Chapter 5

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Nya walked to Serene's room and knocked on her door.
"Serene? Can I come in?" she asked.
Nothing. Nya leaned her ear against the door to hear crying. She opened the door to see Serene on her bed crying. She walked over to the bed and sat down next to her.
"Serene? Are you alright?"
Serene looked up at Nya and wiped away her tears. "Yea I'm fine."
"Serene, I can tell you're not alright. Please tell me."
Nya placed her hand on Serene's shoulder. "Please."
Serene sighed. "Alright. But you have to promise you won't tell the others."
"I promise."
Serene began to tell her what she was crying about.

Serene walked slowly through the dark, mysterious and endless hallways of Council's dimension. She had been wandering for almost two hours searching for Andrew. He had been acting strange all day and she couldn't seem to figure out why. She walked passed a slightly opened door and stopped. Serene slowly walked back to the door and opened it to find Andrew staring at the key of protection for the dimensions.
"Andrew? W-what are you doing in here?" she stammered.
The boy raised his head but didn't face her. "Tell me Serene, how is it that you were able to control your element so quickly?"
"W-what do you mean? I-I was only practicing the way you and Council told me to."
Andrew turned and faced her. Serene backed away, for his emerald green eyes had now turned to an evil red.
The boy smirked at her and laughed evilly. "Oh Serene, that is so not true. You just wanted the key all for yourself and wanted to be Council's favorite student."
"Andrew, that's not true. We're friends, don't let whatever it is make you turn evil."
"It's too late. Goodbye Serene." he threw a fireball at the girl, who forced a water orb to form around her for protection."
"You can't stay in there forever! You may be able to control water, but your not able to breathe in it."
Serene was scared and worried. She didn't know what had changed Andrew so much, but now she felt responsible and frightened that he would end her life.
The water orb splashed to the ground, as Serene finally released herself from the protection of her element. She coughed violently and gasped for air.
Andrew formed one last fireball and prepared to end his so called friends life. He was about to throw it when a hand grabbed his arm and stopped him. He turned around and faced the brown eyes of Council.
"C-Council! Serene tried to steal the key. I was only trying to protect it from her! She's evil."
"No Andrew. You are the one who is evil. I have sensed the darkness in your heart for a very long time now. You are hear by banished from my dimension and are no longer worthy to be called my student." said Council firmly.
Andrew was angry. He looked at Council and then at Serene. "One day your favorite student won't be so pure any more. You and I both know that."
And with that the boy disappeared.
Council walked over to Serene and helped her up.
"Are you alright, my dear?"
"I'm fine, Council."
He nodded and led her over to where the key of protection was being held. He gently picked up the key and formed it into a necklace.
"Serene, you have earned the right to protect the dimensions. Do not misuse this power."
"I will not, teacher."
He placed the key necklace around her neck and smiled at his student.


"Oh Serene, I'm so sorry." said Nya, as she hugged the girl.
"You can't tell the others. I don't want them to know that I'm Council's student or protect the dimensions. Sensie Wu already knows."
"I won't tell them. It will be our secret."

Hey guys! Sorry if this chapter is shorter than the others. I have to study for my permit test tomorrow. But anyways there's more about Serene and Andrew's past. Please comment any ideas you guys have. Thanks for reading!

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