✽ Chapter 13 ✽ ~Part 2~

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•••Musashi's P.O.V•••
"I was invited. What should I do? I can't even leave the underground cell." I said as I sat down in my cell. I was invited to go to Uno's recreation room when I passed by the green hair's arcade room. I expected (y/n) to be there too, but she wasn't.
"I'll reconsider it. But you have to tell me about your past." Inu spoke.
"Very well." I responded, and started telling him about my past.

"My body temperature was slightly higher than normal. My mother used to smile and say, 'Your hands are warm, like the sun.' I liked my body's warmth, which she called the sun. Until something happened. The intense heat that burned my throat. I could barely breathe. That's when I started to fear death. The doctors couldn't figure it out. My test results all came back normal. But I suffered from chronic nightmares after. I saw myself engulfed in flames. The same year before that incident, I met (y/n) in the same college. She was so smart that she was a grade skipper. She was younger than me but went to the same classes with me." I paused, smiling. "She was the only person in that college to know about my situation. She was also the only person that I was friends with. 'You're so warm. Just like the sun, it's so soothing.' She often said in a soft smile, just like my mom. She would always spend time with me, studying and hanging out. She was my best friend. She would always comfort me when I have my nightmares. One day, just when I had started to forget about my fear of that heat.. my whole body lit up in flames. Everyone was panicking, but they didn't do anything. (Y/n) was the only one who called the ambulance and tried to stop the flames, but failed to do so. I was in the hospital for a while, and she would visit me everyday and to give me notes from classes. My parents and (y/n) were very kind to me, even though I was abnormal. That's why I wanted to live and face my fears head-on. After I got released from the hospital, I was told to stay at home for a couple of days first before attending college again, and (Y/n) still visited me everyday. She unfortunately had to go back to Japan the day before I could go back to college, and we promised to visit each other in the future. But, the next day, I was accused for an arson the day that I went back to college. I ran back home, only to see that my house was engulfed in flames, killing both my parents. No one would listen to me, no one believed that I wasn't the arsonist. 'Monster' they called me. That moment, I heard something inside me break. If only (Y/n) was there.." I frowned, looking down at the ground. "I was relieved when they locked me up in prison. I wouldn't lose anything again, and no one would call me a monster."

"It was a prison in Germany, right?" Inu asked.
"Yeah that's where I met him.."
"The man with the scar on his neck"
"...Yeah I explained the rest earlier. He told me he'd fix my body, but he turned me into a real monster instead. All for the sake of his research." I explained, slight rage filling me. I then explained to him about the horrible experiments that man did to me. He used me and got his data, and just like that, he sliced my right eye.
"I can't prove anything I said, though. That prison was burned to the ground, none of the data survived. You don't have to believe me. I don't have the power to get my revenge anymore. But it's strange.. I kinda feel more at ease. My desire to kill that man will never fade. But to tell you the truth, I wish if arrived at this state sooner. I wish I didn't show my harsh side to (y/n)..." I softly said, looking at inu.

"Like you said, any normal person would think your story has no credibility. But I've seen it with my own eyes.. Yours and number 15's power, which transcend common sense. So I know you're telling the truth." Inu said, his voice laced with solemnity. He then told me about his own research about inmates being used as human experiments but they were all rejected, so he became a correctional officer so he can investigate further.
"You're very dedicated to your work. You wanna rake the credit that much?" I asked, jokingly.
"No. I simply can't forgive those who violate the law. Using prisons for personal gain is an unforgivable act on its own, let alone using inmates for human experiments. I won't let them get away with it! It's for my own justice!" I don't need to see him just to know that his face is plastered with sternness.

After a few more sentences being exchanged, inu said that he was willing to put my story on the line for it, though it was supposed to me my line.
"You're way too serious." I chuckled as I put my fist on his offered palm.
"Good. You learned how to shake. Good boy." Inu said collectedly.
"Wait a minute! What do you mean 'shake'?!" I exclaimed out, not liking what he said.
"It's a joke. Forget it."
"Your not the type to tell jokes!!"
"Just forget it."
"I won't!!!"

The Next Day
•••(Y/n)'s P.O.V•••
"Why'd you call us all the way out here for, huh?" Honey asked with an irk mark on his head while talking to Uno and seemed like they were about to quarrel. We were outside Uno's recreation room and he invited both Trois and Honey to witness it.
"Hello, love." Trois greeted me, to which I didn't quite like what he called me, but I still greeted him back.

"Just follow me! I wanna show off my game room!" Uno brightly exclaimed, earning another outburst from Honey. Kiji then came and pushed Honey into the room.
"Uno-kun.." I mumbled, smiling at the persistent inmate. We entered and it was just a giant empty room. Everyone proceeded to ask why it was empty.
"Well, I can't help that, it's not done yet." Uno said, earning yet again another scolding from Honey.
"We're all gonna create this recreation room! We'll put in all the things that we like so we can have fun doing things we enjoy!" Uno happily exclaimed out, twirling.
"We're gonna help?" Honey asked, perplexed.
"I knew he was odd ever sinse the tournament." Trois sweat-dropped.
"Uno-kun's so lively~!" I giggled next to the three other boys.

Some other new voices entered the room. It was Hajime, Seitarou and Yamato. They brought all the furniture here and Hajime complained about it.
"Uwaah!! Thank you guys so much!! I always wanted this sofa!" Uno thanked the guards and hoped onto the sofa.
"Hey, what is that inmate of yours thinking?" Kiji asked, looking at the scene in front of him.
"How should I know?" Hajime retorted.
"Hey, is this the recreation room? What are you guys up to now?" Samon asked, the inmates from cell 8 behind him.
"Hello everyone!!" I greeted them with a wide smile. Liang, Qi and Rock then set up a mahjong table in the room. The three supervisors were talking, and I wanted to join in before Mitsuru came crashing in on them with a giant box.
"M-Mitsuru!!!" I scolded him, but he purposely ignored my scolding and turned towards Uno.
"Where should I put these???"

He unloaded all the items from the box and the whole place was set. Dart machines and pool tables. Uno was so happy that he tackle hugged Mitsuru and thanked him profoundly.
"Oh oh! (Y/n) you can go change now!!" Uno said, sparkles in his eyes.
"Ah.. I was hoping that you forgot.. whatever. It's only for today and you won." I sighed and I exited the room.
"Where's she going?" I heard the people ask.

Minutes later, I came back, and everyone yelled in surprise upon seeing my attire. I was requested to wear a revealing bunny suit with bunny ears, to suit with the casino-looking room.
"NUMBER 11 HOW DARE YOU MAKE HER WEAR SOMETHING LIKE THAT?!?!" The guards yelled at him, close to punching him.
"Guys. Chill. It's only for today and it was a request from his victory." I stated and walked to the middle of the room, all eyes were on me.
"No pictures taken and no touchies. Any violations and I will punch you into next week. Got it?" My aura changed, and received nods from everyone, who were all blushing.
"Great! Now resume with your activities." My aura changed back and I had a smile on my face.

Everyone continued with their activities, playing darts and pool. I was standing next to Honey and Uno as they played darts and Honey was being arrogant with it. Suddenly, Uno fixed his gaze to the door and shouted, "Musashi!"
I whipped my head back instantly, to see that Musashi was standing by the entrance.
"Y-yo.." he uttered out. I slowly walked towards him and he noticed the footsteps coming towards him.
"M-Musashi..?" I stuttered, tears forming in the corners of my eyes.
"(Y/n)..?" He replied, looking down at me.
"(Y/n) I..—" I cut him off and hugged him, as tightly as I could.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry I left! I-I couldn't do anything about it! I—" I cried out, tears rolling down my cheeks.
"It's not your fault, (y/n).. You did nothing wrong. I'm sorry I tried to attack you during the tournament.. is your wound healing well?" Musashi asked, his voice laced with worry, but also comfort.
"M-mm.. it is.." I lifted my head, still not separating from the hug. "What have they done to you..?" I said as I cupped his face, and gently rubbed his scar.
"It's all in the past. I'm alright now." He softly responded.
"You're as warm as I remember.. I miss it." I chuckled, wiping away my tears.
"I'm sure you do.." he replied, petting me.
"Um.. hate to disturb your reunion but, what is going on here?" Uno asked, probably everyone wanted to ask too.
"He's an important friend of mine, and I haven't seen him in such a long time. Let me have this moment." I retorted as I continued hugging him, the warmth soothing me.
"A-also (y/n).." Musashi uttered.
"What're you wearing..? It feels like you're not wearing a-anything at all.." He asked, no wonder he didn't hug back, he was blushing as well.
"O-oh!! Sorry! I was requested to wear a bunny outfit, you see..!" I immediately let go of him, blushing as well.
"Not fair!! You said no touchies!" Uno sulked, getting a punch on the head by Hajime.
"M-Musashi's an exception! Since he can't see me!" I embarrassedly exclaimed.
"(Y/n).." I heard Musashi mumble.

Everyone was about to resume with their activities until Seitarou and Hajime called out to them.
"Oi. It's time to head back, punks." Hajime sternly announced, receiving grunts and complaints from all of the inmates.
"You've played enough! I let you use all your free time!" Hajime scolded.
"Then how long do I get to play here per day?!" Uno childishly shouted.
"1 hour, of course." Hajime frustratedly answered, irk marks all over his face. He was then bombarded with complaints and insults. He was about to burst.
"E-everyone..—" I uttered, trying to stop them before-


They all got punched by Hajime. The other supervisors seemed to be upset by his action and so was I.
"HAJIME." I yelled before punching him on the head as well.

(A/n: Guys I cant I just absolutely love Musashi so much I'm gon die—)

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