✽ Chapter 17 ✽

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(A/n: Hey guys! I'm so sorry that I haven't updated for a while! It's because I was very busy with school but now I have time since school's closed again for a while due to the virus. So here's a new chapter!)

•••(Y/n)'s P.O.V•••
As everyone and I were on our way back to building 13, I noticed something quite odd about Yamato and Rock. Usually both of them are very energetic, especially Yamato. Rock would drool over what meal he's going to have later and Yamato would have his wide smile on. But now, they're quiet, emotionless. They wouldn't even answer me when I talk to them. Weird, very weird. I saw someone gesture their hand at me from the corner of my eye, and I noticed that it was from Tsukumo. I got up from my seat and sat next to him.

"(Y/n)-dono, I've noticed something odd about Rock and Yamato-san." He whispered, not moving from his arms-crossed position.
"You too, huh?" I answered.
"Yes. I suggest we follow them to inspect what happened."
"Alright then. You'll follow Rock and I'll follow Yamato."

We agreed and waited until our destination arrived. We entered the building and parted ways to follow each of the odd-acting person. The whole walk to the guards' room with Yamato was quiet and I could feel something in the atmosphere around him. Best get ready for what's to come.

As we entered, Seitarou greeted us welcomely, "Deputy Supervisor and (Y/n)-san, welcome back!"
"You're both late!" Hajime exclaimed.
"Did number 69 and the others return to their cells?" Seitarou questioned, but didn't get a respond.
"Deputy Supe-" before Seitarou could even finish talking, a swift punch was sent by Yamato, aiming at him.

Luckily, Hajime was fast enough to block Yamato's fist with his hand.
"What the hell are you thinking, Yamato?" Hajime questioned, tightening his grip.
"Supervisor! Deputy Supervisor! Please stop!" Seitarou exclaimed, but he was ignored as both of them started throwing punches and Hajime landed one on Yamato, sending him flying onto the ground.
"(Y/n). Explain." Hajime said, glaring at the fallen individual.
"I noticed something very odd of Yamato-san and Rock-kun on our way back here. This only happened when we left building 5. That's all I know." I explained. I was on guard, readied in case Yamato decides to attack again.
"Supervisor! What if you had seriously injured the deputy supervisor?!" Seitarou shouted as he grabbed a first aid kit and went to check if Yamato had any injuries.

Suddenly, Yamato got up and punched Seitarou straight into a wall, knocking him out completely.
"Seitarou!!" I yelled, absolutely concerned about him. I ran towards him and picked him up. He had bruises and blood flowing down his head.
"Hajime, deal with Yamato first!" I yelled as I took the first aid kit and placed Seitarou down on the couch. I quickly applied ointment and wrapped his head with bandages. At the back, I could hear Hajime and Yamato fighting, knocking everything down.

After finishing bandaging Seitarou up, I got up and used my agility to hand-chop Yamato's nape, knocking him down instantly, with me sitting on his back.
"This is not the Yamato we know." I stated bitterly, until I noticed something on his nape.
"Wait.." I uttered as I peeled the paper off. I recognised it immediately. It's a talisman that lets you control an individual.
"That's.. I've seen it before." Hajime stated as I stood up and handed him the talisman.
"It's from building 5."

❈ ❈ ❈

I made my way to the infirmary to check on the others while Hajime went on his way to find Samon to discuss about the talisman. I heard that Tsukumo and Jyugo got badly injured because of Rock. Hajime wanted me to go back to nee-san as it was late but I insisted that I wanted to get updates on Tsukumo.

I entered the infirmary and all eyes were on me.
"(Y/n)-chan!" Both Nico and Uno exclaimed. I saw Tsukumo and Jyugo laying on top of the beds, their wounds properly treated.
"You two.." I muttered upon seeing the injured two.
"(Y/n)-dono." Tsukumo said as he sat up, the blanket fell to his hips, revealing his bare chest bandaged.
"A-ah you're topless.." I uttered, looking away a bit flushed.
"It's okay, I don't mind." He replied, also a bit flushed.
"Anyways, I've came to check on you two before I go back. And thank you, Tsukumo-kun, for investigating Rock." I said as I sat on the couch in between Tsukumo and Jyugo.
"Are you both alright?" I asked, concern laced in my voice.
"I'm used to being this injured.. Just cuts and bruises." Jyugo replied.
"They said I have no broken bones. But I should've practice breaking my falls a bit more.." Tsukumo softly said as he smiled to reassure me.

Though, the other two blankly stared at him.
"Hm? What's wrong?" Tsukumo questioned.
"Nothing, just.. Were you always like this..?"
"You don't talk like a ninja."

Tsukumo quickly realised that he broke character and got very embarrassed. He then got bombarded with the two's whining about him not being a ninja.
"P-poor Tsukumo-kun.." I muttered, earning a nod from Jyugo.

"Seems like building 5's talismans were placed on Yamato-san and Rock-kun. Though, they don't use qigong, so why would someone use talismans on them?" I asked, thinking throughly about it.
"It'll be easier to control a normal person I assume." Tsukumo retorted.
"Why though? They both aren't that stupid. So it wouldn't be that easy to place one on them." Uno stated.
"That's right. Both Tsukumo-kun and I were both not present when it happened. Tsukumo-kun was training at the courtyard while I was in a meeting with the warden and supervisors." I explained, receiving a sigh from Uno.
"This all makes less and less sense." Uno sighed.
The room went silent as everyone was trying to figure out the truth behind the talismans.

"Then how about this? Since it's pointless to argue about who did it and why, shouldn't we just go to building 5 ourselves?" Uno stated, breaking the tension.
"That.. isn't a bad idea." I replied.
"Then it's settled. Tomorrow we shall go to building 5."

❈ ❈ ❈

"No!" Hajime exclaimed after hearing Uno's request to go to building 5.
"Why not?!" Uno shouted, frustrated by that response.
"Isn't it obvious?! I can't just take inmates to another building! That's what you called me this early in the morning for?" Hajime irritatedly replied.
"Please, Hajime-san. Just take them with us there." I asked as I looked at Hajime pleadingly, hoping that he'll at least allow the request from me.
"N-no, (Y/n). I can't do that." He replied, though he did stutter.
"What's the big deal?! Even (Y/n)-chan asked you! You're about to go to building 5 anyways. Take us with you!" Uno exclaimed.
"(Y/n).." Hajime uttered, looking at me.
"I didn't tell him! He figured it out himself!" I exclaimed, crossing my arms.

"You'll think that it's from building 5 because they were both there before the incident, right? We've been thinking about it too. We have the right to know what happened to Rock and what the hell is going on. We won't rest until we see the truth with our own eyes." Uno explained, trying once more to convince Hajime.
"Idiot. You shits have no part in this. It's our job. Stay out of our way. And don't even bother (Y/n) to help you." Hajime said as he turned his back towards the door.

I gave the look to Uno and he nodded. He then started his "plan B".
"Hmm.. I guess it can't be helped. We'll just go on our own, then~." Uno singsonged as he pulled in Nico and Jyugo.
"Ah~! I asked you out of the goodness of my heart, you know. It seems like you're too busy right now, since Yamato, Seitarou and my lady (Y/n) are out of commission. I pleaded with you because it felt wrong to increase your workload if it wasn't necessary. Did you forget that we're the best jailbreakers around?" Uno mischievously stated, getting Hajime's attention. It's really funny whenever he does that.

"You think you can get out of here?" Hajime retorted.
"Of course! We have Jyugo. You know that better than anyone, right? So who will suffer the most if we get out and cause trouble and also if the warden finds out that my lady got caught in trouble as well?" Uno continued his persuasion.
"Are you threatening me?" Hajime questioned.
"I'm not. We asked kindly, but you turned us down. So I'm telling you, it's a deal."
"A deal is made when both sides gains something. What do I gain from you shits?"
"The warden is gone, right? It's a huge opportunity, don'cha think?"
"You know about that too?"
"So what's it gonna be? Are you taking us or not?" Uno lastly negotiated, leaving Hajime in deep thought, so deep that it lasted for 10 minutes.

Fortunately, he finally allowed them to go with us.
"Nice job, Uno-kun!" I hugged him and the others praised him.
"If you cause trouble, you know what'll happen, right?" Hajime menacingly threatened.
"Y-yes, sir." Uno replied, scared.

❈ ❈ ❈

We finally arrived at building 5 and stood in front of the building.
"Wow! So this is building 5, huh? Ritzy." Uno said upon seeing the building.
"Eh? What's that Nico?" I asked, noticing a bag in his hands.
"It's a bag for my medications. Seitarou-chan made it for me. Right... Seitarou-chan..." Nico broke down in tears and I gently comforted him, "There there.. I'm also worried about him too..."

Suddenly, I felt a presence on the roof of the gate. I immediately snapped my gaze on it but noticed there wasn't anyone or anything there, but I'm sure I felt someone, something wicked. I must have my guard on constantly. After contacting with Mitsuru, apparently there aren't any guards seen in the building nor can anyone contact the guards there. Suddenly, the door opened by itself. Hajime punched Jyugo thinking that he was the one who opened it. In respond, I punched Hajime back for hitting Jyugo without knowing what happened.
"Tsk. He didn't open it, it opened by itself, Hajime-san." I said, receiving a groan from him.

As we walked inside, the place really had no guards in it. As we took another step further, a giant cage suddenly fell, trapping Hajime with us outside of it.
"What?!" Hajime yelled out.
"Did you shits touch something?!" Hajime aggressively yelled.
"We didn't do anything!" Jyugo replied back.
"You're stupid enough to fall into a trap without doing something?!" Hajime yelled again.
"Actually... You're the one who's trapped." I replied, pointing at the cage he's in.


The boys then started laughing their asses off as chains started chaining Hajime's ankles and wrists.
"S-stop laughing and help him get out!" I yelled as I tried to break the cage.
"If you don't like it, why don't you try to get out, Hajime-cha..—"


A giant hole trap opened beneath us and the four of us fell into it, with all of us screaming.
"(Y/n)!!!" I heard Hajime yelled as we fell.

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