✽ Chapter 4 ✽

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•••(Y/n)'s P.O.V•••
Instead of an inmate's transportation vehicle, we comfortably rode a monorail back to building 13. Hajime had to explain who I am to a lot of other guards countless of times throughout the headquarters of Nanba and I received a lot of greetings and bows along the way.

We continued our walk after we had boarded off the monorail. "Hajime-san, may I ask a question?" I asked trying to make small talk with the taller man. "Of course, Hyakushiki-san." he replied, still calling me by my last name. "Hajime-san please, I've told you many times already to call me (Y/n), the honorific is fine but calling me by my last name is like you're calling for my sister instead." I tried to convince him yet again to call me by my first name. "..if that is what you really wish for, then alright then." he finally agreed to.

"Okay, thank you. Anyways, the question that I wanted to ask was, what are the inmates in building 13 like? I heard you mumbling to yourself about how troublesome the inmates are when you were taking me to the warden's building." I asked curiously about the inmates there.

Suddenly, Hajime stopped in his tracks, completely standing still there with his eyes widen like he had forgotten something. Still haven't gotten my reply, I asked,"Hajime-san..? Is everything alright?"

Still no reply. I wonder what he's so deep in thought about.

•••Hajime's P.O.V•••
How can I be so forgetful?? I completely forgot about those troublesome idiotic inmates from cell 13. I can't let the warden's sister witness them escaping, she'll report to the warden about it! If she does witness it, I'll just apologise arduously to her and since she looks carefree and not as serious as her sister, I'll hope that she won't report it to the warden. I swear someday I will kill those bastards if they do escape right in front of her.
I took out my phone and called Seitarou.

"Hello, supervisor?" Seitarou immediately answered the phone the second I called him.

"Seitarou, Listen carefully. Make sure everything's going fine and nothing goes wrong when I come back. I'm with someone important right now and I'm bringing her to building 13. I don't want anything to go adrift, got it?" I stated sternly and expressly, obviously implying towards the constantly escaping bastards.

"Y-yes, supervisor! I'll make sure that nothing goes wrong before your arrival!"

"Good." With that, I ended the call with a sigh. "Hajime-san..?" The shorter woman asked with concern after I had still not replied to her.

"My apologies for my lack of response, (Y/n)-san. To answer your question, the inmates are, yes, troublesome. But you don't have to worry about it. They are perfectly disciplined under my authority, and they will get punished if they disobey me." I replied to her, slightly lying about the part of where they are perfectly disciplined.

•••(Y/n)'s P.O.V•••
"Ah.. Alright then." I replied, having the feeling that he was lying after that whole phone call with, I'm assuming, his subordinate.

We finally arrived at building 13 after several minutes without exchanging words to each other. "I'll take you to the guards' office for some tea first. Then I'll accompany you throughout the building. Is that alright, (Y/n)-san?" Hajime asked as we walked along the hallways of the building.

"Of course, Hajime-san. Introduce me to your subordinates later as well, if you may." I said wanting to meet the other guards here. Hajime just simply nodded to my small request to meet his subordinates.

Several minutes later, we arrived at the guards' office. Inside was just an ordinary office for guards except for the colourful tiger stripped couches. Are all the couches here colourful and tiger stripped?

There stood two other individuals. One had long black hair and wore a Hinomaru hachimaki (Headband with the Japan flag on it) around his head, a white martial arts belt around his waist and carrying a shinai bukuro behind his back.

The other had long spiky blue hair with gold stars decorated on it and he didn't have any additional modifications on his guard outfit. He has a very handsome and cute face too.

"Yamato. Seitarou. This is Hyakushiki (Y/n). She is the warden's younger sister and she will be staying with the warden for a while. During her stay here in Nanba, she will be exploring the premises of the buildings. She is currently starting her exploration here in building 13. I want both of you guys to treat her with respect and show her around building 13 when she requests to." Hajime explained and ordered the two guards in front of us.

"Hello, everyone. It is a pleasure to meet you guys. Please call me (y/n) with or without honorifics, I don't really mind. I'll be in your care." I said after I had bowed to them.

"HAHAHA! It's a pleasure to meet you too, (y/n)-dono! I'm Godai Yamato, and this is Tanabata Seitarou!" Yamato exclaimed enthusiastically while patting Seitarou.

"H-hello, (y/n)-san. It's a pleasure to meet you too. I hope you'll enjoy your visit here in building 13." Seitarou softly said and politely bowed to me. He's so soft!

A smile was plastered on my face after both of the gentlemen had introduce themselves to me. "I'll prepare some green tea for you, (y/n)-dono!" Yamato exclaimed as he went on his way to make some tea. "Thank you, Yamato-san." I thanked him politely.

"Oh and supervisor, there's someone here to visit you." Seitarou said to Hajime. "Someone's here to visit me?" Hajime asked back, though he seemed like he already had an idea on who the visitor is.

"Yes, supervisor. The person is waiting in the visitors' room right now."

Hajime sighed, "Alright then. I'll go there now."

"Oh! May I come? I'm curious and I wanna meet that person!" I asked Hajime hoping that he would let me come too.
"I don't see why not." Hajime agreed.
"Yay! Sorry, Yamato-san! I'll have tea when I come back!" I apologised to Yamato. "HAHAHA! It's perfectly alright, (Y/n)-dono! You're welcome to have tea anytime!" He exclaimed energetically.

Waving goodbye to the two gentlemen, I left the office with Hajime and went to the visitors' room. I wonder who would visit Hajime. A relative, maybe?

When we arrived, there sat one of the cutest
people I've ever seen. The person had long blonde hair and wore an adorably blue and white dress with many frills and ribbons.

Hajime sighed upon seeing the adorably enchanting person in front of us, "Hitoshi, why are you here?"

"To visit my lovely brother, of course!" The person smiled sweetly towards the taller man.

"Hajime-san, you didn't tell me that you had a brother and he's this adorably pretty!" I exclaimed in awe while looking at the cross-dressing person.

"Wait, you could tell that he's my brother and not sister?" Hajime asked perplexed after what I had said.

"At first I thought that he was a she, but after seeing his Adam's apple on his neck, I could slightly tell that he's a male. A well cutely dressed male! Hitoshi-chan, I absolutely love your outfit! It's so adorable!" I exclaimed and complimented Hitoshi contentedly.

"Thank you so much, miss! Oni-chan, you didn't tell me that you had a girlfriend!" Hitoshi exclaimed to his brother while smiling.

"Don't get the wrong idea, Hitoshi. This is Hyakushiki (Y/n). She is the warden's younger sister and she will be visiting the buildings here for a while." Hajime explained who I am for the possibly hundredth time today.

Giggling, I smiled at Hitoshi. "Nice to meet you, Hitoshi-chan!"

"Nice to meet you too, (y/n)-chan! I love your hair! It's nice to meet another younger sibling." Hitoshi replied while also smiling sweetly.

Suddenly, we heard footsteps and a "Ehh??!" outside the visitors' room. Hajime immediately tensed up and seemed like he recognised who those footsteps and voice belonged too and said "I have something to do. I'll be right back." and left the room. Screaming and yelling of his could be heard after he had left too.

Confused, Hitoshi and I looked at each other and shrugged. We then started to have a little conversation with each other while we wait for the taller man to come back.

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