007| The promise

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A boy walked through the hallway and went down the staircase. His mind was totally chaotic since the incident he could feel his head was aching. There's only one place that was relaxing enough for him.

The old school's garden.

His legs went as fast as he could to the destination, hoping that a certain person already at there. From afar, his sapphire eyes could see a familiar figure was sitting on the grass and leaned against the tree trunk.

"Thundy~!" The lightning boy didn't even bother to look at his direction but Cyclone knew he heard him loud and clear.

"Sorry, I'm late! Extra classes really are trying to kill my brain" Cyclone said cheerfully as he comfortably placed himself beside Thunderstorm. The latter was busy reading a book in his right hand, slightly making the windy boy pouted.

"Thundy~! Gimme some attention, please~" He scooped himself a bit toward Thunderstorm while trying to act cute. The lightning boy flinched with the sudden action from this friend of him. 

"That's disgusting, Cy. Your face looks like an idiot" Thunderstorm pushed back Cyclone's face away from him with his palm, his face showed a pure disgust and annoyance. Cyclone immediately burst into laughter after seeing the funny reaction of him.

Joy, laughter and serene filled the atmosphere between them as the sky above them slowly replaced with orange shades. Time somehow flew so fast when they were together. Cyclone looked at the orange theme scenery above them.

"Hey, Thundy. I've been wondering about this for a while... but what is your dream?" He could see from the corner of his eyes that Thunderstorm's face became gloomy after hearing his question.

"...I don't have one" He said with a sad smile, his eyes reflected the solemn inside him that nobody noticed except Cyclone himself.

"That's a lie. Everyone must have at least one, even though it's only their childhood dream. C'mon, just tell me. I won't judge, promise" He pouted as he shook the latter's body, trying to pursue Thunderstorm.

"Okay, okay! I'll tell you, just stop shaking me!" He threw him a sharp glare while Cyclone just laughed sheepishly.

"I think the only dream I have is for me to be happy..." Cyclone listened to him attentively. He was surprised a bit with the answer but at the same time, his dream was somehow he already expected.

"But that dream is no longer my dream since it looks so far for me to reach it..." His gaze went straight to the beautiful scenery in front of them. Without realizing, his right hand reached out to the sky as he was trying to catch his dream from leaving him behind. Cyclone stunned as he stared at the latter beside him before moving his eyes to the beautiful sunset.

"Well, my dream is for everyone around me to be happy!" Thunderstorm looked at the windy boy around him, frowning in confusion.

"Well, to me, as long as everyone around me is happy, then I would be happy too!" Cyclone grinned toward him. Both of his ruby eyes slowly went wide, stunned with his the windy boy's dream. 

Thunderstorm didn't know if it was his imagination or not. But, Cyclone's smile looked so bright. The orange colour of the sunset that shined around him somehow making him looked dazzling. There's only one thing that came across on his mind right now. He was surprised as the latter suddenly took his hands.

"Including you, Thundy. I' ll make your dream come true, so that mine would become true too!" Cyclone gave him a genuine smile. He can feel the warmth in his heart and he couldn't but smiled too.

"I knew it, you're indeed beautiful..." He whispered between breaths, making Cyclone frowned as he couldn't catch what he was saying.

"What did you say just now?"

"None of your concern, dummy"

"What?! You're meanie, Pikachu"

"Shut up, airhead"

The boys finally let out a laugh as the breeze blew around the area on that memorable evening.

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