004| A secret deal

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"What's new?" A figure asked the boy who was standing beside his table. His eyes darted right into the latter's face.

"He still goofing around with that emo boy" The boy crossed his arms on his chest and decided to lean against the wall behind him.

"Stubborn as usual, huh?" He sighed while massaging his temple.

"Don't you wanna talk about this matter with him?" The figure went silent for a bit before answering.

"Well I did, but it didn't end well" His leaned his body against his chair, his face was showing a tint of sadness and concerns.

"Same goes to me. You know the awkwardness always killing me inside" The boy ruffled his head, feeling frustrated with the current situation he's in right now.

"Oh yeah? Then why are you willing to help me in this matter?" His gaze went straight into the boy's eyes. He looked deadly serious when he was forced to talk about this matter again.

"I know you guys for a long time. Of course, I want the best for him and I know the same goes to you as well, Ice" The figure, which his name is Ice, gave him a small smile after hearing the answer.

"Aren't you are his best friend? Friends would never betray each others' trust, you know that, Blaze?" The boy, which is Blaze all this time, went silent. His face dropped drastically as he lowered his head, covering his eyes with his front hair.

"I know he would totally hate me if he knows that I betrayed him, but I also concern about his future..." Ice took a quick glance at his table. There were a few books about the lessons he needs to teaches, stacks of papers, important documents and stationeries. But the only thing that caught his attention right now was actually a file filled with reports.

Ice took out one of the reports from the file, his aquamarine eyes stared at the result of their recent examination. The report shows this particular student's grades were dropping, a big difference with the mid-term exam's result.

"You are the best person that knew what's his parents' reaction might be, don't you?" Ice didn't move his gaze from the report, his reaction was unreadable. But, in the end, he hummed as a respond.

"I will talk to him, but you know it won't end well" Blaze smiled as he tapped the young teacher's shoulder.

"At least, we are trying. Ah... Never thought that I would become the bad guy in Cy's life" The fire boy laughed half-heartedly. He didn't want to do this, but he needs to.

"What can we do, that's what life is. In the end, we are the bad guy in someone else's story..."

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