Only a Shadow

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The form of Herobrine was silhouetted against the orange glow of the burning forest around him, the smoke blocking the moon from view.

Servants stood hidden in the ruins of the city, their horses tethered to jagged blocks of broken stone. From among the Servants one stood out, however, one with black wings.

"It is good to see that you survived." Said Herobrine, turning to the Master.

"It will take more than that to kill me." It said in its raspy voice.

"Good. I have a mission for you." Said Herobrine, looking the Servant in the eye.

"Find the Warrior, and bring her back to me. They are in the Far Lands." He said.

"It is the only safe place."

"Move quickly, they will be on the move."

"I will not fail you." Said the Master, spreading its wings.

"If you do you know what will happen." Said Herobrine, his voice dangerously cold.

Then the Master took off into the fire-tinged night and Herobrine turned back to watching the forest burn, an evil grin on his face.

"You will be mine, Nikita." He whispered.
"You cannot escape me."

** ** **
Nikita woke with a start. They army had made itself a camp under the thick canopy of trees for the night, and she had been woken up by something moving around in the night.

She looked around, but only saw the silhouette of a soldier getting up and repositioning themselves on the grass.

Nikita lay her head back down on the Dragon's tail, curling close to her warmth. Almost the whole army slept close to the Dragon, under her wings and near her tail to keep warm during the cold night.

Nikita slept closer to the end of the Dragon's tail, so she could watch the darkness, curled close for warmth. Nikita found that she couldn't sleep, however, and instead decided to look at the stars peeking through the leaves above her.

They would have been beautiful if the threat of Herobrine wasn't looming over their heads at all times.

Nikita's dreams were riddled with white eyes and darkness, so she couldn't sleep no matter how hard she tried.

She also had one more thing looming over her head: the fact that she felt like she had failed every single person here.

The ones who were alive and the ones who weren't, she felt like she had let them down.

She knew that if she told her family, who were thankfully alive, they would say that it wasn't her fault. Elijah would say the same. Deep down, though, she knew that she just wasn't strong enough.

Nikita sighed quietly.

I wish that this was just all over. She thought.

I wish that we could all go home.

But that wasn't happening anytime soon. They didn't know how to permanently banish Herobrine.

The Ender Dragon didn't know because she was fighting Herobrine's army while the Warrior banished him, and she wasn't up to talking about it because of her wing injury.
I'm the Warrior now. She thought, the realization slamming into her as she thought about it more.

I have to lead them all. I have to protect them with my life, and give it if I have to.

Nikita looked over at where her family lay sleeping, Thomas snoring softly.

She smiled.

At least I have them. I have someone, and I have Elijah.

She looked over at where he lay sleeping, his helmet and chest plate laying on the grass beside him. He had a gash running from his left eye down to the corner of his mouth where a Servant had managed to injure him, and bruises marked his right side, which is why he took off the chest plate.

Nikita knew that everyone here was injured in some way, some worse then others, some wounds seen, some unseen.

She was the one in the best condition, as she healed faster then normal.

Apart of my abilities I guess. She thought.

It's useful, though.

Even though she healed faster, her emotional wounds weren't quite healed. They were greater than her physical ones, as she carried the fate of this army on her shoulders.

She carried the fate of Minecraftia on her shoulders. Everyone here depended on her, looked up to her.

As Nikita thought about these things she felt herself getting sleepy. She knew what would happen if she fell asleep, and she didn't want to relive her nightmares again.

She tried to stay awake, but Nikita then felt her eyes close, and she fell into a world of darkness. It only took moments before she saw the white eyes, but this time it was different. There was an orange glow behind them, like fire.

The image of the eyes faded to show the silhouette of a man against a burning forest.

"I know where you are." Said a voice that was all to familiar.

Fear gripped Nikita, and she tried with all her might to do or say something, but no words came out of her mouth.

"I know where you ran." The man said, turning around.

All she could see of Herobrine was his glowing white eyes, the rest of him was black, a shadow.

"I will destroy everything you love."

Herobrine walked towards her, his form still as black as a starless sky.

"You will be mine."

Overwhelming fear consumed Nikita, the dream seeming so real that all she wanted to do was to get away, to run, to flee, but she couldn't.

All she could do was watch as Herobrine came up to her, his white eyes all she could see.

"You cannot win this, Warrior. I will not be defeated again. Minecraftia will fall, you will be mine and all you love will die with this world."

The dream faded, Herobrine's evil laughter echoing in her mind as it did. Nikita woke up gasping, her heart racing, her breathing fast.

"Hey," said a comforting voice.

Nikita looked up to see Elijah kneeling over her.
Nikita looked into Elijah's warm brown eyes and did something she never thought she would do.

She hugged Elijah tight, tears falling.

"He knows where we are." She whispered.

"He said that all of you will die, that Minecraftia will fall."

Nikita felt him hug her tighter, and then release her so he could looked her in the eyes.

"Not if we fight back." He said, his tone strong.

"If we can find the people who live out here we can build our army up again, and this time it will be stronger."

Nikita smiled at him, her eyes becoming confident.

"And we have you." He added quietly.

"We have someone who is brave and strong."

As Elijah said those words her heart warmed, and new confidence emerged.

"Thank you." Said Nikita, standing.

Elijah smiled.

"Now let's get moving."

Nikita gently woke the Dragon, who was still trying to recover from her wing injury.

Time to move? She asked, standing and stretching her wings and neck.

Yeah. Said Nikita, climbing onto her back.

How are you feeling? She asked.

Better. Said the Dragon.

Good. Said Nikita, relief filling her.

If the Ender Dragon were to get seriously injured or killed...

Nikita shook off those thoughts, not wanting to think about what would happen.

Where are we going? Asked the Dragon.

Towards the Frostfang Mountains. Answered Nikita.

We are going to try to find the people who live here, see if they can help us, at least give us food and shelter.

Sounds like a plan. Said the Ender Dragon.

Part of one. Said Nikita.

I still don't know what the other half will consist of. If they help us, we have a chance. If they don't...
Nikita trailed off, thinking about all of the possibilities.

Just go with they will help us for now. Said the Ender Dragon.

The people here will help you, I know it. The first Warrior lived here. I fought here, I've met the people here, I fought with them. They aren't the type to back down.

Then we have a chance, no matter how small. Said Nikita.


The army moved out at around midday, the Ender Dragon flying high above them to keep watch for any danger.

Nikita thought about how they had no real plan for continuing forward, they knew that they needed allies, but didn't know where to find them.

We will eventually figure out a plan, but it may be to late. Herobrine is getting closer and closer by the second. He won't give up the chase. He will hunt us down, and we need to be prepared.

Yes. Said the Ender Dragon.

That we do, and that we are not.

Nikita sighed.

What we need right now is to find a safe place to bed down for the night close to the Frostfang Mountains.

It will give us the shelter we need, and then we can continue into the mountains to find the people who live there. I know there has to be at least one group of people that live up there.

It will be cold, we won't be equipped for it. Said the Ender Dragon.

That's why we will be going up, making sure that there are actually people there, and then I can move them through a portal. Said Nikita.

It was a couple more hours before they found a good spot at the base of the mountain to rest for the night. The Ender Dragon curled up like she had the night before and the army slept close to her for warmth.

Tonight Nikita slept peacefully for the first time in what felt like days. In the morning she awoke to the sound of something, no, someone rustling in the bushes. She summoned her sword to her and got up, creeping towards the sound.

When she got to where the sound had stopped Nikita reached out and parted the bushes, revealing something she wasn't at all expecting to see.


Yes! First chapter of the second book is out! How did you guys like it? Was it good? I know that it was longer then the chapters in the first book, but these chapters will be longer and hopefully well written. I hope that you guys read on!

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