Chapter 26: Wu masters the fine art of yeeting

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You land on the deck of the Destinys' Bounty with a thud. Morro paces the deck angrily, muttering to himself.

"Why couldn't Nobu just tell me?! And why in the world are we on this ship?!"

"-Perhaps so that I could give YN this." Master Wu says, suddenly appearing beside you. Both Morro and you jump in surprise. Then you look at what Wu has in his hands.

"Master Wu, is that.. armor?" You ask.

Morro whistles, impressed. "It'll look good on you." You blush, and Morro seems to realize what he just said. "Uh.."

Master Wu sighs. "It isn't just any armor, YN. It is embedded with Deepstone, to prevent ghostly possession."

"Well, that would've been useful earlier-!" You say, raising your voice slightly.

"Take it or leave it." Wu tells you sternly.

"-I'll take it." You grab it and quickly put it on. Now Morro wolf-whistles at you. "Really, Morro!" You laugh. He grins at you.

"Don't you have a battle to attend, my ninja?" Wu interrupts your flirting.

"Oh, right." You check to make sure that you still have your weapons.

"I guess we should go, then." Morro states calmly.

Master Wu glares dagger-eyes at him. "Yes, you should!"

"It shall be done as you command, Master!" Morro salutes smartly at him. Then he offers his arm to you. "Well, Master of Matter, shall we join the fray?"

You link arms with him and give him a bloodthirsty little smile. "Oh, absolutely. I'm looking forward to giving Bansha a piece of my mind."

Morros' POV:

Looking at YNs' face, I feel a stab of fear, both for her safety, and because I can see her barely contained rage. All of a sudden, I'm reminded that she is also a ninja trained by Master Wu, and that she's quite capable of destroying most any villain she chooses. I'm glad that I'm on her side, and not her enemy.

"We'll be going now, Master." I tell him.

"Yes, this very moment!" Wu grabs the collar of my gi and marches me to the edge of the ship, then boots me off the side.


Morro shouts in alarm as he's thrown off the Bounty, but thankfully he has the presence of mind to boost himself upwards with his wind. Master Wu then turns to you with a steely glint in his eyes. You gulp and run to the helm of the ship.

"I understand and obey, Sir!" You salute as Morro did, then jump off the Bounty before Master Wu has the chance to push you off of it. You hear him mutter something about having strange students, and then you hear the unmistakable sound of his tea being poured. Then, you're in a freefall, but you're not afraid. You are the Master of Matter, for you, it's childs' play to-

A cushion of wind catches you and breaks your fall.

"Seriously, Morro?! I had it under control!" You shout at him exasperatedly.

"Yeah, it really looked like it, YN." Morro answers, floating in front of you, looking worried.

"I was going to create a parachute!"

"You were going to get killed!"

"Would that really matter to you?!"

"Of course it would! I'd rather have you alive!"

"Oh really? Why? So I can't bug you after this?!" You ask him, annoyed.

"No! Because I l-!" He quickly shuts his mouth.

Your eyes widen. "Did you say-? Mmf!"

Morro clamps your mouth closed with his hand. "Shhh!" He hisses at you and points up, then slowly removes his hand from your mouth. You look up.

"Holy Spinjitzu!" You mutter.

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