✽ Chapter 7 ✽

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•••(Y/n)'s P.O.V•••
Today is a new day. A new day for me to explore along building 13. After having breakfast with Nee-chan, we headed to her office and had Hajime bring me to building 13.

"You just clocked in, right, Hajime-san?" I asked while waving to the passing by guards.
"You're right, (Y/n). If you don't mind, may I drop the honorific? Im not used to calling people with honorifics. I'll be doing morning roll call for the inmates in my building. You are welcome to join if you'd like." Hajime said while checking the time on his watch.
"Like I said before, I don't mind if there's no honorific involved when addressing to me. And yes, I would like to join." I replied and hummed as we made our way to building 13.

Morning roll call for the inmates of building 13 was like any other ordinary roll call. Hajime would order them to wake up and call out their inmate numbers. Almost all of the inmates questioned who I was but Hajime would only give them short answers and moved along, with me waving them goodbye. One after another, we finally reached cell 13.

"Cell 13. Wake up!" Hajime yelled while knocking the cell door.
"Roll call. Number 69!"
"Yo.." Rock drowsily replied while yawning.
"Fix your bed head. Number 25!"
I can barely see Nico's head from the cell bars of the door along with him giggling.
"Don't laugh in your sleep. Number 11!"
"Yes.." Uno yawned and walked pass with skincare products plastered on his face and hair curlers curled in his hair. Damn, his skincare routine is better than mine.
"Enough skincare for you?! Number 15!"

No response.

Due to the lack of response, Hajime got frustrated and ran to sound the alarm. I followed him by also running until we got to the guards' room.
"Why? When did he get out? Damn! I just told the warden there weren't any problems and I wouldn't get you involved in any!" Hajime cursed under his breath while typing furiously on the security computer. I was trying to calm him down but something interrupted me.

We heard faint snoring. Realising where the snoring was coming from, Hajime went up to the night duty room and slammed the door open aggressively. Inside the room on a bed, slept the one inmate that Hajime was trying to search for.

I looked at Hajime and his face was one of the most furious expression I've ever seen on a person. I backed away because of the murderous tension and aura coming from him and covered my ears with my palms, knowing what was next to come.

"WAKE UP!!!"

Thank god I covered my ears. Hajime yelled so damn loud it of course woke up the sleeping inmate and gave him a hefty punch on the head.

"BASTARD! What do you think you're doing?" Hajime furiously asked Jyugo, whose now on the floor.
"I can't help it. Rock snores too loud, Uno grinds his teeth and Nico laughs in his sleep. So I can't sleep." Jyugo said while averting eyes with Hajime.
"A-ah.. so that's the problem.." I said while sipping my tea that was delightfully prepared by Seitarou.
"So that's why you were sleeping in the night duty room?" Seitarou questioned a bit perplexed.
"That's the quietest place." Jyugo replied.
"Yamato was on duty last night, right? What the hell was he doing?!" Hajime outrageously shouted out.
"Sir! Allow me to report! I was working up a sweat by training from late evening to early evening! Report complete!" Yamato exclaimed after coming out of no where.
"T-that's impressive.." I muttered out in surprise.

"Don't increase my workload so early in the morning! And don't embarrass building 13 and I in front of the warden's younger sister!" Hajime scolded Yamato while aggressively shaking him by the collar.

I can't help but giggle at the scene in front of me and took a sip of my tea. I don't really mind the chaos, to be honest.

❈ ❈ ❈

I walked along side with Hajime and the inmates to the cafeteria for their breakfast. The food served there look so tasty. They even look better than some of the restaurants I've been to! One of the chefs even gave me a dish! He did look very intimidating and huge, but he was kind to give me one of his dishes. I thanked the big man and decided to sit with the inmates from cell 13. It's not a big deal, right? Plus they're the only people I know in the cafeteria and I had no where to sit.

"(Y/n)-chan, good morning! I missed you!" Nico exclaimed and hugged me. "O-oh my.. Good morning, Nico-chan." I greeted him back and he let me go.
"Decided to join us, aye?" Jyugo asked with a smug on his face.
"Yeah, the chef gave me a dish and I had nowhere to sit. Plus I know you guys so I figured why not." I replied and took a bite of the dish. It's so good!
"You're a brave pretty lady to come and sit with us inmates, (Y/n)." Uno said with his chin on his palm, smiling flirtatiously.
"I'm not afraid of you guys. You guys seem lovely." I candidly said, eyes not leaving the dish in front of me because of how delicious it was.
"..W-we look lovely?" All four of them spoke. I simply nodded to their query and took another bite. The four started blushing and continued their meals. Did my statement really make them speechless? I tried to start up conversations with the four to break the silence and I warmed up to them pretty quickly. We talked about our hobbies and how good the food is. Rock complimented the chef from before, whose name I now know is Shiro, about his wonderful stewed dish. Shiro appreciated it so much that he gave us a whole-ass big cake. Such a nice guy! Next, Uno couldn't believe that Jyugo solved all the puzzles he gave him and it resulted in screaming and chaos, with Rock, Nico and I standing at the side dumbfounded.

The door flung opened and Hajime came in yelling at the two. "Quit playing around and line up! It's time for work! And quit getting close with (Y/n)!"

❈ ❈ ❈

"Today, building 13 is assigned to the woodworking department. All of you, go to your designated posts." Hajime announced to the inmates.

I was offered a 7x7 inch wood block after I had requested for one. Hajime didn't approve at first because the woodwork was the inmates' job but I insisted that I was going to carve something for my liking. Hajime ended up giving me one because he was told that I really liked to do art from nee-chan when she had told him to go to her office.

"The furniture and woodwork crafted in this prison is considered better than any artisan's. The engravings, in particular, are a key feature of our woodwork." Hajime explained after Jyugo had questioned about why they were doing woodwork.

"Then why does (y/n)'s look ten times better than the ones we have right now?" Jyugo asked while pointing at the modern wooden coffee table that I just secretly carved, not with the block that I was offered, of course.

"A-ah.." I sweat dropped.

"(Y-y/n).. please don't help out with the woodwork. Though I am impressed with what you just carved and it's very impressive considering the short amount of time it took for you to finish it, but you still can't help them because this is the inmates' job." Hajime said after inspecting my woodwork in slight awe.

"Hajime-san, it wasn't my intention to help them. I found it interesting to carve furniture so I tried it. You're free to sell it though." I said as I stood up with the small wooden block in my hand. "Now if you don't mind me, I'll carve this lil guy now."

Hajime sighed and proceeded to supervise the working inmates. Nico exuberantly announced to Hajime that he and Uno had finished with their woodworks. Unbeknownst to us, Nico carved a wooden robotic figurine and Uno carved a wooden bunny girl doll. The excitement of theirs were quickly ended by Hajime's hefty punch to the head. I comforted them by complimenting their works and patting their heads, and by to their likings, they enjoyed my pats quite much. Minutes later, Rock and Jyugo finished assembling theirs and Hajime was actually impressed. But it was ceased by Jyugo's "creative mechanisms" to the face. Least to say, things did not end well for those two, and I had to calm Hajime down.

❈ ❈ ❈

A long, tired sigh emitted out from Hajime's mouth, with a cigarette in his hand. "Is something the matter, sir? Though I can kind of guess.." Seitarou asked, feeling concerned for his supervisor.

"Yeah.. My stomach hurts just by thinking about our boss finding out about those punks." Hajime said indignantly. "Though, I am grateful that (y/n) won't tell the warden about the breakouts." He said with another sigh.

"If the warden finds out about the daily prison breaks, we'll probably be fired, right, (y/n)-san?" Seitarou asked with tears running down his cheeks.
"S-Seitarou-kun, don't cry please.. It's going to be alright.." I comforted him, gently patting his back.
"Don't talk like that and stop crying!!" Hajime yelled out in frustration.

"Yeah seriously, you're so unmanly."


"J-Jyugo-kun..?" I muttered out at the yet again escaped inmate.
"Why are you here?!" Hajime yelled at Jyugo.
"I was bored." Jyugo simply replied.
"T-that's not a reason to break out, Jyugo-kun.." I said after I had seated back down.
"Were you listening?! About my stomach pain?! Because you guys do crap like this?!" Hajime screamed and scolded Jyugo.
"Supervisor! W-what should we do?!" Seitarou asked in the heap of panic. Hajime handcuffed Jyugo with the same ones that he used to handcuff me before and told Seitarou to check if the others had escaped or not.

"Jeez.. put yourself in my shoes for once." Hajime sighed out.
"Yeah, Jyugo-kun.. I feel bad for Hajime-san needing to tend to this situation daily." I said kinda pitying the supervisor.
"A prison guard's shoes? You expect that from me? A prisoner?" Jyugo asked demeaningly.
"Hmp. I guess it doesn't matter to you." Hajime scoffed out.
"If they find out, then they find out, right?" Jyugo said candidly.
"Easy for you to say."
"I'm the one breaking out of my cell. Why do you need to take responsibility? You should just blame everything on me."
"Tsk. Brat. You don't know a thing about my job."
"Just be quiet and stay in custody. And quit doing this when (y/n)'s around." Hajime actually for once said softly.

"Yare yare.. These two actually have times when they don't quarrel, huh?" I thought to myself, smiling softly at the two men next to me.

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