Chapter 8 - Questions and their answers

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A/N: Hola ppl!!! Happy New Year everyone!!!

They heard a voice saying, " Come on, you come in between romantic moments of my daughter too? Not fair Purab Vikram Rathod." Abhigaya gave a puking reaction looking at Jr.Abhi, Hearing that Purab turned back and was shocked to see his Jahanpana (Senior Abhisheik ) alive and fell at his feet and said, "Jahanpana ki jai ho! Always your slave!" Bulbul who saw Abhisheik alive knelt down and burst into tears. Another voice came saying, "Offo! Still, you are the same person Bulbul!? I thought you would have changed with time." Everyone looked towards that direction shocked except for Abhisheik (Senior Abhisheik). Bulbul got up ran towards that voice and hugged her tightly and asked, "What happened to your hair? I loved it so much you fool! Why did you cut it off?" Pragya said, "For survival, Bulbul survival."

FB begins...

Scene from Shot 2

After Pragya fell down, saying, "I told you I am incomplete without you" and closed her eyes. Actually, she dint die she acted as if she was dying. She wore an arms proof armor beneath her dress before she left for Janaki's place. She was thinking how to escape just then a soldier came and said, "Rani Saheba I know you are acting I have brought another dead body here dressed like you, You can leave the place." Pragya looked around to check whether he is telling the truth or lying. She found that nobody was there in the premises. Pragya said, "Thank you Bhaiyya I will never forget this help (Robin is that soldier)." She was about to leave, she turned back and asked, "Can I borrow your sword for a while?" She took the sword from him cropped her long hair and gave it back to him. She ran deep into the jungle and changed her dress (She picked up one of Purab's dress before leaving Janaki's hut). She went back to Janaki's hut saw her crying and asked, "Why are you crying ? May I know the reason ?" Janaki was shell shocked to see her like that and hugged her tightly crying her heart out.

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Everyone were boggled and they asked Abhisheik , "How you survived? How you both met?" Abhisheik (Senior) said, " Give me a gap to speak."

FB Begins...

Scene from Shot 2

After Abhisheik fell into that pit he was able to hear both Pragya's and Purab's voice calling out for him but he wasn't able to see anything. He tried to speak but fell unconscious in that pit. After sometime he was discovered by Rajveer Sher (Soldier then, Mantri ji now I mean he is Ronnie guys). Rajveer Sher took him to a doctor and treated him secretly. Abhisheik gained both his conscious and eye sight and thanked Rajveer Sher. He informed Abhisheik what all happened in the meantime. Abhisheik said, "I have some plans" and told Rajveer Sher to take a few of the soldiers to your side and our Game begins...

(Scene from Shot 3) Rajveer Sher heard Nikhil telling his men to search Pragya and kill her. Rajveer Sher sent Ranveer Sher (Robin kind of out of names adjust please :D :D) his brother to save Pragya. Ranveer Sher informed Purab about Nikhil's move after that helped Pragya in escaping before Nikhil arrived there. Pragya after reaching Janaki's hut and Janaki being shocked and crying her heart out. They both heard a sound coming from outside and Janaki was terrified. Pragya said, "I will see who is that." A familiar Voice said, "Oh you will see who is that? My Pragya became braver now?" Pragya knelt down and tears were rolling down her cheeks and said, " Kaha they aap? (Where were you?). (Yes it is our Senior Abhisheik)" Abhisheik said, "Just now I said you became braver and now you are crying not fair Pragya." Pragya wiped her tears and said (Like a Proud Queen), "Ok for leaving me you deserve a punishment."

Abhisheik said, "This is not fair I am the King how can you Punish me?" Pragya said, "So what? I am the Queen I can punish you." Abhisheik accepting defeat said, "Ok what is my Punishment?" Pragya said, "Go and search for our Daughter." Abhisheik said, "So I won!! It was a girl jumping like a kid." Pragya saw Janaki laughing, Pulled Abhisheik aside and said, "Why are you behaving like a kid now? See Maa is laughing... (Looking at Janaki)." Janaki understood what was going on and said, "Rani Saheba every man will become a kid when they come to know about their child, Being a King is not an exception." Pragya said, "Call me beti or Pragya but for now call me Prabha." Abhisheik asked, "By the way you named our daughter right? What's her name?"

Pragya said, "I gave that right to Purab now." Abhisheik said, "Oh I don't know what kind of name he will keep for our princess, why did you do this Pragya tell me." He noticed that Pragya was laughing and asked her, "How dare you laugh? That idiot will keep weird names." Pragya said, "Don't worry I named her before they left and told him to call her so." Abhisheik eagerly asked, "What is our Princess name??" Pragya replied, "As discussed I named her Abhigaya Singh Deo." Abhisheik said, "Sounds like a boy's name but nice and you left out Ruthra how dare you?" Pragya said, "Oh my God help me out of this mess please." Both were fighting like kids (Guys, are they really King and Queen of a dynasty!? I doubt it! What about you?) After sometime Abhisheik headed towards the door saying, "Pragya I will be back with our Princess." He returned back after a month and said, "Purab, He will be a great Spy I have to snatch his post of Senapathi and make him a spy." Pragya said, "So you weren't able to find them right?" Abhisheik replied, "Exactly where is he!?"

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Purab said, "Oh shall I become a spy then from now on?" Bulbul said, "First become a good husband and a dad then think about becoming a Spy." Everyone laughed at him, Purab gave a grin and went towards Abhisheik (Junior) and said, "See Bulbul he looks exactly like my Jahanpana." Bulbul said, "Not only by looks but he behaves like him too." Another voice is heard now, "Oh come on now everybody forgot about me?" Everyone turned towards that voice and said in chorus, "Aayiye Mantri ji Aayiye...!! ( Come Mantri come)" Rajveer Sher said, "Ok ok don't embarrass me like this."

FB begins...

Scene from Shot 1

When Bulbul , Pragya , Purab and baby was about to escape from the palace Nikhil stopped them from going and said, "Leave Bulbul and the baby I will leave Pragya alive otherwise I will kill Pragya." Bulbul went back inside with the baby and Purab was about to leave when Nikhil said, "Why so fast? You people really believed in what I said." He was about to harm Purab at that time Rajveer Sher appeared there and attacked Nikhil from behind.

Scene from Shot 3

When Nikhil ordered every Soldier to search every nook and corner to find Abhisheik and Pragya. While searching Rajveer Sher found Abhisheik and treated him after he gained conscious he made a plan and told Rajveer Sher to become Mantri and act rest of the Fool - Proof! Plan. Through Rajveer Sher Abhisheik was actually ruling the dynasty.

FB ends...

Another voice is heard saying, "So you guys forgot me? I am the villain how can you forget me?" Everyone knew whose voice was that, so they were ready to attack but surprisingly that person fell at the feet of Abhisheik Ruthra Singh Deo (Senior, I hope I am not confusing you guys). Abhisheik said, "Get up Bhai enough of being at my feet." Nikhil stood up and said, "I knew you were alive that's why I was searching for you frantically. I love you Bhai and I am sorry Bhabhi! I never meant to hurt you people I wanted to hurt Purab you guys came in between. And as time passed I realized Tanuntra was the love of my Life! So again I started searching you but I wasn't able to find you Bhai." Tanuntra came and said, "Jahanpana (Both Abhisheik and Nikhil turned) you can come to the Palace now everyone is waiting for you." Nikhil said, "Bhai she meant you and not me. Welcome Bhai, Bhabhi Sorry Jahanpana and Rani Saheba." Both Abhisheik and Pragya held their hands together and walked towards the castle.

After 2 years...

Again Chaitanya Palace was decorated this time it was Abhigaya and Abhisheik's wedding.

After all rituals were completed, they heard a trumpet sound and an announcement saying Ajay Singh Deo is coming to attack our palace very soon.

Abhigaya and Abhisheik took off their garlands, dressed themselves as warriors and went out to fight their enemy together.

Abhisheik Ruthra Singh Deo, Pragya Chaitra Devi, Bulbul Seiya Devi, Purab Vikram Rathod, Nikhil Ruthra Singh Deo, Tanuntra Devi, Rajveer Sher and Ranveer Sher were seen watching this from the balcony of the Palace.

A/N: P.S, The Story isn't over yet, Mwhahahahahaha!!!!

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