Swan X Reader - Part 4 (Hot Show Off)

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Ajax couldn't have been any more wrong though, once the ten of you arrived at The Bronx, it was already ram packed. The address of the meeting place was full of gangs. A mixture of New Blood, soldiers, Lieutenants and Leaders were there; and never in all your life have you ever smelt so much testosterone in one gathering. The ratio of Women compared to Men was small, but there were a few familiar feminine faces. Baseball Furies were baseless, Savage Huns were nunchuckless and the Punks were knifeless. From the looks of everything, it all seemed to be tame. No one was wasting nobody.

Fox had found a place for the nine of you to stand together and keep a close eye on Riffs for when Cyrus was ready to come out. Everyone was chatting among themselves and even other gangs from the opposite sides of the state were chatting to each other. Everything was really going well!?

"Don't worry about scouting ahead, if you don't want to. If I take a while to come back, I take a while... I've just seen Luther in the crowd." Fox spoke into your ear as the discussions around you got louder. "Don't worry, I've just made him too." You responded and took a glance in The Rouges' direction.

"I'm gonna fuck with him though." You added as you tried to make it look like you hadn't spotted him yet. "Alright, I'm gonna head left and lurk around the perimeter. If you do come out, don't get too close, I reckon he's packed." Fox explained the visual plan he had set up in his head. "All of them will be packed... I should know." You nodded and let Fox on his way.

You exhaled as Fox scurried out into the crowd and mingled with everyone, you took a quick glance around where you stood and locked in contact with The Rouges who were standing further down and opposite your stand. You wanted them to know you'd spotted them this time so you started antagonizing Luther and his boys as they all examined you and the heavy-built men stood behind you. You pulled out Luther's old Sheriff Badge you ripped off his vest from that night you split up with him and held it in your hand waving it in his direction. Your teeth grinded against your stuck-out tongue as you teased Luther with what made him The Rouge's Leader.

Luther's face dropped as he started biting the skin off his lip and you could tell he'd march right over to you and waste you if he could. If it wasn't for all of the heavy muscle protecting your back, then you'd have something to be concerned about. Just his pissed off expression made it worth you seeing him again, it made you laugh at him in his presence and that caught Swan's attention.

"What's so funny?" Swan leaned down from behind as he stood a step up from you. "Look straight ahead and slightly down. That's what that was about." You gave Swan directions for where he should glance for a certain crew. "You spotted him quickly." Swan locked eyes with Luther who was now grinning at Swan leaning over you.

Swan's gaze with Luther didn't last for long, no longer than three seconds and then Swan's attention was back on you. So to show some dominance, Swan pulled you up to his step and made some room for you by his side. Swan put an arm around your waist and dipped his hand under your trousers to get some bony hip touch. "This is hot." You pulled Swan closer to your chest clenching his vest as you returned the same passionate kiss you gave Swan earlier on.

Your tongue twisting and lip locking kiss didn't last as long as you pleased. Maybe ten seconds, but you knew Luther was uncomfortable watching the entire thing. In that time, you dropped his Sheriff Badge on the ground since it was pointless in your pockets now. Disposing of it in his face whilst making out with another man was guaranteed to itch all three layers of his skin and the action you were getting from Swam was sexy. Unfortunately, Swan pulled away from the kiss as he didn't want you showing off too much.

"Not now. This isn't the time." Swan pulled away and locked down at you as he kept his arm around your waist. "For what?" You stupidly asked. "Well... This and your revenge. I told you he'll get what he deserves. Just like I told you we'd get your tattoo fixed." Swan explained in your ear. "I suppose, but that reminds me." You agreed with Swan as he did keep his promise to get your tattoo fixed.

From the opposite side of the ring, you whistled with two fingers in your mouths and got Luther's returning attention as he turned away for a few seconds. Once you caught Luther's returning attention, you lifted your shirt up from the bottom and revealed your full abdomen and chest for literally everyone to see and cheer on.

After all, Cleon wanted you to make The Warriors look hot and so you did. Every man around the area cheered at the sight of a woman flashing her bare chest with no hesitation or shame. What made it even better is that all of The Rouges besides Luther were also cheering and whistling too.

"You let something with tits like THAT get away? That is HOT!" An unfamiliar Rouge joked beside Luther as he joined your view.

With one hand, you gave him the middle finger and pointed at the tattoo cover up that was now fully healed on your chest. You went from having a serious relationship name inked on your chest to having it covered up with a cowboy riding a swan as if it were a horse. Sure it was a random design, but Swan and Cowboy were the ones who helped you out in a time of need. So a way of you thanking them was through your tattoo cover up.

"Nice." Ajax grinned at you and bit his lip as you kept your shirt up for a little longer.

Luther's jealous expressions from tonight were one of the most exquisite things you had ever seen in a long time. Then the cheering attention you got from men in other gangs was flattering and exciting, so you enjoyed the moment whilst it lasted.

"Cut it out." Swan stepped in between you and Ajax since he could see the sick look he was aiming at you. "What? It's a sick tat!" Ajax chuckled and enjoined the view of your boobs. "Go stand by Cowboy and quit perving." Swan ordered. "Just because she was once his doesn't mean she'll be yours. She could have anyone here." Ajax muttered in Swan's ear before he walked off. "

"What's his problem?" You asked as you knew the two had a feud ongoing. "Nothing, don't worry about it." Swan answered not wanting you to get involved between his and Ajax's issues.

Moments later, the chatter from everyone calmed down and you stopped winding up Luther from a distance. It wasn't long until Cyrus came out starting his speech and gained silence from everyone with his plan. Cheering was of course deserved since Cyrus' plan seemed logical, for a short amount of time. There was in fact more gang soldiers out there than New York police. Whether his plan was going to be successful or not was debatable. Your rivalry with Luther was too intense to just toss to a side for a man you have never met. Everyone was getting excited and cheering on Cyrus, meanwhile, Cleon was getting a little concerned and Ajax was looking at Cowboy as if he were a maron for cheering him on.

Fox had taken a while and hadn't returned to Cleon with any information, so he nudged up to you and sent you out to go find him. After a couple of minutes of searching around, you were able to locate him and ask him some questions.

"Anything?!" You yelled over to Fox as you caught his attention through everyone's applause. "Nothing! Everyone is keeping to the truce by the looks of it! Those Rouges have moved or either left though I can't see them anywhere!" Fox answered back with a yell through the loud screams.

Then BANG!

A sharp gunshot was fired from the ground floor of the ring and went straight through Cyrus' chest. The man fell from his podium and hit the ground with some force. If the bullet didn't kill him, then the fall certainly did. Everyone screamed, hurried and ran in every direction out of pure panic. You and Fox remained still and tried to locate the area of the shot since it sounded nearby.

"Where did that come from?!" Fox placed around. "Down there!" You pointed and came almost face to face with Luther as he turned around with his gun in his hands. "Ohh this is going to be too easy." Luther evilly grinned at you and pulled the hammer on his gun as he aimed it at your head. "Run, you crazy bitch!" Fox yelled and hurried you along before Luther was blinded by stage and police car lights which gave you the perfect chance to escape with the high ground that protected you.

"We need to go!" Fox ran beside you as you managed to find Rembrandt stranded on his own after Cleon jumped in to see if Cyrus was alive.

"Is Cleon alright?" Rembrandt asked as you and Fox stopped for him. "He's gone to see if Cyrus is alright, we saw Luther shoot him." You clarified and pointed at Cleon making his way through the Riffs to see Cyrus. "Come on, move it!" Fox shuffled you two along and got you reunited with the rest of the gang.

The remaining nine of you hurried out of the meeting place, thanks to Ajax. He punched an entrance through a blocked off passageway and Swan counted everyone through as he was the last one following. All of you sprinted through the passageway and into the trees that led you all into a cemetery. Swan told you all to keep your heads down and keep quiet whilst the police drove past in search of anyone at the gathering.

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