Swan X Reader - Part 2 (Gamble)

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"I could easily beat you in a beat down! I'll kick your ass, name the day and time!" Ajax squared up to Swan and aggressively pinned him up to the wall by his vest. "Ajax, calm down! It's my call and Swan is Warchief. That's final." Cleon broke up Ajax from Swan and stood in the middle of the two men. "How about right now? Outside on the beach?" Swan calmly suggested as he was willing to gamble his place as second in command. "Don't get involved, Swan. He's coked off his face, just leave him." You rolled your eyes as you took your Warriors vest off and replaced it with a jacket that made you look less gang-associated. "See. Even your little girlfriend thinks I can whoop your ass." Ajax smirked and bit his lip. "You know what... Have at him." You sighed and headed for the door. "You ain't staying for this?" Cleon asked as he kept in the middle of the two guys ready to rip each other's throats out. "As much as I'd like to see James get a puddle stomped into his ass, I have more important duties." You shrugged and held the door open before you left by yourself.

Swan chuckled at your remark and laid his sweet eyes on you. Calling Ajax James was like a mother calling her child by their first, middle and last name. However, James wasn't even a part of Ajax's full birth name, it was a nickname given to him a few weeks back and calling him James really made his blood boil.

"I'll be back in over an hour." You added and left the Warrior's Hideout alone.

No one knew where you were going, not even Swan. You kept that to yourself and if anyone asked, it was because you found a cheap deal on some smokes and you wanted a few packs while the deal lasted. Some silly lie like that. In reality, you had a Doctor's Appointment that you were able to pay for and attend. The reason you didn't tell Swan was because you didn't want him worrying. As for everyone else, they didn't need to know, your business was kept quiet and private. For the last couple of days, you had experienced some stomach discomfort that you had kept hidden from everyone. You didn't want to share any signs of weakness so you hid that part. The vomiting, however, was a bit more noticeable, but anyone who saw you spitting your guts up, just shrugged it off. A Warrior who woke up vomit was most likely recovering from a hangover. So no one cared that you were sick a few days prior. Just to be on the safe side, you decided to go check it out before jumping to conclusions.

You arrived at the Doctor's Surgery about thirty minutes later and kept your head down feeling a bit embarrassed that you had to return for stomach troubles. The last time you were at the Doctor's for stomach troubles, Luther slapped you across the face as you were leaving the building. He claimed you were taking too long and he caused a scene. It had been a while since you were last seen to, so you filled in whatever paperwork that was given to you and waited for your name to be called. Luckily, there weren't many people waiting to be seen to either, just an old woman who looked like she was already half dead and a man with his little boy who was vomiting into a bucket every two minutes.

The sight of elderly people scared you and made you think, would getting that ancient be good for you? You've lived through some good parts of life and had terrible traumas, but surely there must be more trauma as you get older? You dreaded for History to repeat itself. Then there was parenting, a job you couldn't do. A job that would come with the title, Deadbeat Mom. You couldn't stand words coming out of people's mouths half the time, never mind snot, spit and sick coming out of messy brats you had reproduced.

"(Y-N) (L-N)?" A female Doctor called your name and caught your attention.

You followed the familiar face into her office and took a seat as you gave her the papers you filled in.

"I haven't seen you in a while, (Y-N). How have you been?" The Doctor asked as she closed the door behind you. "Not good, that's why I'm back here." You answered taking a seat and gripping onto your knees. "And what about boyfriend? Luther is it? He caused a bit of a ruckus last time." The Lady added and tried to remain on friendly terms with you. "I'm not with him anymore, I haven't seen him in months." You honestly answered. "That's good, does that mean you've also stopped with the..." The Doctor added on the get a thorough view of your new background. "Yes, I don't touch Flash or anything illegal anymore. I stopped that... I still drink and smoke from time to time, but nothing heavy." You admitted and avoided eye contact as you caught yourself gazing at the floor. "Well, I'm proud that you've managed to improve on that. So... What can I do for you today?" The Lady sat at her desk and got down to business. "Since the start of the week, I've been having some stomach issues and I want to get it checked out." You explained and hoped that there would be no judgment. "Ok. What are the symptoms? Vomiting? Diarrhea? Bloating? Anything besides stomach pain?" The Doctor listed with her pen ready. "I vomited twice on Monday and have been feeling nauseous from time to time. I've been sweating a lot too, but I think that's just nerves..." You answered and felt your palms getting sweaty. "Are you sexually active still?" The Doctor questioned lifting her eyes and keeping her head still. "Still?" You raised an eyebrow.

The Doctor didn't respond to your question back at her, she knew about your lifestyle, the men you used to live with and the fun you liked to have. She raised an eyebrow back at you that read "Just answer the question."

"Yes." You rolled your eyes. "Ok, do you use any contraceptives?" The Doctor kindly asked. "No, nothing like that." You shook your head. "I see, how do you feel about providing a urine sample?" The Woman kindly asked. "A little judged. It's like you're jumping to conclusions because of what happened before." You answered feeling rather hostile. "I'm not, (Y-N). Most Doctors will point their finger at pregnancy in ladies your age. When it comes to female stomach pain it can be one of many things, but it's easier for us to disregard the common possibilities first." The Doctor explained as she stood up from her seat, took a urine sample bottle and gave it to you. "Fine." You heavily exhaled and went to do your thing in the restroom down the hall.

You used the restroom, provided the sample your Doctor was needing to test and tried to get your head together. The anxiety built up and your heart was palpitating, you were terrified that pregnancy was a possibility. You and Swan were never careful and ever since that night the pair of you hooked up, you both continued to do so. The pair of you became closer than ever and even shared a bed with each other.

"Well I have some news for you, (Y-N). You've shown up negative for everything readable on these dipstick tests." The Doctor recorded all of your results after they came through minutes later. "So what does that exclude?" You asked and shook your knees nervously waiting. "Many things. Prediabetes, STIs, Kidney Stones, Bladder Stones, Yeast Infections, Pregnancy..." The Lady listed. "Ohh, thank fuck for that." You held your chest in relief and felt your heartbeat calm down. "That doesn't mean that you should continue having unprotected intercourse though. You can't keep having scares like this." The Doctor explained. "It's just the second scare." You shrugged and avoided more judgemental eye contact. "All I'm saying is be more careful. Unless you want children, then I'd suggest you look into contraceptives. It isn't healthy for you mentally and emotionally to scare yourself like this." Your Doctor put straight forward since she was starting to lose patience with you. "Right. So what do you think is wrong with me?" You sighed and asked to get to the bottom of the awkward situation. "There's still a few possibilities. Colitis, Appendicitis, Stomach Bugs, Intolerances, Food Poisoning, Allergies..." The Doctor listed other potential illnesses. "Ohh, that could be it." You remembered as she listed. "Allergies?" She asked. "No, before that." You clicked your fingers. "Food Poisoning?" She asked again. "Yeah." You nodded remembering your little bet from last weekend.

You had gone out for a few hours with Vermin, Snowball and Rembrandt on a little tagging check-up. Just to see how The Warrior's tag marks were holding up around Coney. Rembrandt added a few touch-ups and after that, you all hung out for a few hours and grabbed a bite to eat. Nothing was better than a traditional Coney Island Hot Dog smothered in lightly fried white onions, melted cheese and yellow American mustards on a late Sunday night. The Stereotypical American heart attack food, you called it. One of the Dogs had very obviously been dropped on the floor in front of the four of you and whilst it was going to be thrown into the trash by the cook, Vermin stopped him. He offered to pay for your Hot Dog and give you ten bucks if you ate the full thing... and so you did. You weren't going to turn down free food and easy money. Sure the middle was a little cold and there was a little slimy texture to the Dog, but it was still edible and probably the reason you were sick the next day.

"Food Poisoning comes with a lot more than just sweating, sickness and pain. If you have Food Poisoning, you've gotten off lightly." Your Doctor explained to you. "Maybe, but I did get dared to eat a Coney Dog last Sunday and that was what you'd call, not up to serving standards." You cringed feeling rather stupid for not thinking of that first. "That'll don't then. Keep yourself hydrated, eat lightly and rest up for the rest of the week. If it gets worse, come back for further examination, please." Your Doctor sighed and excused you from her office with a headache.

Meanwhile, Back At Coney.

Ajax was getting the fight he deserved, someone who put him in his place, but he was still too full of idiotic pride and no respect to realize that he had been defeated.

"Is that all ya got? Yah fuckin' wimp!" Ajax growled and attempted to stand up with his dizzy brain.

"Come back here, ya... ya fuckin' Chickenshit!" Ajax snarled a fell backwards as he lost the rest of his balance.

Swan turned away from his beat up fellow Warriors and walked over to Cleon who watched the whole fight take place.

"This crap ain't over! THIS AIN'T OVER!" Ajax gasped in an attempt to sit himself up in the sand. "It's over, Ajax. You lost. Swan remains as Warchief." Cleon determined and allowed the best man to remain as Second in Command of The Warriors. "Fuckin' faggot!" Ajax spat in jealousy. "You did good, Swan, but you forgot something..." Cleon complimented and held Swan's shoulder.

"We don't ever leave another Warrior behind. Don't forget." Cleon reminded Swan as he let go of his shoulder and helped Ajax up from the ground.

Swan acknowledged Cleon's words, but he didn't pay any attention to Ajax hobbling behind him. Ajax had a good thrashing given to him, he had been beaten black and blue with a bloody nose, bust lip and probably a broken rib or two. Swan, however, just had a cut lip and a black eye that has swollen up and caught some soreness over a short amount of time.

Swan made his way to the bathroom in The Warrior's Hideout and got a quick ten-minute shower. Just to shower off all of the dirt and sand and to treat the injured Ajax gave to him.

After Swan went to wash himself up, you arrived back at Coney and entered the Gang's Hideout. Everyone was enjoying their Friday afternoon with Pinball Machine bets, watching the TV and listening to the radio as sipping down beers continued. You headed upstairs and saw Ajax laid out on the couch with a wet rag over his head and eyes shut.

"Did Swan kick your ass then, Big Boy?" You laughed at the sight of knocked-out Ajax. "Go fuck yourself." Ajax groaned and remained still. "Where is he?" You asked and got a good look at Ajax's stiff body. "He went in the bathroom about fifteen minutes ago." Another Warrior answered for Ajax and pointed at the bathroom.

You headed over to the bathroom and gave it a light tap on the door, just in case anyone else was in there and not Swan.

"Five minutes!" Swan answered. "It's just me." You opened the door and slipped through the door. "Ahh, are you ok? Where did you go?" Swan nodded and asked as he held a piece of tissue up to his lip. "Remember that Hot Dog Vermin dared me to eat last weekend?" You remained Swan. "No, I barely saw you last weekend, but carry on." Swan leaned his back on the sink telling you to carry on. "Ahh, well long story short, I may have gotten food poisoning from a Hot Dog." You nervously smiled with your teeth showing. "So you went to the Doctor's office? You could have just said." Swan added and threw the bloody bit of tissue away. "I'm allowed my privacy." You commented.

"Now tell me how the fight with Ajax went. He's passed out on the couch and looks half dead." You laughed and leaned over Swan's body as he just had a towel wrapped around his waist. "He got wasted is what happened. I reckon he would have had a chance if he hadn't had so much flash." Swan answered and slipped his hands on your hips. "That's his problem. He can get so coked up that he'll get cockier than usual and then someone is guaranteed to put him in his place... Just like you " You smiled and put Swan's cheek in your hand as you studied his bruised eye. "Sure." Swan grinned as he enjoined rolling his hands up and down your body as you gave him attention.

Ajax was a character that Swan struggled to tolerate. Swan thought that Ajax was an obnoxious, forceful, witless and violent man who had three things on his mind seven days a week. Flash, women and violence. Ajax lived for that lifestyle and it got under Swan's skin because it gave him no control. The first time Ajax met you, he tried to get under your pants and harrassed you constantly, but he soon learnt that you weren't for him. Swan got jealous and got Ajax to back down from flirting with you and slapping your ass.

As for your views on Ajax, they weren't as bad as Swan's. Whilst you did agree and see how Swan felt about him, you knew that Ajax was a valuable member of the gang. Ajax scared people, he was a big guy and stood up for his gang. Deep down you knew that Ajax would defend you, Cowboy, Cleon and anyone else in a fight. It was just a shame that his big mouth and dumb attitude killed the Ajax that people wanted him to be. So from time to time, you could get along with him, but more than half of the time, he was the biggest asshole the gang had recruited.

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