Chapter 12

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It had been almost a week since the ninja had been visited by Andrew and Slash, and the boys began to notice Serene getting worried. She wasn't focusing on her training and was hardly eating.
"Serene, please eat something," pleaded Lloyd.
"I'm not really hungry," she said.
The two jumped when the new alarm system went off.
"Guys! The villains are back and it looks like they have help!" yelled Nya.

The ninja quickly changed into their gi's and ran to the monitoring room. Sensie Wu was already there with Nya looking at the screen.
"It seems they have some sort of reincarnation of the stone army. But only they aren't controlled by the helmet." said Nya.
"Wait...stone army?" asked Serene.
"We will explain later." said Cole.
"You must find Andrew's weakness or else he will just keep making more villains appear to join his army." said Sensie Wu sternly.
The ninja looked at each other.
"Let's do this!" shouted Jay.


Andrew watched as his new army began to destroy Ninjago City. He wanted to get the ninjas attention so he could finally complete his plan.
Slash walked up to his master.
"Andrew, are you sure this plan is going to work?" he asked.
"Positive. The ninja won't have any idea on what is about to really happen." replied the villain.
The two turned towards the center of the square to see that the ninja had arrived. Andrew smirked with glee.
"Hello ninja, nice to see you all again." he said.
"Call off your army, Andrew!" yelled Kai.
"Or else you can watch us take you all down." said Jay.
"Or you ninja can watch us win!" said Slash.
The ninja were quickly surrounded by the army.
"Zane, what's our chance of surviving this?" asked Lloyd.
"About 23%!" he replied.
"Then let's give it everything we got and not lose!" said Serene.
The army charged the ninja and a full on battle begun.
Cole had grabbed a pole and started swatting away warriors, as if they were ants. Zane and Kai were working together to lead most of the warriors into a trap. Jay was doing spinjitsu around them to make them dizzy, while Lloyd sent out green balls of energy, sending the warriors flying into a building.
Serene was shooting water out of a small nearby lake and pinning some of the warriors to the side of a building.
Andrew whispered something to Slash and then laughed evilly. His plan was working perfectly.
Slash crept over behind Serene and slowly made darkness rise from the ground and began to swallow her.
Serene screamed.
The boys looked over for a mere second to see what was happening.
"Serene!" yelled Lloyd.
"Hold on we're coming!" yelled Cole.
"Hold off those ninja!" yelled Slash.
The army had the boys cornered, while Slash was almost done with Serene.
Serene tried to keep her head above the darkness.
"GUYS! Find Council!" she yelled before she was completely swallowed by the darkness and pulled under ground.
"NO!" the boys yelled.
Andrew laughed evilly. "She is mine now!"
Black smoke filled the air and the villains disappeared. The ninja stood in the center of Ninjago City, half destroyed. They had lost and most importantly, Andrew had Serene.

Surprising huh? I might have time to right the next chapter.
Lloyd: you better not kill Serene
Me: relax Lloyd she's not gonna die....yet
Ninja: WHAT?!
Me: I'm kidding.
Jay: DONT COMMENT! (Snickers)
Zane: do not listen to him
Cole: please comment!
Andrew: (laughs evilly) or don't.
Andrew: NEVER!
Lloyd: (shoots fire at him)
Andrew: (runs away screaming like a girl)
Me: thanks for reading! Bye!

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