Chapter 3

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Serene began looking around for the others. She had changed into her new suit and had placed her dagger at her side.
"Uh guys?" she yelled. She continued to walk down the hall and stopped in front of a door. "Where are you all hiding?"
She was about to continue walking when Lloyd opened the door, grabbed her arm, dragged her inside and shut the door behind her.
"Lloyd? What's going on? Why are you guys hiding?"
"Well technically I'm the only one hiding. The others are outside trying to find me."
Serene looked at him confused. "What did you do?"
"You will learn that I love pranking the others. I set up some paint bombs in the flower beds and they came out just when the bombs were set to go off. After that I took off running and hid in here." he said.
"So why did you drag me in here again?"
"So I would have some help when they find me."
Serene laughed a little.
"Nice suit by the way." he smiled.
Serene smiled back. All of a sudden they heard yelling and banging in the door.
"Lloyd! We know your in there!" yelled Kai.
"Come out!" yelled Cole.
"Never!" yelled Lloyd.
"Then we are coming in!" yelled Jay.
Serene looked at Lloyd and then at the air vents. She opened the vent and grabbed Lloyd's hand. "Come on! I may have an idea."
Lloyd didn't bother questioning her. He followed her into the vents just as the door was sent flying across the room.
"He's getting away!" yelled Kai.
"According to my calculations that vent leads back outside," stated Zane.
"Then let's meet him out there," said Cole.
The four boys ran through the halls and past Nya.
"Hey Nya!" yelled Jay as he passed her.
"Uh hi?" she said a bit confused. She then followed them outside. "So why were you guys in such a hurry to get up here?"
"Lloyd set off paint bombs, as you can see." replied Jay as he motioned to his suit.
The boys turned when they saw the vents frame shoot out of the wall. They watched as Lloyd crawl out.
"Oh crap. H-hey guys! You aren't still mad are you?" he stuttered.
"Very," said Zane.
"Well in that case, NOW!"
Water shot out of the pond and pinned the four ninja to the wall.
"Alright, this isn't funny!" yelled Kai. Lloyd laughed.
"Actually it is. You guys want to meet my partner in crime?" he asked. The boys looked at each other then back at him.
"Who is it?" asked Cole.
"You can come out now."
The boys looked at the vent and watched as a purple ninja crawled out and then walked over beside Lloyd. The ninja removed her hood and smiled. "Hey guys."
"You got Serene to help you?" asked Zane. Lloyd nodded and smirked.
Nya laughed. "I guess Lloyd had a back up plan after all."
"Well technically I have to give Serene credit for this part of the plan."
Serene smiled. "Also I thought it would be fun to try my powers out on you guys."
"Well can you please let us go now?" asked Zane. Serene nodded and removed the water. Cole, Kai and Zane landed on their feet, while Jay landed on his face.
"Jay!" said Nya. "Are you alright?" she asked as she helped him up.
"I'm fine."
Sensie Wu came out of the school to see everyone together. "Lloyd, Serene may I speak with the two of you alone for a moment?"
"Uh sure, Sensie." said Lloyd. He looked at Serene and shrugged. The two followed the old man back into the school, while the other ninja went to get cleaned up and Nya take the students home.

Sensie Wu handed both ninja a cup of tea and then sat down in front of them. The two ninja sat in silence. Lloyd was completely calm, but Serene was concerned that she had done something wrong, other than the prank.
"You both may be wondering why I asked to speak with you alone." he began. "I have discovered in the scrolls that the green ninja and water ninja have a power that connects them. This power is known as soundwaves."
Serene looked up at the old man. "I've heard of that power before. It allows the person to be able to speak with the person they are connected to through their minds. It also allows them to disable certain types of power."
"Very good, Serene."
"How do you know about that power?" asked Lloyd, who looked at her.
"I've studied different types of powers before. I needed to learn ways to control my element."
"But Sensie, how do we unlock this new power?" he asked.
"You must calm your mind and concentrate on each other."
The two ninja closed their eyes and began to try and concentrate on each other.

'Serene? Can you here me?' asked Lloyd through his soundwaves.
It was quiet. He tried again.
'Yes, Lloyd?' she answered.

The two opened their eyes.
"It worked!" yelled Lloyd in excitement.
Serene laughed. "That was awesome."
Sensie smiled. "Very good. Keep practicing and it will grow stronger and even more powerful."
The two nodded and left the room to go meet up with the others for dinner.

I'm trying to update a new chapter every day. It may be hard because I just started drivers ed, but I'll do my best to keep the story going. Please comment any ideas you may have or wish to happen in any new chapters. Also, I apologize for the part in chapter one where Kai says, 'but I thought girls couldn't be ninja.' If that offended anyone or makes them think it is sexist I'm real sorry. I didn't mean for it to sound like a bad thing.
Thanks for reading!

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