✽ Chapter 22 ✽

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[A/N: Okay I know I said idk if I wanted to write the special chapter first or continue the main story in my last (A/n)-But I decided to continue it as we wait for the special chapter! Enjoy!]

•••(Y/N)'s P.O.V•••
"Wait! Where did that queer go?! He appeared out of nowhere..." Uno shouted in frustration.
"He's right there." Honey casually replied, pointing at the ground in front of us.
"Oh right. WAIT WHAT?!?!" I swear Uno's yelling can be heard throughout the entire hallways.
"Right, you can see a mark." I said, looking at a puddle on the ground with Honey's wire attached to it.
"What does this mean?!" Uno asked, perplexed.
"It means he's right underneath us, if I'm not wrong." I explained.
"Correct, darling. You can tell by touching it, the floor is made up of small panels. Like puzzle pieces, you can remove them or move them around slightly. Judging by the water coming out of the seams, there's probably a pool underneath." Trois explained while kneeling down, touching the puzzle-panelled floor.
"So the queer was swimming in the pool underneath the floor and moved the panels around to enter and exit wherever he pleased." Honey elaborated.

"I see... That's why Jyugo and I were caught so easily." Uno said, nodding.



They were at it again. Those two idiots arguing and fighting again even at this time. I had to step in and gave those two a punch in the head just to quiet them down.
"Oi, you two! Would you knock it out already?! Jeez." I yelled, looking at the two men rubbing their heads and apologising.

"Alright, Honey-kun. Which one should we go with today?" Trois spoke, gaining all our attentions.
"Should we go with this? Or this?" He continued as he did a few little poses with his hands..?

"Huh?! Why should we go through all that trouble?!"

"Well, we owe them for letting us borrow the game room, right?"

"We just saved them a minute ago!"

"They also removed our handcuffs and got us out of the cell. A gentleman always repays his debts. Don't say you can't do it or something unattractive like that. Even worse, in front of our lovely (Y/N)-chan!

That made Honey stop denying and he shouted in defeat.
"Damn it!!" Honey yelled as he punched the wall.
"60, 8, 19, 24.  70 on top, start from there. We'll finish on 37." He started uttering. They sounded like... coordinates?
"Okay~" Trois hummed as he walked away.
"What are you guys planning?" I asked, confused on what they were planning.
"Yeah what were you guys talking about?" Uno questioned too.
"Like hell I'm gonna tell you, you fuckin idiot! Not you, (Y/n)-chan. You'll see soon. We'll pay our debts. Now step aside." Honey snapped at Uno, but not at me.

"We'll show you our awesome escape technique. Let's begin~" Trois said as he pulled the pin of a grenade he pulled out. I'm not even going to ask where he got it from, or how he made it. He then threw the grenade right on the little puddle and exploded the platform around it, revealing the bastard who was hiding under it.
"What?! H-how did you know my location?!" The tealnette exclaimed in bewilderment, his face full with shock.

"That explosion was weak." Honey stated blankly.
"Hm.. Maybe I should've used more gunpowder." Trois uttered. Is he trying to kill him..? Before Honey could grasp and trap the guy in his wires, the guy swiftly and barely escaped back into the water.
"Tsk. He escaped." I clicked my tongue.
"I guess he's not as stupid as we thought." Trois stated.
"I think he is." Honey disagreed as he pulled onto the wires some more.
"Oi oi oi! Those guys got up!" Uno exclaimed and we all looked up. Both Youriki and Kokoriki were back on their feet, ready to attack at any second.
"Just stay back." Trois said as he touched the floor delicately. "Here... coordinates... looks like 23."

Honey then quickly pulled onto his wires with his fingers and pulled out the tealnette, like he just caught a big fish. As for the Daisen brothers, they came sprinting towards us the second the "fish" was caught. Looking to my right, Trois held several grenades and threw them towards the two, hitting everywhere but them.
"Perfect accuracy!" Honey shouted and threw multiple bullets of his.
"60,8,19,24,20..!" He yelled as each individual bullet hit the coordinates he wanted. The wires wrapped around the tealnette let loose, untrapping him. Trois took this opportunity to throw a wrench towards the tealnette and onto the ground, lodging the mechanics of the panelled floor.
"Hah! Not even close!" The tealnette shouted arrogantly, thinking that Trois was aiming at him.

To everyone's surprise, countless of wires from left to right, top to bottom in formation appeared surrounding the three. The wires quickly moving and trapping them with each pull of a finger from Honey.
"T-that's... impressive..!!" I gawked at the scene in front of me along with the other two.
"There's more~" Trois hummed.

I looked back at the tealnette, his face full of utter surprised. I guess he found out that the wrench was the source of his failed attempt to retreat his fishy-ass back into his pond. As the wires inched and moved closer and closer, more wires tightly wrapped around all three of them and lifted, or yanked, them up from the ground. And when I thought it wouldn't be anymore impressive, Honey pulled the wires with full strength... lifting the ground up to form walls trapping the three?!?! His hand was bleeding too!!
"N-no way!!!" Uno, Jyugo and I yelled in amazement, almost not believing what we saw.

"Hey, you'd better not miss." Honey hissed out.
"Did you forget who you're talking to?" Trois then pulled out more grenades and threw them into the contraption, immediately blowing up anything that was in it. Even the blast waves were very powerful!!
"O-oi oi! Are you trying to kill them??" I exclaimed, eyes wide towards the explosion. But to be honest, I was only concerned for the Daisen brothers. Before any one of them could answer me, Honey felt one of his wires tugged and immediately pulled us back. "GET BACK!!!"

The walls exploded and bodies of water flowed out like a flood.
"I underestimated you brats. Playtime is over. From here on out, it's a fight to the death." A similar voice of a certain fish spoke. This time, he was holding two massive hand fans, much like weapons.
"I'm more impressed on how he hasn't died from the explosion than his fans." I mumbled, absolutely ticked off from him.
"I've wasted enough time. So.. I'd like you to hurry up and die now." He exclaimed, gusts and gales of wind started swarming around him, lifting his whole being up from the ground.

"Blow away!"

With a flick of his fan, an intense blast of wind shot out from the fan towards us, powerful enough to destroy the concrete floor. With no time to lose, Honey shielded us with the giant rubbles of the ground using his wires. The wires wrapped around his fingers tightened and dug into his flesh more and even more blood started dripping down.
"H-Honey-kun! Your hands!" I exclaimed, worried his fingers might snap from the wires at any moment. I mean, they tore through concrete!
"D-don't mind me! What's happening currently is insane! Damn it!" Honey cursed, his hands trembling.
"Heh... Can't do anything like this, can you?" He spoke again, towards Jyugo.
"Nothing to say, you cowar-"
"Honey. I swear to fuckin god if you continue that I will kick you in the dick and let you rot here. I don't wan't to repeat myself the second time." I death glared at him and he immediately shut up. Jeez, can't he shut his attitude for 5 damn minutes? He's about to lose his fingers here!

"This isn't good. We're too incompatible." Trois stated.
"So I guess all we can do now is run, right?" Uno questioned.
"No, they'll probably chase us down until they finish us off." I replied with my arms crossed.
"Then what should we do?!" Uno panicked, his hands threw onto his head in frustration.

"Uno-kun, have you worked out the layout of this place yet?" Trois questioned.

"I'm starting to get it."

"Then go straight ahead to the descending stairs with Jyugo-kun and (Y/n)-chan. We'll distract that guy as much as we can."


"If you guys stick around, we might all get blown away."

"But that'll mean... you guys will..."

"Just do as I say. If you don't, you'll die."
Trois' voice and smile was as soft as ever. His voice and tone were assuring us that "it's going to be okay" and "don't worry about us, worry about yourselves first.".

"T-Trois-kun... I don't... I don't want you guys to-..." Am I starting to tear up? They were surprised with my reaction.

"You guys better live after this! You hear me?! Hell, I'll give both of you a kiss on the cheek if you both liv-"

Before I could even finish yelling, the wall shielding us exploded and the tealnette appeared with his hand fans.
"Another discussion? Sorry, but I won't be giving you the time for-"
"YOU FUCKIN BASTARD HOW DARE YOU INTERRUPT ME?!" I shouted out and swiftly threw a rock onto his shin, that'll definitely leave a cut. I hate it when people interrupt me.
"-Ugh?! You!!-" He yelled back, but he was immediately terrified by my death glare that could kill millions. Trois immediately threw a grenade towards the bastard but he deflected it with his fan, his expression changed from terror to rage.
"I was planning to kill the girl first, but it seems like I'll kill you first." He snarled behind his fan.
"Get going!" Trois yelled towards us.
"Let's go!" Uno exclaimed.

The three of us started sprinting towards the stairs, but the sudden intense rumble had us worried for the duo. When we reached the keypad for the gate of the staircase, Jyugo looked like he was hesitating to unlock it.
"What's wrong, Jyugo?" Uno asked, his tone was rather soft.
"H-huh..?" Jyugo stuttered.
Uno looked at Jyugo's eyes, reading him like he was an opened book. Both of us knew what he wanted to do, and we agreed. With a slap to the back from Uno, the three of us started sprinting back to the duo.

"(Y/n), let me take this one." Jyugo said as we sprinted. I immediately looked at his face, and I could tell that he wanted to prove himself. Constantly getting denigrated from Honey must've made a traumatising impact on him.
"Okay, Jyugo-kun. Good luck."

Seconds later, we just barely made it in an arm's length. A shadow flew over all of us and managed to swiftly block the powerful blast from the enemy, protecting all of us behind him. As the dust and smoke dissipated, an oh so familiar silhouette of a boy with blades as arms stood in front of us, a fiery aura around him. I couldn't help but to grin.
"You.. What is that form?!" The enemy shouted out, frustrated that his attack got blocked.
"My boy Jyugo-kun... Kick his fuckin ass!"

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