Chapter 6: Finding His Bride

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He awokened with a scream. All he saw was nothing but darkness. A chilling coldness kissed up to his skin as he stared out into the blackness, paralysed with fear. He felt his heartrate quicken, the flesh and blood of the dead was still vivid in his senses. He had the same nightmare again. He thought they had stopped. But it didn't. Why? He wondered. Because she was not around? He stopped his thoughts there.

Serephius got down from his bed and decided to take a walk around his premises.

The corridors were dark and empty, Serephius had never felt so depressed before. This place was his home but he had only noticed now, how bleak and melancholy it actually was. He thrust his hands in his pockets, and went out of the building.

The full moon was his only company in the dead of the night. The air outside was quite refreshing, it did calm him down a bit and he was finally able to breathe normally again. But there was this feeling in the pit of his stomach, a dreadful lonesome feeling. He felt lonely.

'Serephius..' He heard a sweet voice call for him. He instantly turned his head to respond. 'Lilith', he had almost voiced out. He lowered his head in shame and laughed at himself, it was just a hallucination. Lilith was not here. How embarassing for an immortal like him to be acting this way.

Her cheerful laughter still echoed within the place. She had brought joy and life to his home. She was like a big bottle of happiness that never seemed to get replenished. Things weren't the same when Lilith wasn't around. Everything looked so foreign and dull. Was he missing her? He quickly shook of those thoughts. He didn't want to accept the fact that he had indeed missed her.

Serephius unknowingly found himself inside his mother's garden. His bored eyes scanned around the area until a bunch of withered magnolias came into view and caught his interest. Those were the ones Lilith tried to give him a few days ago. The withered flowers remained intact in its position on the very spot where she had left them. He slowly bent down and picked them up. His lips curled into a smirk as he reminished those moments. Her smile was still clear and bright as day in his memory. He clutched the flowers in his hand and got up.

He had to see her. So when dawn broke that very day, Serephius went off to find her.


"We are very sorry. We can't let you in without an invitation. Please leave." The guards refused to let him enter the palace.

"I told you. I was invited here." Serephius was getting mad. These imbeciles were playing with fire. He wanted to end their lives that very instant but he didn't want to cause a scene at his wife's place.

"We have never seen you before. You look suspicious. Please leave before we throw you in the dungeons." One guard pointed his spear at him. They were not letting him step even one foot inside the palace.

These ignorant fools. Serephius was mad. Just as he was about to use his powers at them, a shrill voice shouted from within the palace walls.

"Please wait. My Lord."

Now where was this annoying voice coming from. Serephius was irritated beyond measure. All he wanted was to get inside and find his wife but he was finding disturbances everywhere instead.

"Ah my Lord. Please appease your anger." An immortal lady approached him.

Serephius gave an irritated look at her, as if ordering her to do something about it.

"What is all this commotion about?" The lady asked.

"Princess Kira! Our humble apologies." The two guards staggered. "This immortal claimed that he came for the banquet but we can't let him in without an invite."

"What's going on there?" Another lady joined in. It was Luna. Lilith's half sisters were starting to argue with the guards.

"How dare you talk to me with that tone. He is an honoured guest. Can't you see?" Kira scolded.

"But Princess, we don't know him. We have never seen him here before. He could be a demon." One of the guards exclaimed.

"A demon, you say?" Luna intervened. "Take a closer look at him. Do you think he looks like a demon? Do you think a demon could look this handsome? He seems like a very well respected, humble Lord of honourable status to me."

"But but Princess Luna, we cannot- without the invite.."

"Shut your mouths. This respected Lord probably forgot to bring his invitation letter. There are many guests coming in today. I'm sure he is an acquaintance of our father or of some important guest in the palace." Kira reasoned with the guards. "Please welcome. My Lord. We are really sorry for the disturbance. We will teach these servants a good lesson in the future."

Both Luna and Kira bowed in courtesy at Serephius, after they had let him enter the palace. They were totally smitten by him. From his beautiful black hair, his perfectly masculine gait to his dazzling sculpted face, they were completely mesmerised by him. How could such a perfect entity ever exist in this world they thought and they wanted him.

"So my Lord. May I know your nam-?" Kira couldn't finish her sentence because Serephius ignored her. He brushed her off and walked off as if she didn't exist.

"He didn't even thank us." Luna poked at Kira.

"But still...he is so cool!" Kira screamed like a fangirl, watching Serephius walk away from them. "I'm gonna ask father about him. I must get him to be mine."

"What? No way!" Luna shouted at her. "I had my eyes on him first."

And the endless bickering between the two sisters continued.


Serephius didn't like the attitude of those ladies. He had wanted to ask them about Lilith's whereabouts but decided to find her by himself instead. Those ladies would just ask him more questions and he was not in the mood for that.

The insides of the palace was much, much bigger than he originally thought it would be. Hours later, he still couldn't find her. He avoided going into crowds and meeting unknown faces as much as possible. He actually felt like a thief searching for his own wife, in her own home.

Anyways, where in the world was that mischievious wife of his.


Was this supposed to be a lively banquet or a funeral themed event, Lilith didn't know. She was bored out of her wits. She was sitting all by herself inside the huge banquet Hall. Many higher gods and famous immortals gathered in groups and chattered leisurely within the spacious Hall but Lilith didn't want to socialise with any of them. Besides, no one bothered about her anyway.

Lilith hadn't seen her father since the day she arrived there. Her presence was purely non-existent, she didn't feel welcome at all. Her family married her off to save the immortal world without a tint of hesitation, the plan worked but so what? She was still treated like an outsider in her own home, maybe even more so than before. And to think they would at least be grateful to her for what she did, it was all her wishful thinking.

Her home didn't even feel like home anymore, it was so foreign to her. Lilith missed Serephius. Even if she couldn't put it into words, he was her special place. He was her home, not this one.

"Look who we have here." Kira and Luna approached a brooding Lilith who was sitting alone in a corner, staring off into space.

"We're glad you could make it, sister." Kira taunted her. She and Luna both giggled, mocking her.

"How may I help you?" Lilith answered them in a lazy tone.

"Where is your husband? We were all looking forward to seeing him today." Luna asked.

"I'm sorry but my husband is quite busy so he isn't able to make it." Lilith replied, her eyes were focussed on the half empty wine glass that she was swirling in her right hand.

"Sister. Haven't you heard? She came alone yesterday. Her husband didn't come with her and he didn't even send her an escort. Can you believe it?" Kira told Luna.

"That's horrible. It seems like her own husband don't even want her. I feel for the poor husband. She's too useless. Does her life even have any meaning?" Lilith's half sisters continued to laugh at her.

Lilith ignored them. They didn't know anything anyways. Her husband didn't send an escort? What lies. Serephius had given her a magestic escort. She had left Shinha at a good distance away from the palace because she knew a large, mystical bird like him would definitely draw a lot of attention if she were to arrive there with him. Her sisters were just being ignorant and bitter. As for Serephius not coming with her, she couldn't say anything about that.

"Hey. We're talking to you." Kira nudged at Lilith harshly.

"Yes. Sister." Lilith replied boredly.

"So tell us. How does the face of your husband look like?" Luna asked.

"He looks fine." Lilith answered.

"Are you sure? You're not lying to us, are you? Come on. Just tell us what he looks like. No need to be so embarassed. We all heard about his looks. We just want to hear it from you, you probably have seen the real thing since you are of course his wife." They teased her.

"Well then you're going to be real disappointed." Lilith muttered under her lips.

"What was that?" Luna sqinted her eyes at Lilith.

"Nothing. Just...nothing." Lilith brushed it off cooly.

"Did he take you to his bed already?" Kira suddenly blurted out, as if poking fun at her.

Lilith felt disgusted. All her sisters cared about were these nasty things. They would even go this far just to insult her. It wasn't any of their business to meddle on such matters that were just supposed to be between her and her husband. They acted like angels to their parents and strangers but to her, they showed their true colours. They were no better than viscious little conniving, immoral witches.

"Did you lose your first time to a monster?" They both taunted her, their laughter getting more loud.

Lilith stood up abruptly, spilling some drops of wine that was in her hands. She finally looked at them, her cold and piercing eyes bore through their heads. "He is not a monster." She deadpanned, her patience was wearing thin.

Serephius was the kindest immortal Lilith had ever encountered. Although sometimes, he loses his temper and lashes out at her but she knew that was all for her own good. He had saved her countless times, he had never once touched her indecently in any way and she owed him a debt she might never be able to repay back in her lifetime. And she was an immortal, immortals don't die easily. That was how much he had an influence in her life and her stupid sisters dared tarnish his name.

"Why don't you just admit it?" Luna was continuously jabbing at Lilith's patience. "How much did he torture you the first night?"

"I bet he's a violent sexual predator. He forced you, didn't he?" Kira finished. And that was the last straw.

Lilith dumped the contents of her wine at Kira's face. The red colour of the wine layered the whole of her face and tiny droplets of the liquid dripped down her chin. She stood there frozen and in shock, mouth agape.

"You bitch!" Luna lunged at Lilith but Lilith pushed her away harshly on her chest and sent her stumbling a few steps backwards. But Luna tried again. She screamed once more and lunged more fiercely at her. Lilith took a defensive stance, ready to fight her when Kira suddenly grabbed her from behind and locked her elbows on Lilith's neck so Luna could land a definite hit on her.

Lilith's hands were on Kira's arms, trying to get free from her gasp but Kira tighened her elbows around her neck and she couldn't help but choke out from the pressure. Taking this chance, Luna smiled devilishly and raised her right hand up to hit Lilith as she lunged for her. But a hand stopped her midway.

Lilith's mind flashbacked to her moment with Serephius. He was always there during her tight situations. But whoever that stopped the hit for her this time was highly unlikely to be him. A part of her wanted him to be there to protect her right that very moment but he wasn't there obviously. She had seen him stay behind when she came with Shinha.

"Here you are." That voice was very familiar to Lilith. It couldn't be, her mind registered. It couldn't be him, could it?

And yet there he was, looking intently at her. He roughly let go of Luna's hands that had almost hit her. Kira quickly set Lilith free from her grip and suddenly ran away from the scene, covering her face with both her hands. She was too embarassed to show her messed up, horrible appearance in front of Serephius, the immortal she had fallen in love with at first sight.

Luna recognised him as well. He was her love interest too, the mysterious immortal she met that day.

"My Lord. Do you know who you're helping? This characterless girl doesn't deserve your time and attention, my Lord." Luna said angrily.

Everyone in the Hall had already been focussing their attention on this dramatic incident that had just unravelled a few minutes ago. No one interfered, their amused and anticipated eyes kept watching them, hoping for more drama.

"Are you okay?" Serephius ignored her and went to Lilith. He put his hands on her shoulders and slightly twisted her around, checking for any injuries. "Are you hurt anywhere?" He continued and half of the ladies in the Hall fawned over his handsomeness.

"No. I'm fine." Lilith answered in a low voice.

"How did you come- no..why did you come here?" She rephrased her words. He was Serephius after all. He could be wherever he wanted to be.

"To see you." He replied back softly. "I'm glad you're fine."

Lilith blushed at his words, she would be more than fine if only he stopped making her feel uncomfortable by looking at her with those worried eyes of his combined with that superbly handsome face. She would also really appreciate it if he would stop her stomach from doing all sorts of flips at his sudden sweet gestures and if only the loud hammering of her heart inside her chest would also subside, she would be all okay.

"My Lord. She is not someone you should be concerned about. She's just faking innocence. She was the one who started all this." Luna interrupted.

Serephius was getting annoyed at Luna. "Do you know who I am?" He asked her coldly.

Luna thought hard. "No. I'm sorry, my Lord. Have I offended you in any way?" Luna answered innocently.

"What's happening here?" A deep voice came from behind before Serephius could reply back. Their commotion had escalated so far as to alert king Barbelius, Lilith's father.

"F-father." Luna ran to his side and held his arms. "It was all Lilith's fault. She threw wine at Kira and pushed me. So we got into a fight."

"Is this true, Lilith?" Barbelius asked.

"Yes." Lilith's reply came instantly. She wouldn't dare go against her father.

"Why is it always you Lilith who keep causing all these ruckus every single time. Haven't you learnt anything? You're already married but is your head still stuck in the clouds?" Her father raged at her in front of everyone present there.

"I'm sorry." Lilith squeaked out.

"You shouldn't be." Serephius encouraged her. "From my point of view, Lilith didn't do anything wrong." He spoke up for her.

"Then what is the real truth?" Barbelius thundered.

Lilith looked at Serephius who was standing at her side, as if to confirm whether he will still support her when she starts to spill the beans. His assuring eyes met hers, and Lilith found her confidence level rising. She had never stood up to her father before. Even if she was right, she had always kept quite due to fear but this time was different. There was someone to support her now, someone who'll stand by her side no matter what and someone who'll push her to say or do what she felt was right.

"It was not my fault." Lilith started with a stern voice, her left hand squeezed Serephius's sleeves tightly and she continued.
"She.." Lilith pointed at Luna. "..and Kira called my husband a monster. They tarnished his name and claimed my husband to be a violent sexual predator." Everyone gasped at her words except for Barbelius and Serephius who managed to keep their cool. "So I have every right to defend my husband." Lilith finished.

"Through violence? That's unacceptable." Luna cried.

"But you didn't deny the fact that you labelled her husband like that, did you?" Barbelius glared at Luna. "That was a horrible thing to say, Luna. Have you got no shame?"

"F-father you have to believe me. She's making up these lies. We never said anything like that." Luna panicked.

"Oh really? Perhaps my ears must be having a problem then. Cause I thought I heard it quite clearly." Serephius intervened.

Lilith wanted to smile brightly at him but refrained from doing so. She was proud of Serephius, at the way he had her back. But something irked her at the back of her mind. She didn't want Serephius to hear all those negative comments about himself but it was too late. He had somehow heard it all.

"My Lord. Please don't take her side. She's lying." Luna tried in vain shamelessly, pleading with Serephius.

"I am not!" Lilith shouted.

Luna ignored her and turned to Serephius. "My Lord. It seems you have taken a liking to Lilith so that's why you're helping her but it's too bad because you will never get her. She is already married. Do you even realise how cunning and wild she is?" She told him with anger.

"I never asked for your opinion. And you should know your place before talking to me like that or you'll regret it." Serephius cooly replied which only made her blood boil making her jealousy towards Lilith rise to peaks.


"You shut that mouth of yours." Barbelius snarled at Luna and she cowered in fear.
"I have listened enough. Now tell me who you are, acting so high and mighty in front of me." He turned to Serephius.

"He is-" Lilith tried to answer for him.

"I asked him. Not you." Her father glared. "Introduce yourself. It seems you've been pretty nosy about my family affairs when it was not even your business. So tell me who you are and what brings you here before I arrest you." He narrowed his eyes at Serephius.

"Alright." Serephius equally glared back at Barbelius.
"I am Serephius." He circled his one arm around Lilith's shoulders and pulled her closer to his chest. "Lilith is my wife. And who the hell are you?"

Everyone in the room gasped in surprise, their mouths hung open in shock. Lilith's face had turned as red as a tomato. An errie silence lingered in the air. No one had anticipated this. Literally no one. His sudden exclamation even baffled Barbelius and made him speechless for a few seconds.

"I-I am her father. I am the king of this state." He stuttered for the first time in his life. The great King, Barbelius stuttered in the presence of Serephius, who turned out to be his daughter's husband. The Serephius.

A sudden loud thud on the ground grabbed everyone's attention. Luna had fainted in shock.

To be continued...


That is it for chapter 6 guys. I hope you loved all the drama I put in there😂😂
If you liked this chapter, please comment below. Throw in your feedbacks, you know they're my motivation. Once again, do forgive me for any wrong English cause English clearly isn't my first language so..

Anyways, until next update! Love you guys!


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