The Emerald Forest

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After the first assembly in Beacon, Sento, Ruby, and the other first years made their way to the Launchpad where everything was explained to them there. And then Ozpin proceeds to launch them off a cliff into the Emerald Forest, where each of them has to come up with their own unique landing strategy. 

As I was flung into the air at 128 mp/h I decided I should go with HawkGatling to start off with so I loaded the two bottles into my driver. "HAWK! GATLING! BEST MATCH!" I cranked the lever "ARE YOU READY?" "Henshin" I yelled as I was being flung through the air. "TENKUU NO RUFFIAN, HAWKGATLING. YEAAAAH" I spread my wings and flew above the trees trying to make my impact as soft as possible. After that I loaded up Rabbit and Tank and changed into RabbitTank "RABBIT! TANK! BEST MATCH!" I cranked the lever "ARE YOU READY?" "Build up" I said "ORODOTE MOONSAULT, RABBITTANK. YEAAAAH" And thus I walked towards the northern temple with my DrillCrusher in hand.

A/N How did you like that chapter? I think I'll do more first person more now. And woot woot for build's first henshin!

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