P9. Strange Girls

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One thing that everyone should be cautious of in every condition was flow of information. Let your guard down for a second and something bad would happened.

In this case: a traitor.

Someone leaked the information of my wellbeing in this camp.


Reana was the first to spoke. She unexpectedly walked to the front and stood between me and the soldier. She looked up at Union's badges on his right chest as I watched her small back, searched any traces of fear.

I found none of it.

"You asked whether there was a soldier here." She told firmly. "With these....?" She pointed all the drones. "How persuasive."

"I am asking a question to smooth things down, Miss....." The soldier, who was a Lieutenant, by the stars on his chest's uniform, calmly responded, but couldn't finish his words. Reana didn't bother to introduce herself. "But this is an order. You have endangered humanity if you smuggled a Maha in here."

"And you endangered us to immediate danger with your weapons."

The soldier paid no attention to Reana anymore. Instead, he looked at me, noticing the gun that I have no intention to hide. But Fatima quickly clung to me closer.

"I see you are trying to hide it." He looked at all of us. "Any of you must have been brainwashed."

"What?" Reana blinked in disbelief. "What are you—

The drones around us beeped in attacked positions. They all have been armed and their beam was aimed at each one of us.

"I've heard that some of Alliance's army had this ability to controlling mind." He raised his hand. "Sorry, but you are all done."

Scream of numerous people broke outside. And at the same time, drones launched their attacks.


The tent fall upon us. I instinctively reached one part of the fabric and used it as preserved blindfold.

The soldier cut the fabric, made a way through for the drones.

Fatima instinctively clutches at my clothes. I took her with me, while Reana screaming and Bryan hijacked one of the drones by jumping on top of it and drove it like an insane.

"Run!" Reana shouted right at the moment our eyes met. "Take her with you!"

Reaching for the child that clung to my feet, and brought him along like a sack of wheat, I ran, ignoring all the chaos around us.

Twelve feet from our tent, I saw a woman dragged out of her tent, along with a man that presumably her husband and two young boys that presumably her children.

They weren't the only one that being dragged out of their tent.

All of the refugee was dragged out. With at last one soldier for each family, they all being dragged, robbed, and shot in front of many.

The soldier before was attacking us because he looked for a soldier. Someone leaked the information about me. That Human concluded everything on his own.

As a result, this camp was attacked.

All because of me

That very fact sent unfamiliar cold to my spine. An uninvited feelings creep through my back.

We were hiding and sneaking behind tent to tent, tried our best not to get spotted with only one active limb on my side. Meanwhile, Fatima sobbed silently on my chest. I wrapped my palm around Fatima's mouth, shut her down.

"Hey, did you hear that?"

It was too late. Someone already spotted us.

I took my leave immediately, but not after spotted trucks parked at the south-east border, loaded with supplies from logistic tents. Many refugees were pushed with guns to load the supply boxes to the trucks.

What a poor taste creatures Humans are.

"Are you out of your mind?!" Behind a tent, I peeked outside, caught the sight of Reana, fine and unscathed, stood face to face with a group of soldiers. Even from this far, I could tell, she was pretty upset. She was confronting them. "You're attacking Humans! Weren't you supposed to protect all of us?!"

"We are protecting humanity, Miss." That young lady was never wavering, even when a gun loaded with ammunition raised against her very brain. "We're decreasing number of mouth to feed."

Unlike me, Fatima that already stopped crying, now began to fight her way off me. Her eyes pinned on Reana that being surrounded by men with weapons.

"Rea-na...." Fatima reached out, tried to loose from my grasp. "Reana...."

I grabbed her feet even tighter. Fatima looked at me with her big hazel eyes. Her face was as pale as the sheet on my bed.

"Reana told me to take you." I looked at the opposite direction. "Let's get out of—

My words stopped when Fatima dug to her pocket and grabbed some peanuts. Then, he looked at me with a look that didn't looked like a five year old crybaby a minute ago.

There were no fear or doubt.

She smiled at me, then pushed me gently. "Here. Safe." Then, she pointed herself. "Fatima, there...." She pointed at Reana.

"You'll be killed." Those words came from nowhere, out of blue, moved by something that kept pushing my lungs from the inside, choked me.

That girl nodded. "Fatima know."

No shivers. No fear. No doubt.


A gasped loose from my mouth as the sudden realization.

I was asking something.

Fatima patted my chest two times, before pushed me with all she had and slipped from my arm. I walked to get her again, but somehow, she ran faster than me.

Fatima might be not yet understand what it means to put a life in danger; that was what I thought. But when she started to threw her peanuts to those soldiers, I lost for words.


Saving lives of the others was simply fool. The highest odds was to save yourself. Those soldiers right there, knew better of it.

Then why ... did ... she do that?

Over there, there was a scene I would forever engraved in my mind. The contradiction of humanity. Most of them wouldn't mind trampled others, but a few of them, showed me something unfamiliar, that able to move them, putting their life on the line to save the others.

The soldier spotted Fatima raised a hand against them. They aimed the weapon at that little girl, along with two attack drones.

Out of blue, I took a step outside my hideout, without much thought of it. While I still asking myself of this ridiculous action, two of them already noticed.

All of them turned at me. Fatima and Reana looked at my direction in disbelief.

Something strange was happening to me.

It was as if my every organ in me was awaken to its full potential once more. All the pain gone. All mist disappeared. It probably the result of adrenaline outburst, but nevertheless, I shouldn't miss this chance.

My mind solely focused on those soldiers. I took Lohengrin out and showed it to them, letting them know that I was the soldier they were looking for. Those soldiers threw me an alarming look and sent out their drones to launched attacks.

Let it be a fight.


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