Chapter 15

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Lloyd's POV

I was shocked. They had corrupted my sweet Serene and I didn't know how to change her back. I was angry with that stupid villain.
Serene smirked at me and the others.
"What's wrong boys? Are you all speechless?" she said harshly. The once sweet voice that came from my love was now a hateful, harsh voice that wanted to destroy us all.
I walked towards the once sweet and enchanting water ninja I had fell in love with. She cocked her head a little, when I was right in front of her looking into her bloody red eyes.
"Serene, please come back to us. Come back to me." I said gently to her. Serene's eyes flickered from red to blue. She closed her eyes.
I placed my hand on her cheek. "Fight it Serene. Please! We need you."
She chuckled a little. Her eyes opened to reveal red.
"Sorry pretty boy, but good me isn't coming back." she smirked.
The others started to surround her, while I tried to keep her focused on me. Serene saw out of the corner of her eye that they were surrounding her and smirked. She formed water daggers and threw them at all the ninja but Lloyd. The daggers had pinned the others to a wall. Andrew and Slash just stood there and watched as Serene was preparing to take me down.
"HEY!" yelled Jay.
"LET US GO, SERENE!" yelled Cole.
"Not yet at least," mumbled Kai.
"This isn't your fight boys. It's mine and Lloyd's." she smirked.
My fists were surrounded with fire. Even though I still loved her, she was making me angry.
I watched as Serere's hands slowly covered with water.
She shot two water columns, one on each side of me and tried to pin me down.
I used the earth to cover me and not take the blow from her.
"What's wrong Lloyd? Scared your gonna hurt me?!" her voice sounded harsher than before. The moon was almost in place and I needed to find a way to change her back.
"I'm not scared! I will do what I must to stop you, Serene." I shouted.

Serene's POV

The moon was almost in place then I could get rid of these pesky ninja. I smirked at Lloyd.
"Oh really? Well I will do whatever it takes to destroy you!" I shouted back. I formed a water sword and began swinging it at Lloyd.
He dodged it every time.
"HOLD STILL!" I yelled.
"NO! I won't let you win!" He shouted.
I shot him an angry glare at which he smirked. I was confused. Why was he smirking at me? He should be running in terror.
"Sorry Serene, but it's time to turn you back and end this prophecy!" he yelled. Lloyd suddenly changed into his golden ninja suit and blasted a ray of light directly at me. I tried to fight back but everything went dark.

Lloyd's POV

I ran over to Serene, who now looked like her old self. The water daggers which had pinned my brothers to the wall released them. The others ran over to join me.
"Serene?" I said gently, as I petted her head.
"Did it work?" asked Jay. Kai smacked him upside the head.
"Dude...just shut up." he said.
"Would you both just be quiet!" said Cole.
Zane scanned Serene. "Her vitals are strong."
"Serene, please wake up." I said.
She moaned as her eyes fluttered open. "Lloyd?"
"I'm right here."
She looked at me, sat up and kissed me.
"Aw!" I heard Jay say.
She broke the kiss and giggled.
"It's good to have you back." said Kai.
"Sorry to break up the moment ninja, but it's time for you all to die." said Andrew.
Serene looked angry.

Serene's POV

"I won't let you hurt them!" I yelled.
Suddenly a portal opened out of the middle of no where. Did I do that?!
"You used my key!" yelled Andrew.
"The key opens portals?!" yelled Slash.
"Oh crap." I heard Cole and Jay say at the same time.
Then I got the craziest idea I had ever come up with. I pulled off my key necklace and threw it to Lloyd.
He caught it and looked at me.
"Serene? W-What are you doing?" he stammered.
I knew the others had figured out what I was going to do. I tried to choke back the tears but a few escaped.
"Goodbye, my sweet Lloyd. Perhaps we shall meet again." I nearly stumbled on my words.
I turned and tackled Andrew through the portal. The last thing I heard was Lloyd yelling for me.
After that Andrew and I fell into darkness.

Lloyd's POV

She's gone. I couldn't believe it. Serene was gone and I couldn't bring her back.
"Lloyd.." said Cole.
"We're sorry, brother." said Zane.
"We'll find a way to bring her back." said Jay.
I sighed and looked down sadly. She had done it to protect us from Andrew. The other villains had fled since their master was gone.
I felt Kai and Cole pulling on my suit, trying to lead me out of the lair.
"Come on Lloyd. Let's go home." said Kai.
I nodded and followed them back to the school where Sensie Wu and Nya had returned. I would find a way to bring Serene back. I will bring her back no matter what.

End of book 1

Me: (snickers) I am evil like that
Kai: pure evil author
Me: I know! (Smiles)
Jay: eh I guess they can comment.
Me: really?
Jay: NOT!
Cole: (smacks Jay)
Jay: OW!
Me: this chapter is dedicated @SKITTLES_KAT. She gave me the idea for Serene's water weapons. Thank you for reading. Book two will be out as soon as possible.
Ninja: BYE!

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