Chapter 10: Judge & Jury!

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Everyone is sat in the farmhouse waiting for it to start, it was silent until Glenn spoke up first braking said silence.

Glenn: So how do we do this? Just take a vote?

Logan stood with his arms crossed not really knowing if he needed to be here but Daryl is and Daryl don't care so Logan stayed for the laughs.

Andrea: Does it have to be unanimous?

She asked glancing to Logan, Logan smiled as she looked away quickly,she is terrified of the Marine and it's what he wanted, in his eyes she hurt Beth and he's not okay with that.

Lori: How about majority rules?

It was a better idea but Rick stepped forward gaining all the attention.

Rick: Well, let's just see where everybody stands, then we can talk through the options.

It went silent again no one really knowing what to do at this point but Shane brock it this time.

Shane: Well, where I sit, there's only one way to move forward.

Logan looked to Shane who's standing by the fireplace pretty much ahead of him, Andrea to his right and T-Dog to his left.

Dale: Killing him.

Dale interrupted making all eyes fall to the old man with the RV.

Dale: Right? I mean, why bother to even take a vote? It's clear which way the wind's blowing.

Rick: We'll, if people believe we should spare him, I wanna know.

Rick has been racking his brain around this for a while now and it's clearly getting to him, Rick just wants this over with so he can move on with protecting his group.

Dale: Well, I can tell you, it's a small group... Maybe just me and Glenn.

Logan looked to Glenn and saw him looking up to Dale as Logan bounced on his toes, Glenn looked to Dale till Dale saw him and honestly looked hurt and surprised.

Glenn: Look, I...

Glenn stayed sat on the piano stool he is sat on while Logan leant on the wall behind him not far from Rick

Glenn: I think you're pretty much right about everything, all the time, but this...

Dale: They've got you scared.

Dale interrupted Glenn while pointing to the group, Dale sighed and looked behind him to Logan as Logan was minding his own business.

Dale: What about you? Your a man of honour.

Logan looked around as everyone looked to him, Logan sighed and knew what side he was on a long time ago.

Logan: Your asking a marine if he's okay with taking a man's life?

Logan said with a smile while Dale rolled his eyes, Logan looked around the room and pointed to Shane.

Logan: I hate to say it but Shane's right. Now if he didn't know you are here then maybe letting him go but if what he told Daryl is right, they have 30 men and automatic weapons. They come back and it won't be a war, It'll be a massacre.

Logan said from the heart as everyone listened to him, Shane didn't expect Logan to take his side considering the two hate each other but clearly when it comes to the people in the room they'll do what has to be done.

Glenn: I'm sorry Dale but he's not one of us.

Glenn took all the eyes off Logan as he defended himself to Dale.

Glenn: And we've... we've lost too many people already.

Dale then looked around the room for any kind of sign that someone agrees with him, his eyes landed on Maggie as he took a shot in the dark.

Dale: How about you? Do you agree with this?

Maggie thought about it for a second and she didn't really seem to know what to do, she thought for another second till she looked to Rick.

Maggie: Couldn't we continue keeping him prisoner?

Rick didn't get to answer as Daryl jumped in with a very good point.

Daryl: Just another mouth to feed.

Hershel spoke up for the first time as he put his opinion across.

Hershel: It may be a lean winter.

Lori: We could ration better.

Dale: Well, he could be an asset.

Dale sounded like he had hope he was convincing them and they spoke some good points, this part Logan couldn't be involved with as their talking about letting him join their group and Logan just got here.

Dale: Give him a chance to prove himself.

Glenn: Put him to work?

Rick: We're not letting him walk around.

Logan listened as they all seemed to slowly edge towards keeping the kid alive and letting him stay, Logan could already see that Shane wasn't happy about it.

Maggie: We could put an escort on him.

Shane: Who want's to volunteer for that duty.

Shane said clearly felling like he's losing this round and when Logan spoke up, he delivered the knock out punch.

Logan: I'll do it.

Everyone looked to Logan as Logan shrugged.

Logan: I had to escort potential terrorists going from one side of a country to the next. I think I can keep an eye on a teenage boy.

Dale smiled to Logan as Logan was slowly being swayed to this idea, Logan wasn't really against the idea of keeping him alive, Logan was against the idea of letting this boy walk.

Rick: I don't think any of us should be walking around with this guy.

Logan didn't understand that, Logan's highly trained and can handle a little boy but before he could argue that fact Lori beat him to it.

Lori: He's right. I wouldn't feel safe unless he was tied up.

Lori spoke the truth but that part just confused Logan.

Logan: You didn't tie me up. Are you scared of me?

Everyone again looked up to him as Rick turned and explained.

Rick: You two are completely different. You showed up ready to help us. He shot at us, you were there.

Logan: Your right I was and I saw a scared boy trying to survive.

T-Dog: Weren't you just saying we should kill him.

Logan: I was saying you can't let him leave alive, I never said anything about him joining your little boy band.

Andrea: We can't exactly put chains around his ankles, sentence him to hard labor.

It was silent for a second as a much calmer looking Shane actually calmly put his thoughts forward without taking the piss and without shouting his mouth off.

Shane: Look, say we let him join us, right? Maybe he's helpful, maybe he's nice. We let our guard down and maybe he runs off, brings back his 30 men.

Shane let it simmer like that for a while as it was going back and forward right now.

Dale: So the answer it to kill him. To prevent a crime that he may never even attempt? If we do this, we're saying there's no hope. Rule of law is dead. There is no civilization.

Shane: Oh, my God.

Shane sighed under his breath but everyone could hear him and he knew it, Hershel however liked the original plan the best.

Hershel: Could you drive him further out? Leave him like you planned?

Lori: You barely came back this time. There are Walkers. You could break down.

Logan then got an idea, he's immune to the Virus so if he got bit it will just hurt, like a lot.

Logan: I can take him. I'll take him tonight and I'll be back by early morning.

Everyone looked to him as no one really seemed to see any other choice, it's either this or they kill the boy and honestly that's something not everyone wants to do/

Logan: It's settled then.

Logan walked out the room to get his stuff together while everyone else went about their day, Dale happy that he saved a boys life.

Logan went back outside and sat on his bike, he has his bag packed and is ready to go, Logan looked to see Daryl and Rick walking towards him with the kid, Randell has his head covered,  hands bound and earphones in with masking tape over his ears keeping them in place.

Rick: Take him as far as you can and get back safe.

Logan nodded and started to bike as Daryl secured the boy, Logan looked to the house and saw Beth, she smiled and waved at him, Logan winked and took off down the dirt road towards where ever he can find to leave this guy.

Logan took the time to think about everything, meeting Rick and the others and meeting Beth, Logan doesn't like it but he knows he likes her, he doesn't like it because in this world you love things and they leave, either on their own or because they died and Logan knows that.

Logan was so caught in his own thoughts he didn't even realise that it was dark out and he had been riding for nearly 12 hours, luckily he topped the tank up before he left, Logan noted he was a good distance from the farm so he stopped the bike on the road and got off, Logan pulled the kid off his bike after untying him and pushed him.

Logan: Get outta here kid.

Logan left the kids hands tied though and blindfold on.

Randell: You not even gonna leave me a weapon or something.

Logan didn't answer and drove off away from him just hearing him shout after him, Logan drowned out the noise and continued his way back to the farm but stopped and thought about it.

Logan can just go, he has everything he has right here, he was his guns and his stuff.

So that's what Logan did, Logan turned the bike around and went the opposite way to the farm, this is how he survives, on his own and without anyone stepping on his toes, Logan needed to get away from Beth he's only going to make her life worse if he stays, she's married and Jimmy's a good kid just never seems to be there for her when he needs him to be.

Logan pulled into a small house looking for a place to crash, Logan walked into the house with his gun out checking and clearing his corners, Logan slowly walked in but stopped when he heard growling, Logan hit the wall whistling trying to get whatever is in here to come out and it did but it wasn't a Walker...

... Logan knelled down to it's level as the dog has blood dripping and looking scruffy as hell.

Logan: How are ya...

Logan went to walk closure but stopped at the sound of the dogs growl, Logan then got an idea and thought that the dog was just on the defence.

Logan: Fuss!

Logan smiled as the dog seemed to relax, Logan held his left hand out still keeping his gun  in his right.

Logan: Hier.

The dog walked over to him with a limp as Logan petted the dog giving it the love it wanted, the dog really needed this love and greatly excepted it.

Logan: What's your name huh?

Logan moved the dogs head and looked to it's caller and read out.

Logan: "Beckett"

Logan looked to the dog as it looked to him.

Logan: That your name huh?

The dog seemed to sneeze dropping his head down the back up, Logan took that as an answer and smiled.

Logan: You hungry?

Beckett: *Bark!*

Logan stood up and shrugged.

Logan: We'll work on the talking thing.

Logan walked back out the house and to his bike, Logan took his bag off and walked back into the house, he barricaded a door and sat on the floor to the living area with Beckett sitting next to him.

Logan: Here...

Logan took a can of beans out his bag and opened it with his knife and placed it in front of Beckett, Logan took an apple out his bag and used the same knife to cut the fruit, Logan cut a piece off and ate it looking to the dog.

Logan: You should go easy bud, haven't got much of those left.

Logan sat their thinking and thinking as Beckett nudged him, Logan looked to the dog as he had finished the beans.

Logan: Not tonight, we gotta ration little buddy.

Logan went back to thinking as Beckett nudged him again this time knocking Hershel's watch out his pocket, Logan looked to the watch as Beckett sat there and looked to him.

Logan: Don't do that, she's better off without me.

Beckett growled at Logan making him look to the dog, Logan and Beckett seemed to have a small staring contest that Logan eventually lost.

Logan: Okay, let's go.

Beckett braked happily as Logan got up and packed his things, Logan unbarricaded the door and walked out the room then the house, Logan got on his bike and looked to Beckett.

Logan: Hopp!

Beckett jumped in front of Logan and sat on the engine, Logan put his arms beside Beckett keeping him safe on the bike and started the long journey back to the farm...


(To Be Continued)

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