No Longer Six

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Luna was wrong... Days, weeks, and months past everypony would discuss about this New Lunar Republic. The more ponies knew about this the more ponies agree and disagree with the idea of Luna being the only ruler. So many disagreements; Equestria spilt in small groups.
Las Pegasus, Manehatten, EverFree Forest and some parts of Chanterlot are New Lunar Republic areas. Ponyville, Cloudsdale, and parts of Chanterlot are Solar Empire Areas.

Families, friends, love ones, turn on each other. The violence grew more and more- Celestia began arresting and throwing ponies in the dungeon- She change... The sun princess change, whenever she catch a follower of Luna, they will be thrown in the dungeon and- well nopony knows what happen to those in the dungeons. The Moon princess also change, her emotion state isn't well, her outbreaks happens when nopony is around. Her heart and body is filled of sorrow, knowing her sister hates her.

Life in Equestria change to the worst. it's everypony against everypony. All their hearts filled with hatred, hatred for their own family. Life in Equestria change to the worst...

What happen to the main six? Heh- well why don't you find out....


The streets of Ponyville empty- it been empty ever since everypony choose which side they are. It ain't easy being a Lunar Republican in a Solar Empire area-Yeah there is a few Lunar Republicans but only a small portion of the town population.
Everyday and every night Celestia anathema play through the speakers.
It's torture to our ears.

Oh Our Highness.
Our glorious sun.
We adore thee~

It's fucking annoying! Apparently it's music to the loyalist ears. Those blind bastards can't they see they're being lie to!

We adore thee.
Oh our Highness.
Our princess of rightness,
We adore thee~

Oh dear Luna! I rather blow my brains with my party canon than to hear more of this garbage! I can't take this anymore, I can't take this little game. I really don't like this- this isn't fun at all and I'm all about fun! I haven't smile in three days! Three fucking days! I haven't smile for three fucking damn days- And my hair, it's not in its usual bouncy state, it's flat straight down! It been straight ever since My friends chose their Princess.

I, Pinkamena is a New Lunar Republic along with Rarity and her little sister SweetieBelle. My reason why? Well if there's internal nights there's internal Parties! There're reasons why Chanterlot is mostly populated with NLR- it will help many business in chanterlots.

What about the others?
Well Twilight of course went with her precious teacher, that Tyrant, Celestia. RainbowDash of course being the element of Loyalty followed Princess Twilight Sparkle with the sun princess- Some kind of element of Loyalty she is! But then again Twilight did bribed her! Ugh makes me dislike Twilight! How dare she! Anyway, AppleJack also followed the sun Princess because of the Apple Farm which I totally understand and respect but it still upsets me. But Trust me the one whose more upset about AppleJack being in the Solar Empire is Rarity, I mean who wouldn't be sadden if your Marefriend isn't able to make contact with you! No seriously Princess Celestia made rules about that. Don't believe let me read you her rules about the Traitors- meaning us Lunar Republics. Ahem!

'Hereby now anypony who is with me, The loyalist of my Solar Empire shall not speak nor walk or look at the Traitors of my ponies, or shall I now say Luna's ponies. Any ponies of the NLR shall be shun for internally. If any loyalist is caught talking or even staring at a traitor they themselves will be a traitor and will be thrown in the dungeon until they are truly sor- Blah, Blah, Blah, noponies give a flying feather fuck! '

See how mad the tyrant is! Shun for internally ? Dungeon if a loyalist talks or makes contact with us children of the night- that's just stupid and really unfair! Anyway I could go on and on about how wrenched Celestia is but I must finish- Lastly Fluttershy..... Well Fluttershy..... It's really a sad thing for me to tell because nopony has seen Fluttershy. The last thing I heard from her was her talking about how everything should stay in harmony and that's the last I and anypony else saw her. It's really sad that she was the last thing with kindness in this world- in my opinion. Everywhere eveverypony is filled with anger, even myself.

I'm not my happy bubbly self anymore......


This has to be the most worst possible thing in the world..... Cities and town in Equestia are divide into two categories. One category is the Solar Empire where blind ponies are following the "Honorable." Sun Goddess! Celestia refers herself as a honorable Sun Goddess which is the most inconsistent thing I ever heard and I met BlueBlood! Now the loyalist- that's what the tyrant, Celestia, calls them while I call them the blind fools. Anyway, now the loyalist calls their dear goddess Honorable Goddess!

She is a wrenched Princess hiding behind a mask- she's a horrible princess- she tells the loyalist that us NLR are traitors when in reality she is the traitor! Wondering what NLR is? Well NLR stands for New Lunar Republic...... The New Lunar Republic wants nothing more but Princess Luna to be our Ruler and have internal night. There's benefits of nights! Beside Princess Luna was not the one who came up with the idea of New Lunar Republic- actually lets have a fast lesson.........

Years before the banishment of Nightmare Moon, many ponies were consider Princess Luna to become queen of Equestria for she showed the potential of being a queen. Of course Celestia being the oldest felt offended and jealous. She did anything to outshine her younger sister. She sabotage Luna rising of the moon a few times(even cause the moon to fall in the sea which took many days to find.) Few ponies began to doubt Luna's ability to become Queen but only a small potation of ponies still continue to think she is qualify to be Queen.

The small portion of ponies who were for Luna to become queen all gather up in a seductive area where they created The New Lunar Republic.
Every night more and more ponies would join the secret group. They would all plan on how to help Luna become Queen and when they had enough ponies they took action.
During the night, The New Lunar Republic wore a midnight blue cloth with a half moon stitch on the hood, to hide their identity. During the time of the moon rise NLR would move around Eauestria hanging Posters and graffiti on walls all the same thing. A picture of a blue half moon with the word Resist. They did this many nights Princess Luna took notice. Luna was ever so grateful that ponies continue to think she could be queen, but Celestia however was nothing but Jealously.
The ponies of the NLR disappear and were never seen again. Some theory they had quit and ran off to not face the consequences, others theory Celestia had done something to cause the disappearance of the NLR.

Well anyway the Ponies of the NLR had small foals which were taken to a orphanage because there parents were no longer there. The foals either were a orphan or homeless. Yes few of the foals slept in the streets, though Celestia did nothing for they were the children of NLR. Luna however couldn't stand seeing the awful sight, she felt very heart broken to see such small foals in agony. So one night she place a slumber spell on her older sister causing her to be dead sleep, and Luna fled the lands of Equestria to find those foals who were the second generation children of the NLR.
When she found them she gather the foals and took them somewhere unknown and they weren't seen again- but mysterious the NLR continued and grow..............

So, it was not Luna who made the Lunar Republican. It was ponies who thought she was capable of being ruler of Equestria........ Luna is to humble to be called a Goddess moon unlike Celestia- that wrenched tyrant!

It just angers me that I cannot talk to my love- AppleJack, my love, chose the Solar Empire along with RainbowDash and Twilight- I can't even explain on how angry I am with Twilight..... She literally bribe Rainbow with "If you join the Solar Empire You will be The WonderBolts Captain." And of course Rainbow being the element of Loyalty followed both the Princess- Princess of Friendship and the Tyrant Princess.
What else is horrible is my dear Fluttershy, she's missing! She ran off somewhere unknown and I'm really worried for her. Fluttershy is a very delicate and shy thing to be out there. Oh I hope she's alright.

Oh I hope this stupid thing finish and Luna wins!


Ah really didn't had a choice- either Ah be with mah love or kept mah farm alive ta provide food Fer mah family. It sucks.... It really sucks but Ah have ta Stick with mah family- *sigh* though AppleBloom does not agree in this whole thang, she ain't really talkin' anymore- but Ah'm guessin' cuz she can't talk ta her friends. Big Mac choose the Solar Empire Fer tha same reason, tha farm. It's mah family, RainbowDash, an' Twilight who are in tha Solar Empire....... But Ah think RD just here ta be tha WonderBolts Captan-
Sadly, Rarity is sided with Princess Luna with PinkiePie..... Now don't Cha go around sayin' they're traitors or anythan' like dat cuz tha two ain't! Especially Rarity, she have good reasons ta have internal night! But why couldn't she just side with me? It ain't dat hard ta just zip ya mouth an' follow the majority of ponies! It ain't hard so why didn't she side with the Solar Empire ?


It's unbelievably stupid how ponies are siding with Luna against Princess Celestia! Luna caused suffering to Celestia and perhaps other ponies. Those who are sided with Luna are idiotic fools. They insult my tutor, calling her a tyrant- I bet if Luna ruled Equestia, Equestia would be destroy and be filled with dangerous night. Luna and those in the NLR are Traitors, they should be Banish along with Luna to the moon for a thousand years! And to believe that two of my friends are siding with Luna.

Rarity that traitor and Pinkie Pie that idiotic Buffoon! Rainbow couldn't side with Luna because she is the element of Loyalty-she can't go and betray two Beloved Princess, It's obvious that Celestia and I are most loved by most ponies except the Traitors but who cares? They're traitors! I find very stupid that ponies think Luna could rule Equestria- I burst out laughing when somepony said that! It's so funny...... Celestia is a wonderful ruler, she's the sun Goddess, she had taken care of Equestria when Luna became NightmareMoon( and ponies wanted her to be queen.) Celestia is our beloved Princess Of The Sun, a Goddess, and a inspiration.
We adore thee

This whole thing between the princess is kinda stupid- I know, I know, I'm suppose to talk about how amazing Celestia is- which she really isn't, yeah she's a sun god but isn't Luna some sort of moon god..... Eh whatever I'm just in the Solar Empire with AppleJack and Twilight because The egghead said if I side with Celestia I'll be Captain of the WonderBolts. Which it's sweet and Awesome but I feel guilty because I broke my loyalty with my friends- especially Fluttershy..... S-She's gone now...... She ran off and was never found again, I want to look for her but Twilight won't let me, she wants me to stay close with her so I wouldn't be influenced by anypony else. Like I'm that easy to get influence *sigh* This whole thing is stupid! I haven't got any rest because of the stupid song they put on the speakers. Same stupid song on repeat day and night, I kind hope the NLR would hack or break the speaker system so I can have my rest!

So wondering where I am now- no not my nice awesome cloud home- they destroyed my home...... I lost everything including Tank. See ever since the separation of towns and ponies, ponies began to start riots, both of the sides graffiti on everything they could with there symbol( either a Sun or Half moon) and throwing bottles of cider with a burning cloth- see that( the burning cider) is what destroyed my home. Yup somepony threw the burning cider bottle inside my window when sleeping, Tank barely woke me up due to his slowness but he warn me in time because I started wheezing and coughing, pieces of my cloud began to decrease and one cloud under tank disappear- and he-....... *sniff* he fell to his doom. I swear I try to get him! I swear! But the smoke- it got me all nausea and I couldn't fly fast enough. He came crashing down the ground, all I could hear was the crunching noise he made when the shell touch the ground.

I lost my home and best friend that day. I am currently living in the Chanterlot castle with the two princess, Celestia and Twilight. It freaking sucks! Yeah I may be in the WonderBolt yeah I may be Captain but this sucks! I miss how things were back! I don't even know how the hell thing happen to cause this? I bet it was something stupid that started this! I just want things to go back to normal. I want tank back! I want my home back! I want Fluttershy back! I want things to go back to normal!

I decide to just skip all this long boring parts I planned and just start with the war! Anyway thank you for reading!




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