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Duryodhan entered into his father's chamber who was taking rest by being tension free. The way of intaking of breaths were signifying about restlessness on part of Duryodhan, but Shakuni didn't bother himself to come out of his chilling state. Duryodhan who observed his cunning father carefree for the first time was having thousands of questions in his mind. He was arranging the order of his questions suitably to shot on his father.

"Wanna ask something, My child?" The sugar coated voice of Shakuni made the restlessness a bit severe in Duryodhan.

"You know my questions well. But each time I ask you deny me in excuse of arrival of right time. Even before went to Sindh you didn't say about your motive to visit there. But your absence has made me realize many facts." Duryodhan voiced out his complain, but his last sentence has his father's interest.

"Which fact you realized, My child?" His interest made him put the question.

"I realised that we can't show more rigidity to Bhanu. Because she has started to take stand as a mother. She cleared me that now she won't be silent in front of my wrong moves." Duryodhan told stressing his each word with seriousness.

"And what more you realised?" Shakuni again asked patiently. But in real he was trying to pacify himself as Duryodhan told to do back out from strictness towards Bhanumati.

"Now I am going to be a father. I am the future king. I am responsible towards my upcoming generation. I need to know about the secrets which you never shared with me. I want to know the answer of this question that why we used to give our half national income as tax to Hastinapur. Please tell me, Pitashri." After hearing Duryodhan's tone Shakuni was amused. Because his son was urging to him for the first time.

Till the time when he used to ask questions, he always proceed with demanding tone.

"Sure, I will describe you the whole history." Shakuni assured Duryodhan by patting on his shoulder.

"It was the time when me and my father had visited Hastinapur on a special occasion. That occasion was "Hari Shayan Ekadasi." Shakuni started the narration gaining Duryodhan's attention like a child hearing his awaited story.

"Hari Shayan Ekadasi! The day when Lord Vishnu sleeps for four mounth! The day from which Chatur masya vrat (A special sacrificial offering of Vaishnavs to Lord Vishnu till four month.) starts!" Shakuni nodded silently to Duryodhan's exclamation.

"Pandu was king of Hastinapur at that time. He had received us with utmost respect. Hastinapur had a grandly embellished temple of Lord Vishnu which was the center of greatest amusement for all. The reason was there the spiritual energy of Lord of Vishnu used to remain active in between of Hari Shayan Ekadasi to Dev Uthan Ekadasi. (The day when Lord Vishnu wakes up after sleep of four months.)" Shakuni went forward with his narration.

"Pandu's great grand father had pleased Lord Vishnu to have that special grace on the land of Hastinapur, in wish of peace, prosperity, permanency of divinity for his clan, for his subjects." Shakuni explained further by sensing Duryodhan's curiosity.

"So what happened after your arrival to Hastinapur?" Duryodhan asked  question from that point where the narration was stopped.

"Pandu had taken us to that temple. I must say that temple had an electrifying aura. No one can take back eyes from the sculpture of that temple easily. But when the veneration of Ekadasi ended he made an announcement that no one can visit the temple till four months except him. He had declared the temple as a prohibited area." Shakuni stopped there as if by taking pause there he was analysing the past.

"Why, so?" Duryodhan asked in surprise.

"I also had asked this same question. In answer Pandu told that this rule had been prevailing to ensure the uninterrupted comfort of Lord Vishnu while sleeping. As his ancestors had sought Lord Vishnu's grace only he will take care of the daily routine of Narayan during his sleep." He answered making Duryodhan lost in narration.

"Say next, Pitashri." Shakuni closed his eyes in remembrance.

"I was too curious to see Narayan in sleeping pose. I had heard many fascinating tales about that temple too. So I was desperate to discover those myself. So I followed Pandu when he went to temple next morning. I saw no soldier was guarding the temple. I got surprise. Then I saw he chanted a mantra, after that the door opened. I had a magical mechanism of hearing anyone's utterance from miles miles away. So I had heard the mantra he chanted. After his leaving I entered into the temple. And then....... " He opened eyes with jerk. There was a kind of shiver was lining up in his gesture with his tremble.

"Then............" Duryodhan repeated the last word to get the ultimate part of his answer.

"After entering in I was mesmerised after looking at the sleeping pose of Narayan. Soothing rays were emitting from his idol. But suddenly I heard the sky roared with the most loud sounds of thunders. Those sounds were so capable of cracking each nerve of anyone with fear. I was in bewilderment, and was panicked. Pandu and pitashri came there running. We saw the glow around Narayan's idol had vanished. Shri Sheshnaag was pouring his wrath by hissing of his each hood. His hissing had created strom making all of us stumble from our place." Shakuni told while trembling. Duryodhan was also reciprocating the terrible condition of his father in the exact way.

To be continued.

So readers, here's the next part.

Now questions.

(1) Any fact you liked here?

(2) Any gesture to be commented?

(3) How much are you excited for knowing the other half of secret. Pour your opinions or else update will be late. Because i have many other stories.

Give response according to your heart and conscience.

Hey LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN, please accept the positivity of my this work as an offering to you in name of all wellbeing of my LIFELINE.


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