Chapter ten

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I walked into the musty old bar that sat right outside the state line. It smelled like old men and alcohol in here. Which in all reality makes perfect sense. I walked up to the bar and order a water the bartender cocked her eyebrow a bit as if she wasn't sure she had heard me properly but she turned around and grabbed it anyway.

"Why the long face doll?" She asked as she handed Mr the water. I didn't really want to deal with the small talk but what else was I doing.

"Waiting for a ride. Its been a rough few days." I grabbed my water and headed back outside to wait for my ride. I slid onto the bench and a few minutes later Elliott pulls in to give me a ride home.

"So you going to tell me why you took off for another state?"

"Emily drove me here and left me in the middle of nowhere. We had an argument but things calmed down. She wanted to go for a drink and I agreed. Then she just left me here."

"Ok what the fuck?"

"It's fine she is just bitchy."

The rest of the drive was mostly normal. Making jokes and talking about nothing in particular. We were pulling up to the house when Elliott got seriously quite. When we pulled into the driveway he put the truck in park and turned to face me.

"So about tomorrow, I know it's going to suck man and I just want you to know that I will go with you if you want me to. You don't have to do it alone."

"Elliott I'm not going." I got out without another word and walked into the house and up the stairs. My mom tried to say something but I ignored her and just kept walking. When I hit the pillow I was already asleep.

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