✽ Chapter 11 ✽ ~Part 4~

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•••(Y/n)'s P.O.V•••
"(N/n)! Look at this one.." Nee-chan said while blushing, pointing at the dessert on the magazine. We were reading a magazine about lovely desserts and discussing about it, though she was the only one blushing from it. Suddenly, the door swung opened, and in came budging Mitsuru,
"Hey, Warden, (y/n)-chan! The final match is about to begin!" He announced energetically.
"I-I'm aware of that! More importantly, you need to keep your voice down!" Nee-chan stuttered, immediately hiding the magazine behind her back.
"Thank you, Mitsuru-kun." I giggled.
"Aye aye.." Mitsuru hummed, then snatched the magazine away from Nee-chan.
"Oh? You like sweets, Warden? You're more girly than I thought." He hummed.
"Who cares?!" Nee-chan exclaimed, all flushed.
"I do" I said simply, hugging her.
"I do like your desserts, (n/n)." She said and patted me.

The three of us then made our way back to the arena. "Building 4 and 13 are the ones advancing, correct?" Nee-chan asked.
"Yep, same as last year, yet again!" Mitsuru retorted.
"It'll be exciting, right??" I asked, excited about the upcoming last event.
"Indeed, (Y/n)-chan. Their battle will have an impact on the inmates, as well. It's worth showing to all the buildings." Mitsuru replied while patting my head.
"We hold the New Year's Tournament at the start of the year to change inmate' attitudes and show them our guards' strengths. We'll make the inmates feel first-hand power and mental strength of our guards. That's Nanba's way of educating our inmates!" Nee-chan explained austerely.
"Uwahh.. That's actually really clever." I replied.
"Oh how scary. You're pretty sadistic, Warden. You're probably on par with my best friend." Mitsuru stated, earning a glare from Nee-chan, "Your best friend?"
"Hajime, who else? You know we're good friends, right? I mean, you're always watching him—" Mitsuru didn't even finish talking and got punched by Nee-chan, sending him flying.
"Oh my.." I muttered.

❈ ❈ ❈

"Yeah! Thanks for waiting, everyone! The final event of the New Year's Tournament is about to begin!" Mitsuru announced, his head full of blood and his clothes torn to shreds.
"Just like last year, it's a clash between building 4 and building 13! I'm looking forward to a heated battle again this year!" Mitsuru continued, seemed like he wasn't even phased by his own condition.

"Good work making this far, guards and inmates. I anticipate an exciting match for this final event! Hit each other with all you've got and win! The final match is the main event of the New Year's Tournament! Sake barrel opening!" Nee-chan exclaimed and slammed her hand onto the barrel of sake.
"The one who opens this specially-made Nanba Prison sake barrel first wins! You will enter as a two-man team consisting of one guard and one inmate!" I followed, standing beside her.

I leaped off of the loge I was on and hopped onto the platform with Mitsuru. I looked down at the discussing guards and inmates, noticing that Jyugo was arguing with the other inmate. Weird, the other inmate looked awfully familiar. It's like I've seen or known him before. I tried to listen to the inmate's voice, then it struck me. He's my best friend from when I went to college in Germany. The hair colour, his voice. It has to be him. I knew he had spontaneous human combustion, but I didn't know that it changed his appearance that much to the point I didn't recognised him. Nostalgia hit me and I started to tear up. I got the news of him losing his family and getting arrested the next day that I had just moved back to Japan. He was taken to somewhere that I wasn't given authorisation to visit him, I knew he was taken to some place horrible, and I couldn't do anything about it. I was furious about the people who did those to him, and myself.
"(Y/n)-chan, are you alright? You're crying." Mitsuru worriedly asked me, his hand on my shoulder.
"Y-Yes, I am.. it's just.. nostalgia. I know that inmate." I stutteredly replied, whipping away my tears.
"You know him? Do you need a break?" Mitsuru asked.
"I-I'm fine, Mitsuru-kun. Thank you for your concern. Let's start the match, yeah?" I replied, smiling at him.
"Speak out if you're not well, yeah?" He patted my head and turned his gaze onto the participants.
"Alright! Let the final event begin!" He shouted out.

•••Third Person P.O.V•••
The participants started sprinting towards the direction of the sake. Inmate 634, Musashi, made a turn and sent an axe-kick towards Jyugo, and he managed to barely block it. Musashi then punched Jyugo, only to get blocked by his shackles.
"Woah! A sudden axe kick by number 634 right from the get-go! That's gonna leave a mark!" Mitsuru commented energetically.
"That's all it takes to make you shrink back? You're getting pretty rusty, eh, Jyugo?" Musashi stated with a slight smug, irritating Jyugo.

Musashi blocked Jyugo on his way up. "Woah, where'd you think you're going?" Musashi questioned.
"I have lots of questions for you. I have no time for battle." Jyugo retorted, slight venom in his voice.
"I have no intention of chatting and catching up. I'll take that thing you have.. by force." Musashi threatened. Jyugo then aggressively delivered rapid punches towards Musashi, but Musashi blocked all of them while still grinning.
"Idiot!" Musashi exclaimed and slapped Jyugo onto the wall. "What happened to your fierceness? Hand me those shackles already."
"Like I told you back then.. I can't unlock them even if I wanted to!" Jyugo choked out.
"You're saying that only the man with the scar can unlock them." Musashi stated, which triggered Jyugo immensely. Jyugo suddenly got really aggressive and started rapidly attacking Musashi, but he blocked every move.
"I'll tell you if you beat me!" Musashi yelled, sending out a fire ball towards Jyugo, shocking everyone in the arena.

"M-Musashi..! H-how.." (y/n) gasped out in full shock. "I-I didn't know he could will fire into existence..!"

All of a sudden, the rubble and concrete that were covering Jyugo got sliced and blown up. Jyugo appeared out, the shackles on his wrists turned into long, black blades. He started screaming, glaring daggers at Musashi. Within a second, he aggressively sliced his blade towards Musashi, but he dodged it. The missed slice struck a massive crack all the way to the bleaches of the arena, leaving everyone terrified.
"Emergency! All inmates are to follow the guards' instructions and calmly evacuate!" Mitsuru announced, but all the inmates were panicking and weren't listening.
"Stop the cameras! (Y/n)! Try to stop them if you can!" The warden ordered.

"Yes, ma'am!"

The two continued fighting, one using fire balls and blasts while the other uses blades. Jyugo struck another slice, but missed, once again creating a giant crack halfway the arena.
"Apprehend those two! Their powers are beyond our comprehension! Capture them and reveal their true identities!" Momoko strictly ordered.

•••(Y/n)'s P.O.V•••
I sprinted towards Musashi and Jyugo, and took out a small baton looking weapon made by Kazari back in building 13. It's a retractable futuristic double edged sword. One click, it will extend itself into a double edged sword almost the same height as me. Another click, the sword will retract itself back into a baton.

I clicked on the button and the sword extended itself, forming the double edged sword instantly as I sprinted.
"Jeez, I could do without any interruptions." I heard Musashi said before throwing a fire blast towards the guards and I, which we dodged just barely.
"M-Musashi!" I screamed out, couldn't believe that he would even attack me.
"Oh, (Y/n)? I knew you would come and stop me. I'm sorry but, we'll catch up later after I'm finished. I don't want to fight you, you know it better than I do. So please, step away before I injure you." Musashi warned me, his smile was as soft as I remembered.
"Musashi, no! Stop this—" I was cut off by Jyugo's strike towards Musashi, which he dodged.
"Tell me!!" Jyugo furiously yelled out.
"I will take those shackles from you!!" Musashi shouted out, forming a fire ring, trapping Jyugo and himself in.
"Tsk!" I sprinted and leaped into the ring, the fire burned my trousers a bit.
"I've thought, if I reduce you to ash, then those shackles will remain." Musashi said, not even acknowledging that I leaped into the ring of fire. Jyugo started screaming, and swiftly sliced away the flames.

"Number 634, that's enough! If you retaliate l, you'll—" Kenshirou got cut off by Musashi's fire blast, hitting both the guards.
"I have no interest in weaklings. Now there's no one left to interfere, except for (Y/n)." Musashi said, but was surprised when he saw that Kiji and Samon had blocked the attack.

All four of the supervisors started attacking the inmates in order to apprehend them. Kiji, Samon and Kenshirou were dealing with Musashi, while Hajime was dealing with Jyugo.
"Musashi! Stop this, please!" I pleaded as I swiftly blocked and sliced through his fire attacks with my sword.
"I will not stop until I get what I want, (Y/n)! Leave this, now! I don't want to hurt you!" Musashi yelled out, his voice slightly laced with sorrow.
"We won't let you!" The three guards yelled out, and started apprehending him. Kenshirou used his whip to sustain Musashi in place, Samon used his chi and used it on his staff for bars, and Kiji used his blades to cover the top. I walked towards him, "Musashi.. I'm sorry. But you are to be apprehended and kept like this until we finish dealing with Jyugo." I said to Musashi, but didn't get a reply back.

I fixed my gaze towards Jyugo and Hajime, with Hajime using a gun, but Jyugo sliced through every single bullet. They both battled out, with Jyugo sending rapid strikes towards Hajime. Before Hajime could pull the trigger onto Jyugo's head, Uno came sprinting to us, screaming, followed by Rock and Nico too. The three of them quickly grabbed Jyugo, suppressing and preventing him from attacking further. Though, it didn't work. He struck and three of them were all forcefully flung out of his way.
"Rock! Nico!!" I screamed out.
I've seen enough. I sprinted towards Jyugo, my sword ready to block his every strike. "JYUGO!!—" But then, I felt a sharp pain on the side of my abdomen. I looked down, I was sliced. I will bleed to death if not treated immediately.

He was... faster than me.

"(Y/N)!!!" I hear everyone yelled out to me.
"I-I'm fine, deal with Jyugo first!!" I yelled out, I could taste blood in my mouth.
"But you're—"
"I SAID DEAL WITH HIM FIRST!!!" I yelled out, my voice laced with venom. I coughed out blood the second I yelled.
I could barely see Jyugo walking towards Uno, and struck. But, someone blocked it. Hajime blocked his blade with his bare hand. He punched Jyugo in the stomach, earning a mouthful of blood puked onto his face.
"Stop.." I weakly uttered.
He then proceeded to mercilessly beat the shit out of Jyugo, with no emotion on his face. He was going to strike again, before,

"I SAID STOP!!!!!" I yelled, getting up from the ground. Hajime ceased, and put down Jyugo. I weakly walked up to Hajime, any second and I'll pass out from blood lost. The guards and inmates tried to stop me, but I continued. I stopped, looked Hajime in the eyes.


I slapped him, and he fell tumbling from my slap. Before I could even witness anyone's reaction, I passed out onto the ground, faintly hearing my name getting called out as I lost my consciousness.

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