Swan X Reader - Part 20 (What About Us?)

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It had been over five hours until the seven of you checked into the ER and none of you had been seen by a Doctor, Nurse, or specialist. You started to doubt that you had been forgotten about, but that wasn't the case. They knew you were waiting, you just had to be more patient. Things like this took a dreadful amount of time and a lot of patience.

The lot of you managed to pass the time with small conversations and some inside jokes trying to lighten the mood. After all, the ER wasn't the most joyful place to be and everyone seemed a little fed up.

There were a few people hunched over holding their stomachs, some vomiting and some groaning.

One guy was holding a bandage over his head that was slowly turning red.

There was also a construction worker with a metal pipe through his foot!

These people made your little posse look like you didn't need to be there.

After a little while longer into your wait, another gang associated guy walked into the ER. However, he was in hand and ankle cuffs, being escorted by two police officers. It was one of the Baseball Furies that Swan defended you from back in the park. His nose was bust, his jaw was swollen and he was limping. He must have been arrested recently since he wasn't in an orange jumpsuit and his "war paint" was still smudged on his face. You smirked at Swan and bit your lip trying not to laugh as the Fury stumbled past you in chains.

"Don't say anything." Swan muttered to you, seeing the same as you. "I ain't." You assured Swan finding it funny that karma had struck down one of the injured Furies. "Come on. We'll sit somewhere else." Swan ordered and moved the lot of you to avoid causing trouble with the Fury and the officers.

Once you re-located in the waiting area, you all kept your voices down and tried not to raise suspicion with the police or the hospital's security. None of you wanted to get kicked out and none of you certainly didn't want the police to click on to who you were. Even though, those two officers were there guarding a man under arrest, there was nothing stopping them from calling for back up to deal with you lot.

From then on, things got more and more boring. You waited a little while longer sitting in between Vermin and Swan. Your head resting on Swan's shoulder and eyes drifting off from time to time. Swan didn't move as you used him as a pillow for comfort. You found it sweet that he wasn't moving to keep you comfortable. However, he wasn't saying much to you or talking to anyone, unless he was spoken to. So maybe it wasn't so sweet after all? Swan was acting differently and you couldn't put your finger on it. Maybe he was just overtired and suffering from his injuries, but hiding the pain too? Meanwhile, Vermin was reading the latest 70's Disco magazine to keep his bored mind occupied on something besides the discomfort he was in.

"Mr Michos?" A Doctor called out from his office. "Now we're getting somewhere." Vermin got up from his seat as he was relieved that he was getting seen.

"Miss (L-N)?" A different Doctor called out your last name a few seconds later. "Finally. I'll see you guys in a few." You exhaled and got up from your seat seeing to the Doctor.

As you and Vermin were the first of the crew to be seen, it gave the rest of the fellas some optimism that their wait wasn't going to be much longer. Swan nodded as you left and got a concerned look from Cowboy who was sat opposite him.

"Why are you barely talking to her?" Cowboy suspiciously questioned Swan. "We're in an Emergency Room. I'm not gonna talk to her about us, while we're here." Swan replied and casually held his arms out. "You must be happy to see her at least?" Cowboy thought out loud as he leaned over to Swan. "I am." Swan slowly nodded. "Then show it. How can you not be pleased that she's sat by your side with her head on your shoulder?" Cowboy smiled with quiet enthusiasm, trying to lift the mood for Swan.

"I thought you'd be a bit more relieved that she's safe and sound after all that worrying you put yourself through. Yeah, she's a bit worked up and had a run for her money, but she's fine now. Her psycho ex is out of the picture and now..." Cowboy ranted on since Swan wasn't being the most talkative or appreciative. "What I have to say to (Y-N) isn't gonna be said around you and isn't gonna be said around anyone else." Swan muttered to Cowboy that would come across as intimidating to anyone who didn't know Swan. "Then go outside with her for five minutes when she gets back. I'm sure she'll want a smoke and fresh air after all of that waiting." Cowboy suggested as he leaned back tossing Swan a box of cigarettes that was more than half empty. "I don't get why you're so suddenly so obsessed with (Y-N) and I." Swan caught the small box and shook his head with a little squint. "Because you need to pull your finger out of your ass and quit making this painful to watch." Cowboy confronted and told Swan straight up. "He's right, Dude. Just get with her or make it official already. You're both right for each other." Cochise butted in as he overheard everything. "I am gonna talk to (Y-N). Alright? Just drop it... I'm tired and got fucking skullache." Swan sighed and slouched in his seat holding his sinuses with his finger and thumb.

"Mr McKitterick?" A Nurse called out moments later. "If you say so, Man." Cowboy shrugged his shoulders at Swan and headed over to where his name was called.

Roughly, twenty minutes later you and Vermin came out from each of your Doctor's offices' and was told to head back to the waiting area for further plans. Vermin had an appointment with a physiotherapist for the neck injuries he suffered. Then you were waiting on an X-Ray for your ribs. You knew that one or two were broken since they were introduced to a solid wooden baseball bat, but your Doctor wanted it confirming and on record. Even though, though no treatment could be done for broken ribs, advice and strong painkillers could be offered to make your recovery easier to cope with. As for the gash at the side of your eye, your Doctor had that cleaned and stitched up, within five minutes of entering his office. It was an infection waiting to happen so he was on it. Then after that, you were given some painkillers and anti-inflammatories to help with the swelling and pain for everything else.

You headed back to your seat next to Swan and gently touched the side of your eye where the stitches had been inserted. It was rather sore and your eye was watering from the discomfort, but it felt healthier already.

"That looks better." Swan confirmed as you took a seat by him again. "It feels better too, but I could do with a smoke after that. Nothing more tense than having a needle put through your face." You patted down your pockets hoping to find a smoke, until you remembered that they were in your vest.

"Same here, Sister. Tell me about it." Vermin sighed. "Sit the fuck down." Cochise pulled Vermin down to his seat before he got up. "What?" Vermin shook his head to Cochise. "Don't be a cock block." Cochise whispered in Vermin's ear.

"Come on, let's go." Swan nodded to Cochise before he offered you a cigarette outside.

You followed Swan out of the ER and over to the outdoor smoking zone that was temporarily quiet. A few people were around, but it was quiet enough for Swan to appreciate the privacy that he wanted with you. Both of you sat on a slopped wall and enjoyed the mid-day sunlight and summer heat. Swan passed you a cig from the box that Cowboy gave him and decided to enjoy one himself.

"Thanks." You accepted and put your cig over the lighter. "... How're you feeling?" Swan tensely asked as he inhaled. "About what?" You responded. "Everything. The last day had been pretty hard on us." Swan explained further and puffed out the smoke. "Us, as in The Warriors? Or us, as in you and me?" You continued to ask wanting more certains out of Swan. "Just overall," Swan replied as he felt his heartbeat increase.

"Well right now, I'm exhausted, I'm aching and I'm honestly considering leaving." You admitted and looked straight forward. "What'd you mean?" Swan turned his head to you in a panic. "The Warriors. I don't know if I can still live life on the edge. I used to be a drug addict. I've beaten people for looking at me the wrong way. I've killed people for putting my life at risk. I'm a reckless driver. I've had multiple near death experiences. All of this has happened to me and I'm not even in my mid-twenties..." You sighed as you listed the life no one should live.

"The Warriors are like a family to me and I appreciate everything that you, Cleon, Cowboy and the rest have done for me... I just don't want to live a violent life forever. Sure some of it has been fun, but it's not healthy. It's scary and it's dangerous." You explained hoping that Swan would understand your feelings and the facts of real gang life. "No, I get you and I fully respect that... I've been thinking about taking off for a while... I've just never had the guts to go through with it" Swan acknowledged and told you a part of his truth. "What's stopped you?" You questioned and smoked more of your cig. "Cleon making me warcheif. Fear of losing you. Proving to Ajax that I do have what it takes to keep myself going. A mixture of everything." Swan listed as he remained by your side.

"Losing me?" You turned your head back to Swan. "Yeah... I'm not just gonna quit the gang without saying anything to you." Swan told you as he adjusted his body to face you. "I guess that's a point then... What about us?" You gulped hoping there was a you and Swan. "What about us?" Swan repeated feeling rather nervous, but not allowing his body to show it.

"Michael. Swanson. Beck? That's your full name?" Vermin interrupted you and Swam once again, but this time with a comical laugh.

"I've known you for over five years and only now have I heard your real name. I gotta say, you don't look like a Michael." Vermin mocked since Swan did have a normal and pretty formal name. "What Vermin?" Swan sighed. "The Doctor is calling you, but Mr Beck didn't stand up. So I said I'd come get you." Vermin told with a little cheesy smile as he held the side of his neck with some strain.

"We'll talk about us later." Swan assured you and patted your thigh. "Sure." You accepted with a nod and finished your cigarette as you enjoyed the sun hitting your face.

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