Chapter 29

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Warmth enveloped me, encouraging me to open my eyes. A crackle of a fire and the smell of smoke told me that I was near a fire. This combined with the warmth that was pouring into my body and surrounded me was enough for me to look around. My sight got no farther than the pair of eyes watching mine from just an a few inches away.

Startled I followed the eyes down to the body that was underneath the same blankets I was, barely pressing up against mine. Shocked and confused I looked back to the eyes and saw a worried look in them.

Trying to make sense of what I thought I was seeing and experiencing, I mumbled, "What are you doing?"

With a mix of emotions that I could not identify Kaelyn explained, "Trying to keep you warm and alive. You fell through the ice. I was able to pull you out but you would not wake up..." as if  suddenly aware that I was awake she slid away from me.

My body reacted immediately to the change in warmth, sending shivers through me. While I felt odd that she was lying next to me in a way only a wife would, I could not deny that her body was helping keep me warm. Before I went down this road, I wanted to know a few things.

"How long.." I started.

"How long have you been out? Maybe a day. I have not been outside. You were so cold and lifeless, I was worried you were never going to wake up." Kaelyn interrupted.

This is where thing got more awkward as the blankets slipped off of her as she shuffled on the edge of the bed, exposing a bare shoulder. Confident that I had dreamed it, I still cold from Kaelyn moving away asked, "Can you put some more wood on the fire? Its freezing in here..."

As I said this I noticed that my clothing I had been wearing was hanging up on a rack that I had built for drying wet clothing. Next to my clothes hung Kaelyn's dress. No, there was no way that this was real. It had to be a dream, Kaelyn, shy Kaelyn would never do what I thought she was doing. Yet the evidence was clear and just to be sure I ran my hand along my chest.

Too my relief I had on my thin undershirt and what I assumed was my thin cotton pants. Then I remembered that Kaelyn was lying right next to me and had been the one to undress me. My cheeks burned at the thought and I tried to think of a way to breach the topic.

She must have been watching my expression as she in a curious tone asked, "Is something wrong?"

Mindful of my words and tone I asked hesitantly, "You have clothes on right? Because I see your dress and most of my clothes hanging up and..."

Looking at me she replied almost amused, "Yes, I have clothes on. You nearly dying did not force me to go that far. You were soaking wet, which meant I got soaking wet when I had to drag you back to camp. I expected you to be heavier by the way."

Despite my dislike of the situation, rationally she was right. I had needed to be warmed up, and she had needed to get dry after having saved me. Perhaps now was a good time to talk about some things between me and her.

Before I could say anything she opened up, "I know you must be thinking, why am I doing this. The first time we slept together, I was not happy with how close we had been that morning. At the time, I had just left home and had no idea what life was like out here. We have spent more than three weeks together and although I was asleep for about a third of that, I feel that I can trust you more. Yes I know you are interested in me, do not think I have not noticed your looks and blushing when I see you. I do not want to hurt you, but I do not know if I share those feelings for you. You are a good companion and I count you as my friend. This might seem awkward right now, but it is to keep us alive. If you think 5his is too much, I am fine with sleeping on the floor until you are better."

Since she had given me an opening, I replied, "I understand why you did it. A fire though warm will not provide as much heat as another persons body will. You had the decency to keep us both partially clothed, which I appreciate..." here I trailed off as I did not know how to address the fact that she knew I liked her but did not know how she felt about me. Ideally I wanted to talk to her about it in Spring, but she had brought it up. Maybe a short answer now with a request for a longer conversation in the Spring or Summer would be best.

Blushing at the stray thought of her half naked next to me, I continued, "I would be a liar if I said I was not attracted to you. To be honest, I do not know why, as I have never been attracted to a woman before. You do not have to like me, nor will I force you into a loveless marriage, or any marriage. We are partners, but our relationship does not have to be a romantic one. You and I are friends, and as you friend I would like what is best for you. That being said, I would like to revisit this topic in the Spring or Summer. We may change, or we may not."

Kaelyn had listened attentively to me and nodded her head in agreement. At least for now we had an understanding, especially as my body tried to betray my morals. This was annoying as she could not move that far away from me and still be on the bed. Hopefully she would pay it no mind, as I could not control such things.

This reminded me that I had not answered her if I wanted her to stay or go. "I think it will be best if we sleep in this bed. The weather will get cold and it will be dangerous to sleep separately... though we will probably wake up tangled together."

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