Chapter thirteen

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I drove back to town much faster than I meant to.  As I made my way into town the traffic was overwhelming. Cars lined the streets waiting for the memorial to being. I parked three blocks away and walked. I sat behind all these people, most of whom I didn't know. I watched. People came and went. Food was prepared and donations were taken. Her parents spoke shortly about how much their daughter meant to them. How they still had hope that she would walk through the door one day. Tears fell from almost everyone there. They released balloons with pictures of what she may look like now with the number to the missing persons hotline.

I didn't speak to anyone. I stayed in the shadows of the crowd. I didn't want to speak with her parents who still called me monthly. I didn't want to see the tears being shed in her absence. I watched as the crowd grew smaller and smaller. I walked back to the car when there only a few people left standing around.

On the drive back to the house I promised myself I was going to spend the next two days with my family. They deserved that much. I had booked a flight online for three day from now. It was Friday and my flight would be leaving Monday at midnight.

The rest of the weekend passed slowly. My parents and brother spent most of the time making jokes about me leaving, because they didn't want to admit how much it actually bothered them. I knew it was painful for them but staying here would break me.

On Sunday my mother asked to take me to lunch. Just the two of us. I didn't really want to go but seeing her so happy was well worth it. She made me promise to not allow so much time in between my next visit. She also promised a trip to Hawaii this coming fall. We had just finished our meals when she promptly got up from her seat and whispered "I'll see you at home dear."

I was about to protest when I saw Jordan walk in the restaurant with flowers in his hands. He walked to the table and kissed my mom on the cheek. "Thank you so much for arranging this for me."

She let out a small giggle before saying she always liked him anyway. My mother set this up. It was all a setup. And to think I was trying to be a nice daughter when I agreed to this outing.

"Sooo your headed back Tomorrow then?" He winced only slightly while saying the words out loud.

"That's the plan" I still wasnt exactly sure what he was looking for here.

"Maybe you could stay. What could I do to keep you here?"

"Jordan. You can't keep me here. My life is back there." I tried to keep my calm. I was getting pretty annoyed at people trying to convince me to stay here. Didn't they understand I had an actual life to get back to?

"I didn't imagine that was going to work, but you can't hate me for trying." I could see the grin forming on his lips. We ordered ice cream before he offered to take me home.

As he pulled into the driveway I could see there was something he wanted to ask me.

"What? You keep looking over at me like you have something you want to say." I said sounding more annoyed than I meant to.

"Well yeah. I mean it's just I don't want to being up a sore subject or anything. But I have a about that night of the party, I can't help but wonder what happened. Ana demanded I leave so I did. Only I just went to the car and sat there. I saw you and Emily and Ana get in Emily's car. The three of you seemed to be fighting.." I cut him off before he could finish.

"Jordan no. Emily and I left that party together. The police already have our statements. So I'm not sure what exactly your implying." I snapped.

"Allie I saw you. All three of you get into that car. Not just you and Emily."

"Stop this is crazy stop trying to dig up the past Jordan. I'm done here." I got out before he had a chance to say anything else. I was almost to the door when I heard him calling from behind me. "Allie I'm going to figure this out. Maybe you can help me and maybe I can help you." I slammed the door behind me.

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