Chapter 16: Exploring Gone Wrong!

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So Logan slept in his own cell last night without the company of Beckett as apparently Beth's his favorite now, Logan woke up feeling more rested then normal and joined Daryl, Rick, T-Dog and Hershel out in the communal area where they found a few items they could use.

Rick: ...Flashbangs, CS Triple-Chasers. Not sure how they'd work on Walkers, but we'll take 'em.

Logan still felt uncomfortable in his left shoulder and Rick noticed.

Rick: You okay?

Rick couldn't say anymore as T-Dog is right next to him but Logan nodded and thought quick on his feet.

Logan: Yeah. Just slept funny.

Now Logan has an excuse to feel discomfort all the time and get away with it, Rick nodded understanding that they can't really get into detail.

Logan: We haven't got any antibiotics left do we?

Logan asked knowing the answer but you never know unless you ask, Rick shook his head no as Logan sighed and looked onto the table to see the riot gear just like the Walkers were wearing yesterday, Logan picked up a helmet as did Daryl but Daryl tipped his making some weird liquid fall out.

Daryl: I ain't wearing this shit.

Logan agreed putting the helmet down.

Logan: I second that.

Daryl copied his actions and put the helmet down while T-Dog lifted up a glove and spilled out even more of the weird substance than Daryl did.

T-Dog: We could boil 'em.

T-Dog suggested but it still wasn't enough to convince either Daryl or Logan to wear this stuff.

Daryl: Ain't enough firewood in the whole forest. No. Besides, we made it this far without 'em, right?

Daryl said picking up a baton and swinging it, Logan had to move out the way or Daryl would have hit him, Logan picked up his own baton and they both started to try and hit each other making the others smile and laugh at them but all fun and games were stopped when Carol walked out the cellblock and called for one of them.

Carol: Hershel.

Logan and Daryl stopped and looked as T-Dog went back to looking over the gear, Hershel and Rick looked to Carol as well as Carol just nodded for Hershel to follow her and went to walk away but Rick stooped her.

Rick: Everything all right?

Carol stopped and Logan isn't a cop like Rick but even he could tell she was lying with what she said next.

Carol: Yeah. Nothing to worry about.

That blatant lie changed the mood of the room and they all went back to inspecting the gear as Hershel went up to speak to Lori, Logan tried to think about what he's going to say to Beth as they all got wrapped up in body armour ready to search for supplies in this hell hole.

Beth: You're not wearing the armour?

Logan put his gun away as he looked to see Beth, he tried to think of an answer other then, "No. I'm immune to whatever this is so I don't need it" but nothing else could come to mind other then.

Logan: No. It'll just slow me down if we do get into trouble.

Beth understood that but still wanted him to be safe and she wants him to know it.

Beth: Just come back safe. Okay?

Logan was glad she still cared and doesn't hate him enough to ignore him like Rick and Lori are going through.

Beth: You owe me a promise.

Logan remembered he has promised to talk to her when they have 5 minutes alone, they could have done it last night or the night before but everyone was to exhausted and just wanted to rest so he'll leave it for another time.

Rick: You won't need that.

Both Beth and Logan looked to see Carl trying on a helmet that's way to big for him it was kinda funny but Logan caught him sneak a peak at Beth, Logan is going to need to talk to the kid, make him see things more clearly.

Rick: I need you to stay put.

Logan thought it was a good idea, they already have Hershel and Maggie coming with them, to many people and someone's bound to get hurt.

Carl: You're kidding.

Logan finished inspecting his gear as Beth took her black bracelet off...

... And took his hand placing it on his wrist, Logan looked from it to her and smiled.

Logan: What's this for?

Beth smiled back up to him as Logan inspected the bracelet.

Beth: For luck.

Logan is happy that she's happy again and their back on these kind of terms, it was like this before the started dating before making Logan and Beth both believe there's a chance for them again.

Rick: Great. Let's go.

Logan looked to see Rick had his keys over to Carl, Logan and Daryl still have theirs and Beth hands Hershel a bag to pack stuff in, Beth then hugs Maggie as they all leave with Beckett winning to seeing Logan disappear.

Beth: He'll be okay bud...

Beth said trying to console the German Shepard but it didn't really work as the dog looked sadly.

Meanwhile, Daryl locks the other cell door with his keys while Logan and Rick are running point man for this.

Rick: You sure you're good?

Rick asked before the others catch up, Logan gave his honest answer and shrugged but it can't be that bad as he isn't sweating or anything, he seems fine just in a little discomfort.

Rick took the answer and they continued to make their way through the dark hallway of the unexplored part of the prison, the powers out so it's pitch black only lite up by their torch's and to top it all off theirs half eaten dead guys lying all over the place making it even trickier to manoeuvre in the dark.

Glenn is at the back marking the right direction with a can of spray paint they found showing them the right way back just encase it all goes upside down.

Everyone turned around quickly as Maggie let out a small scream, Logan's holding his flashlight in his right hand and gun in his left like earlier and lowered them when he saw that she walked out of a nearby cell and bumped into Glenn.

Everyone relaxed again as they went back to searching every single cell they can to try and find any danger or any sign of a Cafeteria, Med bay or even the Warden's office, Rick took point as they continued their way through the halls lead by their flashlights but before they could turn at an intersection, Logan stopped Rick.

Rick: What is it?

Logan looked to him confused as he could clearly hear a small group of Walkers around that corner, well it was kind of hearing, he could more feel it and it wasn't a nice feeling.

Logan: You can hear them?

Logan asked Rick and Daryl, they both shook their heads and Logan turned to the others who are also looking at him like he's mad.

Logan: Theirs a small group around there.

Rick trusts Logan but wanted to make sure for himself and looked around the corner Logan told him but when he and Daryl did there wasn't anything there.

Daryl: It's empty...

Just as Daryl said that, Logan was right and a small group of Walkers came around the corner all looking hungry and dead.

Rick: Go back. Go back! Move!

Everyone ran as fast as they can to get away from their imminent demise, Hershel stumbled hitting a wall but T-Dog helped him out and they kept moving in the direction of the arrows but Logan stopped and pointed in a different direction.

Logan: This way!

Logan took off making them all go after him, Maggie and Glenn watched as another small group of Walkers came around the corner they were seconds away from running around, they caught up with they tried to catch up with the group but got cut off again making Glenn think fast and pulling Maggie into a nearby storage cupboard.

Logan, Rick, Hershel, Daryl and T-Dog managed to find a different cupboard to hide in and let the small horde pass without seeing them.

Rick: Where's Glenn and Maggie?

Hershel: We have to go back.

Daryl: But which way?

They all looked to Logan as he for some reason can see them before they even come around the corner some how and he sighed.

Logan: Okay. Le'ts go.

Logan took point trying to lead them as safely back to cellblock C without bumping into anymore dead people whilst trying to find Maggie and Glenn, Hershel stopped and heard Maggie call him through the dark halls and turned.

Hershel: Mag?

Hershel took a few steps away from the others and towards a sitting corpse seemingly dead.

Hershel: Mag?

Hershel stepped over the dead man and tripped waking the dead corpse, Hershel screamed out as the Walker gripped his leg but just before he could sink his teeth into Hershel, Logan put a bullet in it's head killing it and saving Hershel.

Logan walked over to the old man and helped him up.

Logan: You okay?

Hershel stood on his feet and panted being second from death while gripping Logan's upper arms.

Hershel: Thank you.

Logan chuckled as Hershel let him go.

Logan: I think after everything, I still owe you...

Logan was now cut off by a sharp pain in his left shoulder, this time way worse then ever before forcing the Marine to drop to the floor yelling in pain and causing everyone to run towards the painful cry.

Hershel helped as best he can but it meant taking his shirt off showing the bite mark.

Hershel: We have to get him out of here!

Rick and Glenn got Logan off the floor and hooked his arms over their shoulders while Daryl kept them cover from the returning Walkers, Maggie and T-Dog saw the bite mark and panicked thinking it was recent and wanted to get him to safety so T-Dog helped Daryl while Maggie ran ahead and found a locked door.

Logan still couldn't stop the painful yells he was giving out as the bite mark seemed to be slowly infecting him bit by bit, T-Dog broke the lock and kicked the doors open allowing them to get inside, Glenn and Rick layed Logan down as Daryl and T-Dog tried to keep the door shut, T-Dog eventually put the pole he used to break the cuffs into the handles creating a temporary lock, keeping them safe for now.

Everyone stood around Logan as his yells has turned into discomfort groans while he panted and started to sweat a lot.

Hershel: He needs antibiotics now!

Daryl and Glenn looked around the cafeteria as Rick held him down while Hershel tried to tie Rick's belt around Logan's left shoulder cutting of the blood and hopefully slowing down the infection.

It seemed to work as Logan calmed down and just started panting and sweating like he just went swimming.

T-Dog: Why looked to antibiotics? He's been bite.

T-Dog said while Glenn and Daryl still looked for the meds, Rick looked to Hershel as Hershel looked to Rick while Logan coughed horribly making Maggie and T-Dog uncomfortable thinking he's gonna turn.

 Rick: We'll explain later. Just help look for the meds.

Rick instructed, T-Dog did and helped while Maggie was still unsure of what to do, it didn't matter though as Daryl heard a noise coming from the kitchen and looked to see five guys standing their watching them,

The crazy thing is that these guys were alive.

Axel: Holy shit...


(To Be Continued)

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