Chapter 51

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We had finally made it. After months of trekking across the swamps and dark interior, we had made it to the northern coast of Africa. Somewhere out there on the far horizon of the deep blue expanse was Kaelyn. I knew that Adaire and Lucia were right about her having long been sold by now, as we were at least two months
behind when she had arrived. Still we had a chance of getting information on where she had ended up.

The cry of the gulls and other birds circling the air reminded me of where we were. The great slave city of Ulzurra lay in front of us, beyond it a forest of ship masts and the sparkling water of the Mediterranean.

Looking at my companions I let out a breath, "I did not imagine it would be this large. It makes Columbia look small."

"That monstrosity was built on the backs of my people, and and other poor wretch they captured. One day we will liberate the slaves and burn it to the ground!" Adaire replied.

"Alright you too, we do not want to waste time here. Both you Z and you Adaire have no business other than being a slave in the eyes of that city. I could maybe pass as a traveling noblewoman, but that may go down hill quickly. That being said, Z since your Spanish is still something to be desired and you just barely have tanned enough to fit the bill, you will be my mute servant . Adaire will act as bodyguard/servant. Only I will speak."

Knowing better than to argue, I sat still as Lucia efficiently cut my hair to a version of what servants from Spain looked like. Such an act was something Kaelyn had done a handful of times, and before her it had been Cassie since I was a child.

Since we were going to be in the city, I stowed most of my gear inside my bag, keeping my spear and knives where I could reach them. We agreed that no one would question a pair of men armed with spears in the city, as many of its inhabitants were armed with weapons from across the known world.

Feeling that we were ready, I fell into step behind Lucia, with Adaire a little to my left. As we got closer to the city, I had to control waves of emotions. Dozens of people in both brightly colored and various shades of white and grey were coming in and out of the entryway into the city. I kept my eyes straight and observed all of them for the possibility they would expose us. I knew Adaire was doing the same, as he had taught me many lessons on dealing with people in unfamiliar territory, on top of what I had learned myself from being the first of my kind back home.

Everywhere I looked people had swords, daggers, or long spears. But no one seemed to pay the three of us any mind. Everyone had to stop as a caravan of people riding camels came out of the city. Africans and some who looked European were chained to carrying cages with different animals. Two cages carried what Adaire had called a Cheetah, and one had a Leopard. Others carried colorful birds and  chattering monkeys, along with domestic pigs and chickens and goats. None of the slaves looked healthy, but the guards and the family that rode on the back of an elephant seemed excited and well fed.

Reminding myself not to draw attention, I continued following Lucia as the group moved past us and everyone continued on the journey's. Once we had passed through the gateway, Lucia briskly walked over to a couple of men who looked Spanish as well. Hurrying to keep up, Adaire and I arrived as she was conversing with them in rapid fire Spanish.

Worried we were going to look odd, I kept my eyes moving back and forth scanning the crowded streets and alleys for any hint of trouble. All around people moved, the noise of so many voices drowning out the increasing tone and pitch of Lucia's conversation.

Adaire and I kept our eyes scanning the moving people and the buildings and we waited for Lucia to finish. Despite all my instincts I kept my body relaxed, I had no desire to find out what the inside of their prison looked like.

Finally when my stomach was just beginning to growl from hunger, Lucia drifted back over to us. The two men bowed slightly before heading off down the street.

Without a word Lucia began walking towards a crossroads. Trailing three steps behind her I kept my mouth shut. Instead my thoughts and emotions swirled in my head. Kaelyn had been mine to protect, to guide, and had begun to show how valuable of a trading partner she was. Once I got her back I was going to find a way to tell her all of that and every thought I have had about her since losing her.

My thoughts continued to run rampant and I followed Lucia through the streets, Adaire by my side. I was glad for his company as my thoughts were distracting me despite my best efforts to focus on my surroundings. The more we walked into the depths of the city, the more I was reminded of why I disliked cities so much. In a his own way Shaw, Kaelyn's father had understood that. Still he had tried over and over to prove the Notredam was safe and that I could have a life there.

Home was so different from here. Unlike most of where I had journeyed where it was damp, the streets we had walked looked dry, with sand in little piles here and there. Despite the calls of the birds, they were the ruckus noises of gulls and strange sparrow like birds flying between various buildings. The sun even felt harsher, glaring done in us as we walked, no thick canopy of trees or shade of the willows to give some relief. I understood that for the many people walking these streets this was home, but I would never be able to call somewhere like this home.

"Z.... Z!!"

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