Chapter 28: The Search for Glenn & Maggie!

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*You all want to feel old? I just found out that the little girl at the beginning that played the first Walker Rick killed. She's now 23 IRL, not a little girl anymore 😂!*


The small group is walking through the woods, Michonne and Oscar up front taking point while Logan's kinda just wondering around, Rick and Daryl behind him, no one's really saying much, their just looking to get their friends and loved ones back where they belong, Glenn and Maggie are part of their crew, you hurt one and you hurt them all.

Rick: I know what you did for me, for my baby, while I was... working things out. Thank you.

Rick thanked Daryl for risking his life to go and get the baby things she'll need to survive, Rick had no idea that Logan helped out as much as he did, Logan did quite a lot for the Cellblock while Rick was having his little meltdown, Daryl isn't going to take all the credit though and indicated a head of them to the younger of the group, it's pretty weird to think that Logan's still only 20 years old, Beth's reaching 18 so he can't be much older then her.

Daryl: It's what we do.

They continued to walk through the woods as a Walker nearby stirred catching the attention of Daryl, he told Rick who warned the others to get down, Logan dropped to a knee while pulling his knife out, Daryl got ready as Rick held his machete out, hoping it's only a straggler but it's not, a small bunch of them came out the woodland, making Rick give the call.

Rick: Get in formation. No Gunfire.

He said more to Oscar as he he;d a machine gun, Logan waited for Daryl to get past him and followed, his left hand on Daryl's shoulder, as soon as Daryl put a bolt in a Walkers head, Logan passed him and drove his knife into another's, both dropped back into position as Oscar swapped a gun for a hammer, delivering a blow to the undead's head then a few more once the corpse hit the floor.

Daryl: There's too many of them.

He has a point as more and more kept coming, a large bunch even appearing from behind them, Daryl didn't have time to keep reloaded the crossbow so he pulled his knife out as they all stood in a small circle, Logan side stepped another one and drove his knife into the back of it's skull before it got to Michonne, she looked to him when he did but didn't say anything, neither did he, he's still not convinced that this isn't a trap or something.

Rick: This way. 

Rick spotted a gap and pointed for Daryl to follow him, Logan did as well with Oscar behind him and Michonne bringing up the rear with the Walkers not too far behind them, they all continued to follow Rick through the trees, cutting down the odd Walker here and there till they spotted an old hunting shack in the distance, the doors and windows are boarded up so it could be safe for now.

Rick: Through there. Come on.

Rick was the first into the room with Logan close behind him, keeping an eye on the corners either side of the door, just encase they get jumped as soon as Rick kicked the door open, luckily they didn't and they all made it into the shack.

Rick: Get the door.

Oscar moved to a nearby side while Logan and Michonne pushed the door shut, Daryl now has a new bolt in his crossbow, hasn't dropped the weapon since they got in here but they still needed to be quite, the Walkers outside can defiantly still hear them and they haven't made sure this place is fully safe or not yet.

Rick: Keep it down. Keep it down.

Logan turned around and looked around the room, one of the first things that hit's you is the smell, it was so strong that Logan took a deep inhale like it took his breath away or something, he's glad he's not the only one that smelt it though because Daryl's hand which is still holding his knife, went to his nose to block the smell.

Daryl: The smell, it's loud.

Daryl went to see what it was and so did Logan, both having to use their flashlights to light there way because it's dark in here, the only light is coming through the small gaps in the boards covering the windows, Rick stood up as well and looked around but it was Oscar that spotted something.

Oscar: What the hell is that?

Logan can hunt, sure but he's not as skilled as Daryl, together they can find anything, but Daryl could probably do that on his own anyway, Logan can hunt but he can't tell whatever this thing on the floor is that's stinking up the room, luckily Daryl seemed to have an idea.

Daryl: It's got to be a fox or what's left of one.

Logan stepped a little closure to it and saw a collar on it's neck, it's not a fox but it's a dog, a dead dog that's been here for a very long time, if something was here it's long gone now, otherwise there wouldn't be anything of this dog left, the Walker would have eaten it all.

Daryl: I guess Lassie went home.

Logan exhaled quickly because the smell up close is a lot more potent the from a distance, however the sound of the Walkers bashing on the door and windows caught their attentions, the place is now pretty much surrounded by the dead, Rick though got their attentions when he spotted a bed nearby, it looked like someone was in it, the best case is it's a corpse and that would explain the strong smell but as they got closer, Rick reached for the covers as Daryl held his knife out ready to put the potential walking dead down for good, however as soon as Rick pulled back the covers, a guy popped out from under them.

Hermit: Ah! Who the hell are you?

They all moved back as Michonne and Oscar are already out the way, Logan kept his knife ready as did Daryl while Rick tried to calm the situation down, it's been a while since they've seen a guy alive outside the prison, the fact he's lasted this long on his own out here is quite incredible.

Rick: We don't mean any harm.

The guy didn't believe him since their all still holding their own weapons, Logan was going to put his knife down but then the guy pulled a shotgun out from under the sheets, it's not like the shotgun on his back right now, his is a long barrelled one, it's better for long range shots.

Hermit: Get outta my house!

The guy didn't look too stable which is to be expected from someone who's been on their own for such a long time but as much as they'd love to leave right now, they can't and if they do, they'd probably die so you can pretty much see where this was going to go and it's probably going to end with someone getting hurt.

Rick: Okay, okay, okay. We will, but we can't right now.

The Walkers got louder and louder trying to get into the door, Logan's not sure if he's so stupid that he thinks they will leave once they get them or he really doesn't realise their out there but if he keeps shouting like he is and it won't end well for any of them, he's included.

Hermit: Get out right now!

Logan put his knife into his right hand as the gun was fixed onto Rick, Daryl on the man's right side with Logan on his left, all of them are able to get that gun easily but they needed to be careful, he could get a itchy trigger figure and shoot Rick, so they left Rick to keep trying to talk him into putting the gun down.

Rick: There are Walkers outside.

He looked nervous between them all, Daryl's on his guard ready to strike if he needs but Logan looks relaxed and calm, his knife down by his side while the Walkers still tried to get into the house, at this rate, they'll be inside really, really soon.

Hermit: I'll call the cops!

Logan and Daryl shared a confused look because the worlds gone, there are no more cops, no more army, no nothing, just the dead coming back to life and killing the living, maybe he honestly has no idea with what's going on.

Rick: I am a cop. Now, I need you to lower the gun. Don't do anything rash...

Michonne kept glancing over her shoulder while Oscar looked about ready to lunge, Rick however was keeping calm just like Logan and lowed both his weapons, machete and flashlight to the floor, the guy watched him and it seemed to make him relax a little thinking that they aren't here to hurt him, though Logan was feeling a little tired now, he needs to take one of those antibiotics.

Rick: ... Everything's fine. Let's just. Let's just take this nice and slow, okay? Look at me. Hey, hey.

The guy looked around between Logan and Daryl again but Rick made him look at him, he seemed to have got through to the guy which would have been perfect because Logan's starting to get light headed, when it hits, it hits hard which is why he needs to keep a bottle on him at all times, though the sound of the shotgun cocking brought him back into the room.

Hermit: Show me your badge.

Rick told the guy what he wanted to hear and acted lick his badge i in his pocket but it wasn't, so as soon as he looked away, Rick pushed the gun away causing a shot to go off and hit the door, just behind Daryl, Rick got him into a rear choke hold and covered his mouth trying to get him the keep the noise down, instead the guy bite Rick's hand making him let go and he charged at the front door where the Walkers are, he was only stopped by Michonne driving her sword through his chest, cutting him off and making his body hit the floor.

Daryl: You good?

Daryl asked Logan as he sat on one knee and put an antibiotic in his mouth, Logan nodded once he took one, they can sometimes work fast but other times take a minute or two to kick in, a little like when he doesn't take one, sometimes he can get tired over a few minutes, this one time decided to be the quick one and take the longest for the meds to kick in.

Logan: Yeah. You?

Logan indicated to the door with the shotgun blast in, Daryl huffed with a shrug before using Logan's good shoulder to help him back up to his feet, Oscar saw it and looked curious but when Logan looked at him, he stopped his staring, they all know that Logan doesn't trust the inmates, mainly Axel but Oscar is still an outsider to him.

Daryl: Remember the Alamo?

Logan walked over to the door and saw the Walker, more and more coming towards them, Daryl patted his back as Rick walked over to them, they ain't getting out this way but Logan got an idea walked towards the guy Michonne just killed on the floor and Daryl at the door, it's better to distract them.

Logan: Let's give them something to eat. Daryl, get the door.

Daryl was already set to open the door as Rick and Logan worked on getting this guy to his feet as soon as they push him out, they can get out through the back, hopefully it'll be clear, if it's not they'll still have a better chance to get out that way then they would this way.

Rick: He's dead. Check the back.

Oscar didn't like Logan's plan but Rick did and told him to go and look out the back, Oscar gave them the all clear then Rick started to count, as soon as Rick got to three, Daryl pulled the door open so Rick and Logan could push the guy's body out to the Walkers, keeping them entertained long enough for them to slip out the back without anymore trouble, as soon as they were clear, Rick walked up to Logan as he wanted to talk to him a little.

Rick: You haven't said much since we left the prison. Something you wanna say?

Daryl filled Rick in Logan's little moment back at the hut, that's not what this is about though, this is about something else, something that Logan hasn't exactly kept secret from the others, so Rick was pretty much expecting him to say what he was about to say.

Logan: I fucking hate, leaving Beth with Axel. I'd rather he came with us so I could keep an eye on him.

Rick understood that, Logan care's for Beth a lot, it's obvious or he wouldn't have asked to marry her, he's still looking for a ring to give her now, it's not that easy, you'd think the jewelry stores would be stocked but apparently, people at the beginning of the virus took the opportunity to swipe some extra cash just in case it all washed over, it didn't work out that way, Rick too though cared, of course he did but as it stands he has no reason to believe that Axel will do anything.

Rick: I get it. Trust me I do, I've put people like him away fro years but I can't let you kill people because they look at Beth...

Logan's a dangerous guy right now, he's 19 years old, got the training of a US Marine but the abandonment issue of a guy in therapy, everything that he doesn't like towards Beth can be the match to light a short fuse which is attached to dynamite and a lot of it.

Rick: ... It's my job to keep people safe. But I trust you, if he does something to Beth. Then you can deal with him however you feel the need to.

Logan nodded to Rick as that's the best deal he's going to get, although now Logan's kind of hoping Axel pushing that line so he has an excuse to put a bullet in his head, at least that way he wouldn't have to only dream about the day.

Rick: If you do it without any reason. I will stop you.

Rick looked Logan right in his eye as neither looked away from each other, the thing to remember is though, Rick is a much more experienced guy then Logan, Logan's just a kid compared to what Rick's been through, so Logan nodded while looking away from Rick, Rick's in charge here and Logan now knows it, maybe Logan will stop trying to argue with him and just follow the plan...


Glenn's alive but not well, he's walking around what looks like a storage room at this small town run by The Governor, he was tied to a chair not so long ago but managed to get free, he even broke a piece of the wood so he now has a weapon, which he was willing to use when Merle and Martinez walked into the door, he stopped though when Martinez pointed a gun at him.

Merle: Uh-uh.

Glenn relaxed as they stood there, he wasn't sure what they were going to do to him now, they've already beat him up and tortured him, but he didn't guess that The Governor would bring Maggie into the room topless and tears brewing in her eyes, assuming the worse, Glenn went to attack him but stopped when Martinez pointed the gun from him to Maggie, telling him to "Drop it", the sound of the wood dropping echoed in the room, making Merle and Martinez grin.

The Governor: We're through with games. Now, one of you is gonna give up your camp. 

The Governor pulled out his handgun and waved it around a little making sure they can both see it, he clicked the hammer making Glenn gulp but when he pointed the gun to her head, Glenn didn't say anything, so the now frustrated Governor walked towards Glenn and put the barrel right at his forehead, getting what he wanted.

Maggie: The prison.

Glenn sighed as the gun stayed pointed at his face, he wasn't going to tell them where the others are to keep them safe, he might have broken if they hurt Maggie more then they clearly already have but he wasn't planning on caving in.

Merle: The one near Nunez?

Merle knew the prison because they tried to get in there once before but they couldn't get past the courtyard, then again they didn't have an already infected Marine to run through it with a crazy ass dog to clear the fields.

The Governor: That place is overrun.

The Governor didn't believe them as he's the one that sent a few guys over there to get supplies, some came back but others didn't, but again, they didn't have an already infected Marine to run through them all with a badass German Shepard.

Maggie: We took it.

Maggie didn't care anymore, she's confident that they can look after themselves, she just wants them to leave her and Glenn alone, she's give up waiting for the others to come and get them, she just wants them to go away.

The Governor: How many are you?

Maggie: 12. Only 12 now.

She's adding Beckett as a person, they'll figure that out when they meet the dog, Beckett's a good dog and will keep them all safe, especially Beth if Logan tells him to, Logan won't let any of these guys near Beth, in fact, if you put all of the Governors men against only Logan and Beckett, if they fail, Beth get's killed, Maggie and Glenn will put everything they own on the Marine and dog.

The Governor: Twelve people cleared that whole prison of biters? Huh?

The Governor asked more Glenn with the gun still pointed at his head, Glenn didn't say anything and neither did Maggie but she's shaking from fear, Glenn can only imagine what he did to her and it;s killing him not to be able to kill the Governor right now, he's happy to wait it out though, the Governor will meet his match and Rick will give it to him.

The Governor: Shh, shh, shh. It's all right. It's all right.

Glenn was nearly pushed to tears with the amount of anger flowing through him right now, all he could do was watched as he tried to put his hands on her, Maggie was trying her best to pull away from him while still keeping herself covered but it wasn't much use, eventually the Governor was done playing and pushed her towards Glenn who happily hugged her as she cried into his shoulder.

Milton: Twelve people. That's deep in the red zone. There's no way only twelve...

The Governor: So she's lying? 'Cause if she's lying, that means a pretty sizeable force has moved into out backyard.

The Governor cut him off as Merle, Martinez and Milton stood in the Governor's room while going over what they just learnt, of course if they knew about the fact that Logan nearly cleared it all on his own, they might be a little bit more cautious with pushing them, Logan's built for this world and they should be really scared about what he's going to do to them when he finds out they hurt his friends.

The Governor: But if she's not, this group with your brother at it's core has done something you told me couldn't be done. They did it.

The Governor looked to Merle as he looked just as surprised as he was when she told them that, then again Merle never met Logan or Beckett so he can only guess how many of them are there, sure she said 12 but who actually knows how many are in the group right now, what they didn't know is while their talking, Logan, Rick, Daryl, Michonne and Oscar are stacked at the front gate watching the armed people walk across the wall.

Logan: Joker?

Logan caught their attention as he looked to see one of the members from his old team pacing the wall, it was him, Duncan Blake, Ashton Haller and Penny Jones, Logan abandoned them though when the gate fell, he ran away and assumed the went down with the others but if he survived maybe the others did too.

The Governor: Your brother might be out there right now, searching for 'em. Blood is blood, right? Makes me wonder where your loyalties lie.

The Governor asked Merle not looking away from the former biker all while Daryl and Rick looked to Logan while he watched Ashton pacing the wall, he needs to focus now though, if they can get in there, maybe he can convince him that their assholes and he can get him out of there.

Merle: Here.

Merle didn't seem all too sure to start with but the Governor believed him and patted his arm, Merle seemed a little tense right now and for obvious reasons, he's being asked to choose between this place or his brother and he knew that if he chose anything but this place then he'd be killed.

The Governor: You two get a small group and scout this prison. I want to know exactly what we're dealing with.

The Governor walked away from Merle and towards Martinez who already knew who he'd take with them, he has the people he trusts the most in this compound and the ones he doesn't all too much so he has  good idea of who to take on this pretty top secret mission.

Martinez: Yeah. You got it.

They all then left the room as Logan still watched the man he once survived with, Ashton wasn't in charge of their team, Duncan was, he was their team leader but Logan always though he was a little jealous of that, clearly not though as he walked down from the walkway and saw Duncan standing there just doing his rounds.

Duncan: Anything?

Ashton shook his head "No", other then the odd Walker here and there, there's never much, it was a pretty easy job to watch the front gate which is why Logan, Rick, Daryl, Oscar and Michonne are able to sit there and watch for a bit without them being spotted because they don't expect anyone to be there.

Duncan: Hey, you ever think about that kid. Kenway? You think he made it out too?

Duncan asked as Ashton went to walk past him, they all remember that day pretty well, watching some of the best men and women in the country getting eaten will stay with you, their friends, their families, all being run down like they were nothing, ripped apart and eaten, it sat uneasily with Duncan and Penny, apparently Ashton didn't think as well about Logan like they did.

Ashton: You mean the coward who ran away while the rest of us stayed to fight. I hope he's biter chow by now.

Duncan understood the anger he has towards Logan, Logan ran away when they needed him the most, there's no doubt about it but once they escaped, Duncan went looking for the boy to make sure he was safe, he went to his mother's house and saw the eaten corpse of his mouth and the turned corpse of his little sister with a hole in her forehead, he was lucky to not have to do that to any of his loved ones.

Duncan: Not even a small bit of you can feel for the kid, he was only 16 when the world went to shit. Straight out of boot camp, you remember being a scared boy once before right?

Ashton sighed while thinking about it, sure he can understand why Logan ran but that doesn't mean he liked the idea, so without a response, Ashton just walked away without another word, Duncan might not know what happened to Logan that day but he does hope he's out there somewhere safe and happy, he was a good kid, a good kid that made a mistake, they've all done it before.

Daryl: What's the play?

Daryl asked Rick who looked from Logan and back to the wall, they all did and weren't sure how to play this, they weren't expecting Michonne to actually be telling the truth and certainly not this level of security, they needed to come up with a plan and fast...


Nice long one here to pay back for the shorter one's lately. I hope you still enjoyed. 

Actually, which do you prefer, the longer Chapters or shorter ones?

Obviously with the longer one's they'll be less Chapters but with the shorter Chapters they'd be more, let me know which you'd rather see from this story and I'll make it happen, instead of doing both every now and then 😅! Take Care!


{To Be Continued!}

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