Day 10

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(I'm going to explain some things. They have showers for women and men in a corner of the wall. Bathrooms and toilets are in the same area. They have water faucets outside of the bathrooms. The walls are circular and are the size of 3 football stadiums. About a third in is a chain fence in a circle with gates around the fence. In the front of the walls is a giant metal door, the draw bridge kind. If you have any questions, ask please!)

Lucy's POV

I walk over to the guys with a bag of water bottles. They were working together on building a wooden house. The girls were assigned to cook and provide water. But half of the girls complained that they could do it too so me and Levy-chan were the only ones working on food and water. Levy-chan was cooking right now, so she told me to bring them water. I wave a hand at everyone. "Hey! I have your water! Come and get it!" They jump down from where they were and run over to me. I giggle and sweat drop as they line up. "Here you go Laxus." "Thanks chick" "Its Lucy" I hand him the bottle as he walks away. "Gihi, give bunny-girl." I hold the bottle out of his reach. "I need a thank you, not a give me." "Fine, thanks bunny-girl" I hand him the bottle then he snatches it. Then as the line dies down, Erza is the last one. "Thanks Lucy, much appreciated" "Anytime Erza." "Hey..." "Hm?" I look up at her. "I have to talk to you later." "Ok?" She walks back to the half finished wooden house. I sigh and walk back over to Levy-chan.

"Levy-chan, get the bowls please." "Ok" She walks over to a box. (They were making it right outside the chain fence.) And grabs a bunch of bowls. There was a table next to us so she spreads out the bowls. I grab the ladle and start pouring the soup into the bowls. Then Levy-chan puts spoons in the bowls when they're full. I sigh and put the pot down. "Give the signal Lu-chan" "Alright" I bang the ladle to the bottom of the pan. "COME AND GET IT!" "YEAH!" Me and Levy-chan sweat drop then back up after grabbing our bowls. I slowly eat. "Thanks Lucy, Levy" I smile at Natsu and everyone else in reply. "Wow this is amazing. Who made it?" I blush when Levy-chan points at me. "Lu-chan made it." "Wow Lucy! How did you make this?!" I turn red and take another bite. "I um, used the plants Droy gave me and I added a few things to it. Other than that it's vegetables and water" "Well it's delicious Lucy!" I smile at Natsu. 

After day's work of building, We head back to our tents. "So what was really in that Lucy?" I glance back at Natsu. "Canned ham, chicken broth, and a bunch of spices with vegetables." He whistles. "How'd you pull it off with no one finding out?" "Levy-chan was using the bathroom during the time. So I ran over, got the stuff, and put it in then threw the stuff away." "Nice" I open the tent flap and walk into the tent. Natsu walks in and zips the flap up behind him. I crawl over to my sleeping bag and collapse. "Ugh, I'm so tired." "From what? We did all the work" I groan and glare at him. "Feeding a lot of people takes work. Especially you Natsu" He growls. "Not my fault!" I giggle and roll on my back. "Sure~" "Hey!" I giggle and pull out some pajamas. "Now get out! I need to change!" "Lucy~" "No! Get out!" "Fine!" He walks out of the tent then zips it up after. I crawl over to my clothes suitcase and open it. I pull out blue shorts and a pink tank top. I strip out of my current clothes and change. 

"Ok Natsu, you can come back in." "Finally!" He zips the tent open and sits down after closing the flap. "Lucy" "Hm~" I glance at him from writing in my journal. "We should set up the fire pit." "Why?" "So we can tell ghost stories and roast s'mores." "Uh, ok. But what should we use for a cover up story?" "Uh, I don't know that's your job" I sweat drop. "Ok? Let's just say it was yours along with the marshmallows." "Will that work?" "We'll just say you were just starting to be a pyrotechnic and used it to practice and the marshmallows were test subjects." "Ok, I like that idea. So where did you put it?" "Next to the mini fridge." "Ok" I put my pen back in the case and close my journal. "I'll help set it up." "Where will we set it up?" "How about in the middle? There's no tents there." "Ok" "Lucy" "KYA!" Me and Natsu scream when Erza bursts in. I rush over to her. "L-lets talk outside!" Natsu covers the mini fridge with his body. "Ok?" We step out and I hear Natsu sigh when I zip the tent up. "So? What is it you want to talk about?"

"Um, its more of a secret announcement but Crime Sorciere, is coming." (Is that right?) I widen my eyes. "Then that means...Jellal, Meredy, and Ultear are coming?!" She nods. "Y-yeah." She slightly turns pink. I giggle and smile. "So~ Jellal huh?" She turns red. "Y-y-you w-w-w-wont t-tell a-anyone right?" I giggle and nod. "I won't. Don't worry." "Y-y-you be-better. Anyways" She clears her throat and her face gets back to normal. "So what was Natsu hiding?" I blink. "He wasn't he was about to walk out of the tent when you walk in." "Ah, is that so? Ok, just to tell you." She nods. "Mm, thanks for listening. Natsu! You better not say anything either!" I sweat drop when I hear him squeak. "Yes! I wont say a word!" Erza nods. "Mm, anyways, continue what you were doing." With that, she walks away. Natsu opens the tent and sticks his head out. "Ready?" I turn and face him. "Yeah." He walks out of the tent and drags the big box out. I zip the tent behind him. "Where?" I point to the center. "There" "Ok, help with this Lucy, its heavy" "Ok"

After dragging the box to the center, we drop it to the ground. I sigh and put my hands on my hips. "That was heavy." "Hey Lu-chan! What are you doing!?" I turn and face Levy-chan. "Natsu asked to get his fire pit. So here we are, setting it up." "Natsu had a fire pit?" Natsu nods and glances back at her. "Yeah, it was a test sight for my experiments." "Ok?" I sigh then smile. "Wanna help?" "Sure!" She jogs over here and crouches next to me. "Ok, so lets see...." I open the box as Natsu sits across from me and Levy-chan. "Hm~ What's this packet thingy?" He picks up the packet with two fingers. I snatch it from him. "The instruction manual. Take the parts out before you do anything." "Ok!" Natsu picks one end of the box and dumps everything out. I sigh. "Thank god the small parts are in bags." 

I read the manual. "Put part A and screw it together with part B" I hear Levy-chan whisper. "So cliché." I giggle. Natsu scratches his head. "Uh, which is B and which is A?" I look at Levy-chan for help. She giggles and points to two pieces. "The one on the left is A and the right is B. Take two screws and screw them in the slot." "um..." I sweat drop. "Give me that!" I crawl towards him and sit next to him while grabbing the parts from him. "Hey! I had it!" I roll my eyes. "Sure~" "I did!" I giggle with Levy-chan. I grab some screws, put the pieces together then start turning the screws in. I set the now connected pieces down and look at Natsu. "See? It was that simple" "Yeah!" I giggle. "Then grab the other two pieces" I smile when he does. "And do the same thing I just did." He nods and does what I said. "In love~" We both ignore Levy-chan. "Ok, you two, combine the two pieces you've made and screw them together." We both nod and do what she says. When we finish, we sigh and put the finished fire pit circle down. I blink at the circle. Natsu does the same. "Well that's cool." I hear Levy-chan giggle. I stroke the metal. "Little stars huh. That's cute. Oh look, it has a moon too!" I look down at the lawn chairs they came with. Me and Natsu look at each other. Then burst out laughing. "What's so funny guys?" I wave a hand at Levy-chan. "Nothing, inside joke." I shake my head. "Alright, lets build these chairs then." "Alright"

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