Chapter 12: The greatest trap of all, Part 2

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The droid repeats his request. "Intruder! Drop your weapons!"

"Alright." You chuckle. You slowly stoop and place the swords on the loamy soil. You smile to yourself and focus your power. You then cause the bots to implode, sending their particles scattering every which way.

"Not bad." Morro praises you, impressed. You pry open the door and slip inside. The room is full of lasers. Both of you simultaneously laugh.

"Hardly a challenge, is it, beauty?" He asks you.

"Nope." You reply. "Easy." Morro tenses your body and prepares to navigate the lights. You have no doubt that he could do it, but you stop him. "Let me." You say, smiling. "I have an easier way." You bend the matter in the air around you and create a bunch of mirrors. "You see where I'm going with this?" You ask.

You swear you can feel Morro grinning as he replies, "I like the way you think." He begins to use his mastery of wind to move the mirrors into position directly in front of the lasers, so that they destroy each other.

"Wait!" You tell him. "Maybe put the mirrors in place further from the lasers. If you destroy them, there could very well be an alarm activated."

"Right." Morro instead moves them so that they bounce harmlessly back onto their respective walls. He walks you confidently through the middle of the room, and into an elevator on the far end of it. As the door closes, you hear the ominous sound of rushing water. You look up, and sure enough, four openings in the top of the elevator are gushing out torrents of water onto your feet, and the level is steadily rising.

"Aaah!" Morro screams in fear.

"What's wrong?"

"Water kills ghosts!" Morro panics.

"Have you forgotten that you're in my body? Aren't you safe?"

"Not if you drown." He replies anxiously, pointing your hand at the water, which by now is up to your knees.

"Well then." You say. "In that case, I'd better get us out, fast." You quickly rearrange the particles in the roof to make a hole and jump up through it, boosted by Morros' wind. You land on top of the elevator, and Morro sighs in relief. "You are so amazing." He tells you.

"Thanks." You say, scanning the levels as you descend. "I appreciated the help".. You interrupt yourself. "There! There it is! That's it!" You tell him excitedly, pointing down one of the corridors at the gem suspended over a pedestal at the end of the hall.

"Great. Now let's get it and get out of here." He says, as you haul yourself off the elevator. You start walking speedily down the corridor, and all seems to be going well, until a door slams shut directly behind you from out of nowhere. You yelp.

"Keep going. Just keep going." Morro mutters. Another door starts to rapidly close, and you barely make it through.

"RUN!" Morro yells in your head. You burst into a sprint and run flat-out towards the crystal, doors shutting at an alarming rate and speed, right on your tail. You do a desperate shoulder-roll into the room containing the crystal, with the last door slamming shut right behind you, so close that it catches several strands of your hair. You wince.

"That was close." Morro says unnecessarily.

"Hmmph." You reply, yanking your caught hair out of the doorframe. "Ow." You turn and try to grab the crystal, but your hand just passes right through it. "Hologram. Huh. I should've expected that." You mutter to yourself.

"What is a.. holo-gram?" Morro asks you.

"This!" You explain impatiently, making the crystal flicker as you wave your hand through it again. "It's a three-dimensional image that's projected onto, or over something else." You elaborate in exasperation. Then you hear marching footsteps.

"Oh, alright." Morro says, but you shush him.

"I think touching it alerted the guards! What do we do now?" You whisper with growing alarm.

"Now it's my turn to play." He answers, as the door opens and more droids stream out.

And yes, I know that in the show, the guards only came because Nadakhan knocked over the pedestal and they needed to make a repair, but I couldn't bring myself to make either you or Morro throw a temper tantrum. I also have my reasons for making the droids come now, which you will see in the next chapter!

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