Chapter Three

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As Pebblestar called all the cats together, Lightkit went front and center, shaking with excitement. He would finally become an apprentice after what felt like a lifetime of being a kit. 

"As I call down to my clan, I see one kit: Lightkit. This young cat has been with us for an entire six moons, many leaf-cycles, and many gatherings have now passed us. This kit seems more than ready to become an apprentice," Pebblestar declared as the crowd of cats chuckled.

Lightkit shrunk down, a bit embarrassed, with a small smile on his face.

"Lightkit! Please step up!" Pebblestar meowed to the cream-colored tom. Lightkit stepped onto the root, his chest puffed out with pride. "Will you promise to uphold the Warrior Code even if it costs your life?"

"I do," Lightkit squeaked, his tail twitching with excitement.

"Then with the powers of StarClan, I name you Lightpaw!" Pebblestar boomed as the clan cheered. "Whisperstone! You are a brave and strong cat. I trust you to pass these traits onto Lightpaw and teach him well," Pebblestar mewed watching Whisperstone leap up onto the root.

Whisperstone padded next to Lightpaw, and they touched noses; as they did Whisperstone's eyes turned dark as he whispered, "Don't you think I'm going easy on you."

Lightpaw's eyes glittered with a hint of fear, but he quickly blinked it out. Maybe it was just an encouragement to make him work harder. Fact was he was finally an apprentice and he would work harder than any other apprentice has.

"Clan dismissed, Plainfoot I would like to speak with you in my den," Pebblestar said leaping off the root, Plainfoot following after.

Lightpaw leaped off the root as well and looked back at Whisperstone who was eying the leader's den. He didn't think much of it when, well after Dewkit and Pantherkit crashed into him.

"Oh my StarClan! Lightkit- oh I mean Lightpaw. I can't believe you're an apprentice now!" Dewkit squealed, climbing onto Lightpaw's back.

"I know right! We have to wait another million moons!" Pantherkit whined, pawing at Lightpaw's swaying tail.

"And just wait soon I'll be your leader," Lightpaw said, puffing out his chest, his eyes shining. Dewkit shrugged, and Pantherkit burst out into laughing. "What, it's true!" he protested.

"You? Leader?" Pantherkit mewed laughing in between each word that came out of her jaws. "Yeah, sure. You're hilarious!" She giggled watching as Lightpaw shook Dewkit off his back.

Dewkit fell down laughing next to Pantherkit. Lightpaw shrugged, padding away to the apprentice den. "I don't need them, I'm an apprentice now," He thought bitterly. "A lone one at that," Lightpaw sighed, looking around the empty apprentice den.

He had totally forgotten that he was the only apprentice and would be training alone until Pantherkit and Dewkit were made apprentices. The creamy tom shrugged to himself as he looked around for the perfect nest.

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