Story line and Form

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You wake up half buried in snow with a beautiful white male wolf digging you out. "Oh your awake I thought we lost you for a moment." He smiled kindly somehow Standing perfectly in the harsh weather conditions, "My name is Akila, Alpha Male of the Silent pack..." He was tackled by a darker, more fierce looking she wolf, "Shut up Akila this wolf is part of the Druid pack!" She glanced down at you, "I'm Asuna, Alpha Female of the Druid pack."

They both get up and ask you, "Which pack do you want to join?"

Mate/pups/Crush: (If alpha female or alpha male the current alpha female or male is your mate)

My characters:

6 years oldest member of the Druid pack
Alpha Female
She is harsh, very strict, can be caring if she is caught off guard, always leads attacks on the enemy.
Mate: The Alpha Male (Soon to be announced)
Druid pack

4 years
Alpha Male
(The whiter wolf in the pic is him)
He is sweet, gentle, and caring with a lovable personality
Mate: The Alpha female (soon to be announced)
Silent pack

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