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When sun rays initiated Subhadra's day she found her side empty. She didn't feel surprise at this as today they were about to go for outing. She went out of bed, and wrapped up her daily chores fastly. She was getting ready for journey which was both excitement and emotion to her. After a short span of time she sense heaviness in air.

She turned her face from mirror to have a look at surrounding. The sight which shocked her that Arjun wasn't ready. More to that his face was wearing a dull expression. That made her smile vanished.

"What happened, Arya? What's the reason of this look?" Her concerned asking got silence as it's answer.

"Arya, please say something. Your silence is so worry causing." She insisted him with the same concern.

"We need to postpone our outing." The colour of excitement drained away from Subhadra's face after hearing.

"Actually the reason is.............." He was about to say. But she interrupted him.

"It's ok, Arya." Saying this she hurriedly went away to control her disappointment.

Arjun was standing there inattentively by thinking about the further consequences about which Subhadra was fully unknown.

Arjun wasn't present during lunch time also. That was making Subhadra more upset by thinking he didn't even tried to convince her. Kunti was noticing the imprinted sadness over her face.

"You also sit with me, Subhadra. Don't wait for Arjun. He and Nakul won't come." Kunti told her to which she looked at her curiously.

"Bhrata Nakul also won't come! But why?" She asked excluding Arjun.

"Because Nakul has to go to Kaling to assist the king of Kaling in war from our side. So both brothers are busy in discussing war strategies." Kunti's answer made Subhadra startled.

She was feeling guilty for not letting Arjun explain the reason in morning. It was getting difficult for herself to hold her tears of guilt. Noticing her moist eyes Kunti asked her reason. She gave excuse that the smoke of hot food was making her eyes moist.

Arjun returned to chamber in late night. After his coming Subhadra left from there, to which he sighed heavily. After getting fresh he was having fresh air near window. Suddenly he felt a pull on his wrist. He turned to see Subhadra dragging him towards couch.

She made him sit, and started to feed him silently. He didn't ask anything at first. But after two to three bites,

"Still angry with me?" He asked, to which she slightly nodded her head in no.

"Then why are you silent?" He asked a question again to which she lowered her eyelids to hide her guilt.

"I knew the reason of making outing postpone. I should haven't reacted like that. Sorry." She confessed her guilt in short.

"So you got convince with that reason. Not with the feeling we have for each other!" This statement made her eyelids wet as tears made their way out.

"At first I was so disappointed to accept the truth, and after that was so stubborn to cope up calmly." She was sniffing in between of her saying.

"It's fine, Subhi. I am not angry with you. But don't lose your balance ever in matter. It will hurt you." He said with a loving smile, and she hugged him to release her suppressed sobs.

He caressed her back soothingly. After breaking hug they both fed each other.

At Sindh

"Make this message reach to Gandhar king, Shakuni." Jayadrath handed the letter to messenger.

After the messenger left that person laughed with evilness.

"I am not supporting you in name of your old friendship with my kingdom. I will have my cost from you in my way." After this statement the evil laughter continued.

So readers, here's the next part.

Now questions.

(1) Any fact you liked here?

(2) Any action you felt related to future mystery?

(3) Any guess or expectation?

Give response according to your heart and conscience.

Hey LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN, please accept the positivity of my this work as an offering to you in name of all wellbeing of my LIFELINE.


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