Chapter 17

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Demelza wrote to Ross that very night. He was home by the end of the next week. London could wait; he had to protect his family.
The day after he arrived, Ross rode to Crawley Hall, feeling the same sickening feeling when George set himself up in Trenwieth; corruption ruling over the common. Ross was ready for a fight, but he knew if things got violent he would be arrested. What would happen to his family, or more pressing, Emma?
He strode right into Phillip Crawley's study with his typical defiant walk. The wealthy landowner was caught off guard, and started to stand. Ross caught the action quickly.
"If you have anything in your desk, please keep your hands where I can see them." Ross stated simply.
Philip sat back down, remembering their confrontation at the tavern. "I see you took your time coming to see me," he answered, his voice carrying just a hint of fear.

"I was in London. Lets get to the point; you are never going to go near Emma again. After all the years her family worked for you, the debts should have been paid off a long time ago. I know from what other girls have said that you just kept Emma so you could prey on her." Ross said.

"She's indentured to me until she's eighteen! It's in a contract; legally binding." Philip spat.
Ross smiled slyly.
"I knew there would be something like that. I may have something just as strong. Do you know why I was in Truro the day you attacked me and tried to take Emma?" He asked, knowing he had Philip cornered.
The other man gripped the desk, not knowing what to say next.
"What?" He countered.
"I drew up documents to make Emma my ward. She will live with me until she either marries or her family comes for her. You will let her go, and if you have any decency, tell me where her family is."
"You wouldn't!"
In response, Ross reached into his satchel and pulled out the document; it looked like an adoption paper.
"A piece of paper doesn't change anything!" Philip railed.
"I suggest you let Emma go. While you're at it, move far away, or you'll have me to look out for. I'd do the world a favor and kill you myself, but I've had too many brushes with the law already. Everyone knows what you did not only to Emma, but numerous other women and girls. There's plenty of fathers, brothers, and husbands that would love to see you hang; not with a trial of course." With that, Ross turned to leave, hearing Philip one last time.
"I don't know where her family is....I sent her hag of a mother packing without a penny."
Though Ross never told her, one of the happiest days of his life was when he told Emma that she was to be his ward. She would be cared for and loved, and have the closest thing to a family.

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