this city.

Y/N: W-wha- Right there!

Shane pulls over as he sees Lori and Carl as walkers were surrounding them as Shane quickly gets his shotgun out and shoots the undead.

Shane: Lori, Carl! Get in the car now!

They both run inside the car as Shane drives off to their place.

Lori: Y/N! Thank god you're ok! You too Felicia!

Felicia: I'm just glad you both are ok!

Y/N: Same here! Where's dad?????

Lori: I-i don't know! I-I thought he was with you guys!

Shane: Ok look it doesn't matter! We're returning back to your guys place! Pack your things and get back in the car quickly! We don't have much time before those- things find us again!

They returned back to Y/N's house as they started packing their things as he was still wondering where his father could be, hoping he wasn't dead or one of those things. He finishes and returns to the car with his mom and little brother.

Shane: Y/N get in the car!

He just stands there thinking about his father who could possibly be out there alive.

Y/N: No. i-I'm staying behind.

Shane: What??!!

Lori: Son no!

Carl: Brother come on!

Felicia: Baby come on!

Shane: Y/N, I'm not leaving you here with those things roaming the street! Let's go!

Y/N: Uncle, I'm sorry but- I-I'm gonna go and look for dad h-he could be out there somewhere-

Shane: Y/N your father is Probbaly dead or worst!

Y/N: We don't know that though! How do we- he stops as he realizes he was yelling. I-I'm sorry...... I- l-look......I'm gonna go and look for him...... I know that's a risky thing to do but who knows maybe I'll find him.. he says as Shane sighs and grabs something from his compartment and grabs a walkie talkie and hands it to him.

Shane: Y-you stay in contact with me. You hear? He said while looking into Y/N's eyes as he nods.

Y/N goes up to Felicia as her head is out the window.

Y/N: Babe.......... I then hug her as she does and starts getting a bit emotional. Hey don't cry. I promise I'll be ok.... I'll see you soon ok?

Felicia: You better stay safe for me............. She says as she wipes her tears and kisses him as he kisses her back.

Y/N: I will darlin, don't you worry now. He then goes up to his mom. Don't worry mom, I'll be ok....... I promise I'll stay in contact with uncle and let
You guys know my status. I promise.

Lori hugs her son as Carl was the last person.

Carl: Y-Y/N........w-where are you going......??

Y/N: I-I'm gonna go look for dad..... ok? Take care of mom and uncle and my girlfriend for me while I'm gone ok???

Carl nods as he hugs his big brother one last time. As he was cake noticed something behind Y/N in the distance.

Carl: What is that???? He points to something in the distance behind Y/N as he turns around and noticed those undead figures appearing.

Y/N: Shit!! Shane go!! GO GO GO!!!!

Shane then drives off as more of the undead appear as Y/N has his baseball bat ready for combat.

Y/N: Alright........alright you fuckers! C-come on!!! He shouts as one of the figures get close to him as he whacks him in the head with his bat and started whacking the other figures in the head while running off to his car and started it up. He then drives off running over those figures and drives off into the other direction in hopes of finding his father.

To be continued...

Hey everyone. Sorry for the long wait- I know it's been like a month or now it is lol, but I'm gonna be updating this story again so be aware for more content. Anyways hope you all enjoyed! -saiyanman1233 out

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