Chapter 24

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The remaining months of Emma's pregnancy went by fast. She found herself thinking up names for her baby; trying to imagine if it would be a boy or girl. She made clothes, and Demelza gave her some from Jeremy and Clowerence.
Finally, the morning came that Emma felt a little under the weather when she woke up with David. She got out of bed to make something to settle her stomach. David had heard Emma cry out from the kitchen.
"What's wrong?" He asked, concern just starting to sound.
"I think it's time!" She wailed, trying to stand up straight again.
"Do you want me to stay?"
"No! Get Demelza and Prudie!" Emma hollered back, breathing heavily. David ran straight out the door, headed to Nampara. Emma dragged herself back to the bedroom, almost wishing she hadn't sent him away. The few moments that it took Demelza and Prudie to get to the cottage felt like an eternity to her. The next pain came just as they came into the room.
"It's alright, we're here." Demelza soothed.
Emma would always remember that when she was in labor, two women who had cared for her stayed by her side for those hours.
"You have a boy!" Prudie cheered
Emma gave sigh, but then winced when another pain came.
" hurts."
"It might just be the afterbirth coming." Demelza said calmly, but went on to examine her.
Demelza abruptly pulled Prudie aside, and Emma was in so much pain she could barely hear their hushed and nervous conversation.
"Should I run and get Dr. Ennys?" Prudie asked
" least, not yet." Demelza answered and went back to Emma's bedside.
"Emma, I know you're tired, but I need you to keep pushing."
Emma could hear her son's soft cry through her own pain. She managed to get the final push in, and sank into a comforting black.

Her eyes opened to Demelza bathing the sweat off of her face.
"My baby, I want to see him."
Demelza shushed her tenderly, but got up to the cradle.
"Your son is doing well. He looks strong and sturdy. And your daughter is healthy, too."
Emma blinked; she was still cloudy from fainting and Demelza's words hadn't registered.
"My daughter?"
Demelza and Prudie laid two small bundles on Emma's lap.
"You were carrying twins."
The babies were making mouse little sounds an Emma picked one of them up.
"That's the boy, we tied a white ribbon around his ankle so you can tell them apart."

Emma stroked her son's tiny face with her finger. She counted her daughter's perfect little toes. After so many years, she had what she had been missing; a family.

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