P22. Choice

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That girl's size was not as big as my arms combined.

She was as small as one of my arms. I could easily split her in two with raw power. Yet, she fought bravely to the end, refused to give up, but pathetically fell to the snowy ground, taint the white glistening snow with stench of red-cold-blood.

It was repeated again. On the same day. Her death imagery and Bryans were overlapped, nothing seemed better. Both of them were as just horrible as each other.

"Now, then." Dimitri stood and stepped on Fatima's dead body as if she was a garbage. "Let's go back to Alliance. His Eminence was looking for you."


I grabbed Gleipnir, as hard as I could, let my blood fell to the ground as I stood up, fighting against the reign of chains on me. But Gleipnir's force was too strong. It grabbed all of my limbs, as if wanted to tear them apart. It pushed me so far to the point that I have to released Lohengrin, let that weapon fell with a low thud to the snow.

"You really would go under heavy reparation." Dimitri came close to me. He stepped on Fatima's head, crushed her head in one move. "Fall upon one death. You're beyond pathetic."

As the blood covered the snow, any words that was about to come from my mouth was suddenly disappeared. It might be his power again, but what he said was not entirely false either. We were on mission to wipe out humanity and take over this planet.

That was only two people, I couldn't compare it to anyone I've killed so far. Insignificant number.

Why did I was so enraged with their death?

Something sank inside me, swallowing up the rest of me entirely. My body still. Unable to move. Not even had any will to move.

Who was actually the enemy?

Who was right and who was wrong?

Multiple shot rained us both. One of the bullet injured Azrael. I looked up and saw a heliot floating down with tens of drones fought with it. The drones quickly dispersed and fought against our beasts. From the heliot, a girl descended. She wore a grey vest like Union's army and held a gun.

What a familiar face. Did Dimitri created this in my mind too?

"Stop right there!"

No. Could it be false? Her voice, her face, even her act was similar.

"You have violated dozens rules of a war!" That lady said, fearlessly. "Now, back off or I had to shoot you."

"By any means, Miss Melista." Dimitri stretched out his hands nonchalantly. "That's what I'd like to say, but it seems you got an interesting toy over there."

A lot of people descended from tens of heliopter behind her. Tanks and panzer followed suit. Badge of Union engraved on their steel body. Dimitri put down his arms. His expression was indifferent but I knew, deep inside, he was infuriated.

"You planned to turn this area into a battlefield." Dimitri sighed as he ripped off his uniform, revealed his unhealed wounds, a condition that bring an utter shock to me. "Nice shot."

I looked at Reana who not even smiling. She just looked determined. Her finger curled up against the trigger, ready to pull it on second shot. That gun might just be an ordinary gun, but she used that bullet from Union, which means she came with Union. And she just shot one of the high command of Alliance, all by herself.

"Reana, watch out!"

With all strength left, I jumped and reached her, right at the moment to push her down before Dimitri took a step forward and slices my back in the process.

Red splattered every corner of ground, left nothing untainted, gave another color of the dark night. They didn't even had time to scream. All of them sliced in two, three, and some of them even turned into a stain of blood and organs on the ground by just one slash from Gleipnir.

Those who still had their life attached, screaming after the attack. The scenery around us was becoming more and more horrible: Men looking for his mutilated limbs, some of them crawled like maggots. They were all crying and begging for help, from anyone who care to look and listen, but no one did. Everyone was too busy to take care of their own matter.

Those lives went out in a horrid and most painful way.

Reana laid on the ground, face tainted with blood. She was quite pale and visibly shocked by what was just happen, especially after she witnessed the scenery behind me. Her hand grabbed my shirt instinctively, looking for anything to hold onto. Her lips trembled, She looked like a girl that about to shattered into pieces, but something hold her in one piece. As if she expected it. But I knew that wasn't a face of someone that had predicted all of these.

Something stronger had made her determined, even if all of this turned for the worst.

"Are you hurt somewhere?" I turned back, only to see no traces of Fatima could be seen. That attack could've been sliced her into pieces. That made rage piled up inside me.

"No...." She shook her head, as if tried to deny what just happened. But it was real and she got it right away when she lifted her face and looked into my eyes. "What was ... that? I ... I couldn't see...."

I fell. My feet kneeled to the ground, unable to bear the pain any longer. Sweat covered me like a second clothing. I didn't realize this sooner.


"I'm fine." I tried to get up. This time it worked. "Go away. You just get in my way."

"But you're hurt—so bad!" I almost thought that she was terrified to the point she almost lost her composure. Was I that horrifying? "Nath—

"It's Neil." I corrected. "My friends call me Neil." As hard as I could, I pulled the corner of my lips to form a smile. It failed. I couldn't do it.

"Neil." Weird. Now it didn't feel so strange to hear my name out of her lips.

I nodded, then gulped before that very name came out of my trembling lips: "Reana."

Her eyes widened in shock as if it was the very first time she heard her name came out of my lips. It wasn't, though. But this is the first time I called her as someone, not as something. It sounds no different from the usual name I used to call her with, but somehow, her human ears could tell which is which and she smiled.

It felt so right, as if we were given this very moments just to this. Hearing her call my name while she hearing the same reply came out of mine.

But the moment didn't last longer.

I ducked as another attack came right to us. Reana rolled on the ground, evaded the incoming attack as it rained on her, thundering the ground and shaking it like a pure brute force of nature.

The chains of Gleipnir slithering on the air like dozen of snake. It spiraled, twisting, and jammed to everything that caught on Dimitri's eyes as he launched another merciless attack. Soldiers that came to help couldn't even left a feet. They were busy retreating from Gleipnir's merciless chains.

"The chains that binds Fenrir of Norse Mythology." Reana coughed by my side. "How could that name used for chains that kill people?"

"Because he deserved it." I stood up first. "If given a chance, I'm sure that weapon could bind heaven to the Earth at will. All of their weapon could do so."

"So the rumors were true." Reana replied. "That man over there was one of the high commanders of the Alliances?"

I nodded.

"The high commander of Alliances. The Angels of Destructions." Reana said the name coldly. "This is bad."

I looked at her. Seeing another face of her that I've never seen: wrath. Her eyes burning with internal flame as she dig a hole to Dimitri's face with her eyes only Her lips turned into a thin black line and no kindness reflected on her eyes. Only regret, pain, and anger.

That was for Dimitri. And for me, if she knew the truth.

"That's why Humans were so disgusting." Someone from the past talked to me. Another memory recurring from the corner of my head. "If only we didn't have to be look so much like them: an inconsistent, greedy creature of Earth."

The loss, the failure, the experiences, all I've got during these past months haunted me back once more. When I was separated from them: my identity, and my power, everything didn't feel the same ever since. This weak, deteriorated form of mine, had reformed me into something new, something that wasn't entirely sure what was right or what was wrong. Something that incapable of decide on anything, hence couldn't protect anything or achieve anything.

Everything would lead to doom. Everything would not change. It couldn't be changed. I'd only lost more and more since I couldn't make a right choice at the right moment. Because of that failure, I lost more than one life in a day. A life that I just thought of became something they called: precious.

I touched the syringe in the bag. It saved. Cold, untouched, but saved. Unlike the lives I failed to help. If I do it now, I wouldn't be able to turn back to this state. Everything I got up to this moment could be lost. All of those emotions would be nothing but fever memories. All of those questions would be nothing but hindrance. I didn't want to betray my kind. Nor I wanted to deny my own origin. I was a Martian and no one could change that.

But what I received from all of those humans: cruelty, as their sacrifice, their protection, and their gratitude, everything I got while all I was ever done to them was hide and lied, it made me question everything.

I couldn't fully stood for Maha. But I didn't want to defend such a cruel thing like humans.

I lost myself. I lost of what to do next.

"I believe in you."

You believe in a wrong person, Latifah.

I took the syringe out of the waist bag and look at Reana for the last time. I tried to remember everything that I've felt for her now: the warmth that only blooms for her, the emotions that rig inside me whenever we were together, the peace I've felt when she was here with me, everything. Before they vanished into thin air.

"Neil, wh-what's that? What are you doing?" Reana stood. She tried to stop me, purely because of worry and fear. No bad intentions.

"I'm making a choice." I pulled the last part of the serum to the circulation system. Cast aside the last piece of humanity that left within me.


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