Chapter nineteen

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I knew Dustin would be here in the next few days. I didn't know when he could get a flight or how many buses he might have to take. I wanted to talk to Elliott but he still wasn't answering my calls. I decided to stop waiting for him to call me back and just confront him face to face. I pulled in the drive and saw him stand up on the porch. He looked sad.

"Why haven't you been answering? I didn't tell you all that stuff to make you hate me, and if you hate me then just come out and say it already." I couldn't keep the words in and I was on the verge of tears.

"Allie no, no, no" he wrapped me into a hug and I finally couldn't hold myself together and cried into his shoulder for what felt like hours. When I was finally done crying I looked up at him and asked him again why he hadn't answered. He pinched the bridge of his nose and took a few steps back.

"Jordan." I didn't know what he had done, but his name was enough to make me want to vomit.

"What?" I asked my voice trembling more than I realized.

"Well for starters this mother fucker wants me to convince you to be with him, he is a sick fuck Allie. He is talking all kinds of crazy shit about Ana and wanting to keep you safe. He says he needs you to be his. He kept saying it like you were some sort of possession." His face was red and completely full of rage. His hands were clasped into fists and his knuckles had turned white.

"It's alright Elliott I'll talk to him. I promise it will be alright. He knows about pretty much everything with Ana, but that's all he knows. He can't prove any of it yet anyway, I called a friend he is coming to help."

He seemed to relax a little bit but I could see the concern in his eyes. "Who's the friend? And how can you be so sure he can help you with this?"

I wasn't sure exactly how to respond because Dustin is not your typical diner owning Hawaii loving guy. He was connected I guess you could say.

"He is a friend, and I know he can help, he has ugh.... Helped me before." We don't say anything else we just go inside and fell asleep watching movies from the 90s.

My phone ringing at 3:28 am made me wake up almost instantly. It was Dustin. "Hey love, I'm here."

"What?!?" I squealed unsure how he managed to make it here in less than 12 hours.

"Princess I don't know where I'm going, care to give me an address?" I sent him the address to Elliotts house and was waiting in the porch when a black SUV pulled in the driveway. I almost forgot how amazingly beautiful this man is, as he stepped out of the car I felt my heart rate speed up. He ran over and twirled me around effortlessly.

"I missed you love." He said still holding me in a tight embrace.

As he let me go I began to unload the complete shit show that had taken place since I stepped foot back here. He listened closely and asked questions to make sure he understood everything. He stayed completely calm until we discussed Jordan. I spared no detail, that he saw me all those years ago, the kiss, and the recent threats.

"I'm gonna kill this no good worthless scumbag! Where the fuck is he?!" I had never seen him so incredibly mad before now. He was always extremely level headed.

"That won't help me, please just let's keep talking this out." I pouted hoping it would help, which it did because he sat back down, ran his hands threw his hair.

"Allie you have to do everything I tell you." I nodded my head so he knew I understood.

He grabbed my hands and spoke slowly and calmly. "Ok princess I know exactly what we need to do."

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