Chandler Riggs x Reader - Misfortune with Great Outcomes

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Warning!!! - Season 8 spoilers ahead! Don't read if you're not caught up.

    You weren't expecting college to be like this. Sure, you had a plan for when you got there; work and study around the clock, and maybe visit a party every now and then. You were going to join as many clubs and sports teams as you had time for, but that was about it. You wouldn't have time for a serious relationship, or so you thought, until you met him.

    You sat in your theater class, looking over the script your professor handed out for this year's production of the play "Peter Pan." Ever since you were little, you performed in every school play. You had a role in almost every play except for one; Peter Pan. You dreamed of playing Peter Pan ever since you saw it performed at your local high school when you were a little kid. You knew that girls were normally chosen to play Peter Pan because of their higher voices. You couldn't believe you might finally get the chance!

    But then, your professor drew your attention to a new student with long, shaggy brown hair that fell to his shoulders and bright blue eyes that reminded you of the ocean. The kid looked familiar, but you couldn't remember where you had seen him before. All you knew was that it felt like you had known him for your entire life.

    "Settle down, class, settle down," Professor Vega spoke as some of the girls screamed and hollered as they looked at the boy.

    'Who could he possibly be?' you wondered to yourself, 'Is he really that hot or something?'

    "Please give a kind welcome to our newest student, Chandler Riggs."

    That's when you felt everything crash around you.

    Everything made sense. Of course, that was the same guy that played Carl Grimes on your favorite zombie apocalypse tv show, the Walking Dead! How could a fangirl such as yourself fail to realize that?

    Especially since you had had a crush on him ever since he hit puberty.

    At the mention of his name, all of the girls shrieked shrilly as they were starstruck beyond comprehension, forcing everyone, including Chandler, to cover their ears in pain.

    "Well, it seems some of you know him already," Professor Vega sighed once the fangirling had ceased, "I expect that everyone treats Mr. Riggs as they would any other student."

    "Psh, that'll happen," you muttered sarcastically under your breath.

    "Just take a seat anywhere, Mr. Riggs," Professor Vega instructed before turning around to grab his lesson plans. Before your professor could even finish his sentence, every girl in the class began flailing her arms and legs desperately as they tried to convince Chandler to sit with them.

    You merely rolled your eyes before returning your attention to the script in front of you, skimming the lines and writing any questions you had in the margins. You had already given up any hope that Chandler would choose you over every girl here, and you refused to make yourself seem like a desperate lunatic to try to change that. You would rather lose with dignity than humiliate yourself in front of one of your heroes.

    However, you jumped when you heard the all-too-familiar clink of books hitting the crickety make-shift desk that attached itself to the chair as someone sat next to you, the groans of every girl filling the otherwise silent room.

    "Woah, sorry, didn't mean to scare you," you heard a luminous voice chuckle, one that you never thought you would hear outside of your tv or phone screen, "I thought with both of my eyes I'd be less scary."

    "I'm sorry, I guess I'm just a little jumpy today. I didn't realize I would bear witness to a riot in my theater class this morning," you smiled as you came face to face with none other than Chandler Riggs himself. As you chattered, your professor quickly jotted down the attendance.

    "As long as they're not zombies, I'm good," Chandler smiled as your professor directed your attention to the front of the classroom.

    Theater class continued like that, with you and Chandler bantering before class started every morning, the two of you quickly developing a blooming friendship. Professor Vega held auditions for the play, and you scored the role of Peter Pan. You were so ecstatic when you found out that you couldn't contain your excitement as you danced, screamed, and jumped with joy in the hallway. You couldn't care less that your childhood crush and hero was in the same room.

    "Someone seems happy," Chandler smirked as you beamed up at him.

    "I'm so happy," you cheered as you danced around him, "I've dreamed about playing this part since I was a little girl."

    "Really now?" he mused as he pretended to stroke an imaginary beard, "Maybe I should be your acting coach."

    Your mouth dropped open at his suggestion. "Really? You would do that for me?" you gaped.

    He chuckled as he lifted a finger to your mouth, shutting it for you and making you blush. "Yes, I would," he smiled, "Plus, you could use some work."

    "Oh hush, Riggs," you rolled your eyes. You knew that everyone else was glaring at you as they passed, not just because you got the lead in the school play, but because you were becoming best friends with a real-life celebrity.

    "Hmm, I think we ought to celebrate tonight," Chandler suggested as you left the auditorium.

    "How should we?" you asked as you blushed at his suggestion.

    "I think I ought to take you out to a nice restaurant," he smiled, although you could see his cheeks heating up, "B-but maybe not as friends..."

    "As what, then?" you asked as cooly as you could manage, but your heart was pounding so hard and so fast that you could've sworn he would hear.

    "I want to take you on a date," he explained as his cheeks turned as red as a tomato, "Hopefully, as my girlfriend, if you would let me."

    You couldn't believe your ears. Your celebrity crush was asking you, just some regular girl, on a date! How could you say no that that?

    "I'd love to," you smiled as you tried to contain your excitement.

    "That's great!" he exclaimed as he celebrated, "I'll pick you up at eight!"

    With that, he ran off to his next class.

    You sat in the newest Italian restaurant in town by the front window looking out over the city park. You couldn't believe where you were; the restaurant was like a whole other world, escape from your bustling college life. It felt even more surreal when you remembered you were sitting across from Chandler Riggs.

    "So, are you a big Walking Dead fan?" Chandler asked after the waiter set your drinks in front of you and took your orders.

    "Yes, but I haven't been for long," you giggled.

    "What do you mean?" he asked quizzically.

    "Well, one of my best friends has been a Walking Dead fan since season five aired on tv," you explained, "and eventually after season seven, she convinced me to start watching it. I had just gotten Netflix and it seemed like a good show to watch."

    "How long did it take you to catch up?" he smiled.

    "Oh, not long at all," you giggled as you looked down in the hopes to conceal a blush.

    "How long is that?" he pressed.

    "...A little less than a month..." you trailed off nervously, only to burst into laughter when you saw his look of disbelief.

    "You watched seven seasons in one month?!" he exasperated with wide eyes.

    "Yes!" you laughed as you clutched your sides, "It was so good I couldn't stop! It didn't help that my mom and sister enjoyed it as well!"

    "Your mom and sister watched like that too?" he gaped incredulously.

    "Yep! They even pushed for us to watch well into the early hours of the morning," you smiled as you blew his mind.

    "Oh my gosh," he laughed, "You guys are unbelievable."

    "It's unbelievable that I'm sitting here on a date with you of all people," you shook your head, "but here I am."

    "How so?" he asked, his face falling into one of seriousness.

    "It's a miracle you even chose to sit with me that first day in class," you sighed, "Why'd you sit with me anyway?"

    "What? Do you wish I didn't or something?" he asked with a cocked eyebrow, and you could sense the hurt that radiated from him.

    "No, no, no," you reassured as you placed your hand onto his outstretched one, "I've just been wondering, why me out of every girl in there that begged for your attention?"

    He smiled as he laced his fingers with yours. "Is that a serious question," he asked, "or are you just pulling my leg?"

    "It's a real question..." you trailed off apprehensively. What did he mean by that? Was it that obvious?

    "Have you looked at yourself recently?" he asked with a smirk, "You're the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on."

    "Oh, now I think you're pulling my leg," you rolled your eyes, "You've been in Hollywood since you were ten, you've had to have seen better."

    "But that's the point...I haven't," he smiled, "You're beautiful, and you didn't care that I was some Hollywood big shot. You didn't care that I played Carl Grimes on the Walking Dead for the last eight years. You acted like I was a regular person, like I was just Chandler Riggs. That was more real than anything those suck-ups could've said to me."

    You flushed at his statement. "Really?" was all you managed to ask.

    "You're different from most girls, most people in fact. I needed to get to know you, and I have to say, I'm not disappointed," he smirked as you winked at him.

    "Oh, hush," you dismissed with a wave of your hand, "Thank you, though. That means a lot."

    "No, thank you for being yourself," he smiled. You blushed bright red as the waiter appeared with your food.

    "How did you feel when you found out they were killing Carl off of the show?" you asked as you climbed into Chandler's car.

    "Honestly, I was angry and upset," he groaned, "I wasn't ready to leave all of my friends."

    "How do you feel now?" you asked, your spirits dwindling as you noticed how tense he became.

    "It's got its ups and downs," he sighed, "I was worried about making friends and socializing. I've been cut off from people since the show started. But it's been great since I met you."

    You smiled slightly at him. "I'm happy to help."

    He took one hand off of the steering wheel and reached down to intertwine your fingers. He smiled down at you with a twinkle in his eye that you had never seen before, not even on television when he acted like he loved Enid.

    "You know, I was thinking of cutting my hair," Chandler said as he broke the silence.

    "No, please don't!" you begged jokingly, "Your long hair is so hot! I haven't seen you without long hair since you were like thirteen!"

    "Fine, fine," he chuckled, "But only on one condition."

    "Oh, and what's that?" you asked mischievously.

    "You know more about my life story than I know about yours," he pointed out, "I at least want some pictures of you in your awkward stages of life."

    You groaned inwardly at the thought of showing Chandler pictures like that. "Maybe if this little relationship grows a bit more," you compromised.

    "Yay!" he cheered excitedly, and you could see the joy etched onto his face even in the pitch blackness.

    Unfortunately, you heard his car come to a stop outside of your apartment building.

    "Can I walk you up?" he asked as you began to unbuckle yourself, "I'd like to make sure you get in safe."

    "Of course," you smiled, happy to prolong your time with him in any way you could.

    The walk to your apartment was almost silent as you both dreaded parting ways. You weren't ready for the best night of your life to end, but you could see your front door quickly approaching.

    "Well, this is it," you sighed as you stopped in front of the door, "Thank you for an amazing night."

    "Of course. Such a wonderful girl like you deserves so much better, but it's the best I could do on short notice," Chandler smiled. You hushed him by placing a single finger on his lips.

    "It was an amazing night. Don't sell yourself short," you chided him as you opened the door.

    "Goodnight, then," he sighed, "Get some sleep, princess."

    You blushed at the nickname. "Goodnight," you smiled as you walked in, but quickly turned around as you thought of one last thing to say.

    "I hate that Carl was killed on the show, but I'm not hating this outcome either," you smiled as you stood on your tiptoes, stretching just enough to place a short, sweet kiss on the celebrity's cheek.

    You waved goodnight as Chandler stared at you, his fingers grazing over where your lips had been just a second ago. As you shut the door, you felt your cheeks heating up, amazed that you had the courage to pull off such a move. You just hoped that someday, you would have the chance to do it again.

    Unbeknownst to you, Chandler stood outside your door, hoping for the same thing.
Yay, my first Walking Dead oneshot! I know Chandler Riggs isn't technically a Walking Dead character, but after watching Carl die, I just couldn't shake this idea from my mind. If you have any requests, leave them in the comments!

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