Camp Tiger Claw

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Your pov

(Chose your out and you have to wear flip-flops you can wear shoes)
"I can't wait this is gonna be awesome" I say in excitement "I know right camp fires smores" Gumballs fists bumps me then we lean close "And SCARY CAMP FIRE STORIES" Darwin shivers "That's one reason I don't wanna go" Gumball pats his shoulder with a fake hand "Don't worry buddy you got us" the hand falls and Darwin screams me and Gumball laugh "We hope you have fun kids" Mom smiles and pulls up the camp were going to "Me and your father will bring Anise once she feels better" I nod my head we get out and they hug us "Y/N listen carefully you have 100 rules to follow" my eyes widen "Wha Dad" the boys laugh "That goes for two boys" they groan "Rule number one keep boys away from Y/N except you two Rule number 2 no wearing any other boys jacket except Gumball's or Darwin's Rule number 3 no hugging any other boy but your brothers Rule number 4 No talking to any other boys but your brothers Rule number 5 you keep an eye on every boy and never leave her side Rule number 6 Do not introduce her to any new guy friends ever Rule number 7 no sharing food or drinks with boys but your brothers" 93 rules later "And the most important rule of-" dad was cut off by someone wolf whisling we all looked back and saw some boys looking at me 'Uh oh they better run' "HEY WHAT ARE LOOKING AT WANNA FIGHT HUH COME HERE YOU LITTLE PUNKS" we all hold my dad back the boys run "CALL ME LATER HOT STUFF" my Dads  eyes wide then catch on fire like in anime "YOU LITTLE RUNT GET BACK HERE SO I CAN KILL YOU" we try pushing Dad in the car we finally get him in when mom shoved him in and tied him up with the seat belt and drove off after they left I heard my dad yell "NO SHE CAN'T STAY SHE'LL BE ALONE WITH BOYS" I face palm blushing we follow the other campers as we walk in the entrance they asked our names then tied a certain color ribbon on our wrists I stretch my arms and yawn "Wow man check her out" "Dude she's so hot" "She's so cute she looks like she's out of anime" I turn my head and see boys blushing looking at me I wave "Shot" the blush nosebleed and fall back "...I swear my life is anime" sweat drops (Because this is anime duh) we walk to a table and get in line when I see a fimiliar brown haired girl "Penny" she turns around "Y/N" we run up to each other and hug "Thank Elmore your here I thought you was going to Camp Pep" she shook her head "I convinced my parents to let me go here" we smile and hug "H-hi Penny" Gumball waves blushing "Hey Gumball Hey Darwin" Darwin waves "Hey Penny I'm glade everyone's here" we smile "I'm Mena Smith welcome to Camp Tiger Claw these are your camp counselers and your C.I.Ts for your cabin numbers go to the cabin that has a flag with the same color as your ribbion" i looked at my ribbion i had a purple one "Hey Penny what color is yours" she looks down "Yellow" we hug each other Sarah had and Carman had to pull us away from each other while I screamed to Penny "DON'T GO I LOVE YOU" (If you get what vine this is i love you) after that everyone went to their cabins when I walked in I saw alot of girls one that stood out was this tall light purple cat/fox girl sitting on the single bed

(The app I used for this is dress up game furry)
the girl stands up and smiles "Hello everyone I'm Libby your C.I.T I hope we get along well it's nice meeting all of you" she smiles 'She's both cat and fox AWESOME' (Yeah thats me im da book) I saw one girl blush

(Here's one of your female love intrests)
and her nube tail was wagging she noticed me and blushed even harder "Hi I'm Y/N Waterson" she smiles "Clarie Loud and the reason why I blushed is because I like girls aaaand I've never seen someone who's both cat and fox" I smile "You like girls I've actually never met some one who liked the same sex" Clarie laughs "Yeah it's hard find twelve year olds who are like that" she rubs her arm "Wanna share a bunk" I nod "Totally I call top" Clarie pouts "Ah meanie" we laugh I climb up the ladder and put my pillow up on the top "This gonna be so much fun plus this place has free wi-fi and good signal" I hear one girl yell "YOU GOT THAT RIGHT SISTER" all the girls laugh after we settled in me and Clarie went out to walk around "Oh Clarie you'll love my friend Penny we've been bff's since pre-school" Clarie smiles "Can't wait to meet her" she smiles as we walk I saw Penny sitting at pinic table with Tobias I mental puke "Hey Penny hey Tobias" they wave "Hey my purrrincess" Clarie snickers "Skittles I can do better than that" me and Penny burst out laughing "Hey you don't have to be jealous of me" Tobais winks at me then leaves Clarie rolls her eyes "Penny this is Clarie we're in the same cabbin" Penny smiles "It's nice to meet you Clarie I trust you to control her" Penny points at me "Hey" Penny laughs "I will do my best madam" Clarie salutes Penny we all laugh then walked around the camp
Gumballs Pov
I was walking with Darwin when I saw Tobais he looked pretty upset "Aww hey buddy did my sister reject you again" he looks up and smirks "That's how she shows she loves me" he smiles "What ever makes you happy man" he smiles "She does" he points to his right and purrs I look over and see my sister walking with some girl and Penny 😍😍😍 and her other friends "Hey twin brother Hey Darwin this Clarie" she waves "Hey Sis Clarie" I look at Penny "H-hi Penny" Penny waves and smiles "Hey Gumball" I blush "I like your feet" all our eyes widen "..BYE" I grab Darwin's wrist and run "I LOVE YOU PENNY WHY DID I SAY THAT" Darwin laughs my face is all red "STUPID STUPID STUPID" I slam my head on a tree over and over
Richards pov
After my wife fell asleep I snuck out the house to the kids camp in I look down at the city from a cliff and look at picture of Y/N "Don't worry baby DADDIES COMING" I yell and fall down the hill
Your pov
I was at the camp fire sitting with my friends and my brothers "Hey Y/N marshmallow roast race twin against twin" I smirk "Your on face stealer" Gumball shoves his marshmallow in the fire then the stick break and the marshmallow falls on his foot "AHHHH" he screams in pain "Haha I win" I throw hand up and hit someone "Ow" I look back "Omg I'm so sorry are you okay" they look up

(Love intrests number 2)
"Oh it's quite alright darling my my you have such beautiful hands" she grabs my hand making me blush "Uhm th-thank" she smiles "I'm Pearl Laceback who you" I smile "Y/N Waterson and that idiot running around yelling 'My foots on fire is my twin brother" she looks behind me the bust out laughing "You poor thing" I sigh "I know T-T" we laugh "Y/N there telling ghost stories" Clarie calls me "Wanna sit with us" Pearl nods "That would be wonderful darling" we all sit by the fire while a green and white fox tell a so called 'true story'

by the end  Gumball and Darwin are hugging me shaking "CAN YOU IDIOTS LET ME GO" the scream "DON'T LEAVE US" I sigh "Um boys it's OK it's just a story" we all look over and see my C.I.T Libby Darwin staers at her them falls off me "Oh are you ok  sweetie" she helps him up and he nods "Good now you kids hurry to your cabins wash up the get some sleep we have a fun day planned" I smile as brothers run off then I hug Libby "THANK YOU" she laughs and pets my head "Your welcome I know how you feel my best friend is just the same" I smile I walk with her to my cabin the take my shower but I couldn't get them out of my head Clarie and Pearl I think I think I think I'm in love with two girls

I know i know "IT'S FINALLY HERE YAAAAY" more will come soon I'll still write this when school starts back until I feel like I'm done with it

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