Chapter 55

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The room on the other side of the door was breathtaking. A large bed with some sort of canopy and curtains dominated the back of it, while a set of padded chairs and a oval table were in a corner. Birds of every color and size fluttered in a large glass enclosure that made up the ceiling. On one side a desk with an open book sat in front of a window that looked out onto the street below.

The floor and walls were covered in hand made carpets and rugs, red and purple in color. They were beautiful and of designs I had never seen before. I knew back home people in the Walled Cities would buy these just because they were unique.

My examinations of the room were cut short by Kaelyn. She had let go of my hand and had taken a seat on the edge of the bed. Her eyes has a bright and inviting look for them, as she stared into my eyes. I was also fully aware of how beautiful she looked with that dress on. It had already been bad enough that she had kissed me on the cheek multiple times today. We had never been that close back home.

Cassie had told me to have a talk with Kaelyn about my feelings for her, but we had never had the time. When we had met with Shaw, he had slyly asked if we were a couple and expecting a child. We had told him no, and even now the thought of it left my cheeks flushed. These six months would be a good time to explore a relationship, but I did not know how Kaelyn felt about it.

"Z, is everything alright?" Kaelyn asked.

Brought back by her question, I let out a sigh. "I should have told you this a while ago, but there was not time..." I trailed off as I was lost for words.

With a knowing smile, Kaelyn stated, "Are you trying to tell me that you have romantic feelings for me?"

As her words left her mouth, I felt my cheeks burn, wether from embarrassment or me just blushing, I could not be sure. Either way, my chin dipped in acknowledgment. I was at a loss as to a proper response.

Continuing to smile, Kaelyn added, "I think this is the most awkward I have seen you. Even more so than when father thought we were going to be giving him a grandchild."

If I had been burning before, I was worse now. The incident she mentioned replayed itself in my head as I tried to think up an appropriate response.

"I need a glass of water," was all I could say.

Getting up from where she had been on the bed, Kaelyn walked over to a small alcove I had not noticed before. After a few moments, I heard her turn something and then there was the sound of running water. Surprised, I almost walked over to her, but thought better of it and waited. Shortly, she returned with a crystalline glass of clear liquid, which I assumed was water.

Accepting the glass, I allowed Kaelyn to calmly guide me to the table that also had the padded chairs. Placing my glass on the table, I allowed Kaelyn to sit before sliding in her chair, and then sitting in the other chair.

Taking a long sip of water, I allowed my eyes to examine Kaelyn. I had done this many times during the time we had been together, and I had always discovered something I had not seen or known before. Her beauty was unchanged, enhanced by the dress she wore. After a quick once over, I kept my eyes locked on hers. Mustering up what courage I could, I started, "Do you remember that first day in the woods? We were both running from something. You from your fiancé, and me from the shots I had fired. At the time I thought you were just some stuck up spoiled kid trying to be an adult. When I offered for you to be my traveling partner, I had meant to stay as friends... yet by the time we saw Cassie I had feelings that were more than just a friendship. I had meant to speak with you about it, but we spent so much of our time trying to stay alive in Columbia, and then we were stuck in the woods over the winter.... and I did talk to you then, and we agreed to wait and see."

"I know. You do not have to apologize," Kaelyn said quietly.

Not in the least bit surprised I added, "I was going to talk to you about it and our future after we had reclaimed Columbia, but then you got captured. I know you have been alone for months now, and I do not want to get involved with you if there is someone else..."

My body was tingling with tension as I finished my statement, my heart wound up in knots, unsure what to do next. I had never really had feelings for anyone else before, I had always been to busy trying to keep my business going and traveling around getting supplies for Cassie and Ezekiel. Now though, I knew I wanted a life with Kaelyn by my side, if she was willing. Absentmindedly, I fiddled with the ring I kept around my neck. The ring she had given me last Christmas.

Getting up from her chair, Kaelyn walked over to me. Without warning, she settled herself in my lap. Her touch sent my body and mind reeling, and I fought to control the impulses that coursed through my body.

Leaning against me, she lowered her face until our noses barely touched. We had been close like this so many times over winter, but this felt so different than those. "I do not know if I love you, but I want to give this a try. We deserve that much."

Her words finished with her lips pressed to mine...

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