Cleansing us ❤️🥺

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Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu

How are you all ?

The first chapter :

Don't read as a chapter, read like someone's is speaking to you. Okay ?

Cleansing us.

I mean, see our life. This life is a gift okay ? From Allah, but here we are doing everything against Him.

You know what ? When we do each sin, our heart gets a black dot. Then just imagine the darkness and the blackness our heart holds right now ? I can't tell about you, but I feel guilty. Do you ?

We all know, this life is going to end eventually. That's why we tell death is an unexpected expected reality. We know we will face it, but we don't know when and where and how ? But how dare we have nah ? We live like we never die. How can we sin so surely ha ? How ? Just how ? Have you ever thought while sinning that if we get death at that time ? How will we feel ? How will we face Allah ?

That day my usthaadha told me one thing. And it stuck to my heart
She told me. We have a glass, which holds the dirty water okay ? And we keep pouring good water to it ? Will it get clean ? No nah ? It won't become so. Same as that is our heart. We have sinned so much till now, from all the organs Allah gifted us. Now our Heart is black and unclean, and then, now we do merits without doing thauba. We do merits. We would get merits for all those but our heart, will still be gardened and black. Nah ? Isn't it ?

Just think now, Allah had gifted us these organs right ? Eyes, hands, legs, ears and all ? So what are we doing with it ? With your eyes ? I don't want answers, you answer yourself. Okay ? With eyes ? With ears ? With hands ? With legs ? Most of us including me too, we do most sins. Just think with this social media of ours, how much of sins we gain ? We read unwanted things, we hear music, we speak bad, and we type with these hands nah whatever we want to watch ?

Just think okay ? If we love someone, would we ever do something that they don't like ? We will think as... It will make them upset, so we don't want to do it. If we really love them, we won't do something that makes them upset even though it gives us happiness nah ? Yah right ? Just imagine, Allah - our Lord , the one who loves us more than our mother's. How can we spend each second in what He dislikes ? Even though He had blessed us till now and He keeps on blessing us each minute.

So now what should we do ? Feel.

So now the thing we have do is seek his forgiveness.

Here's some steps and things to follow, In shaa Allah. Okay ?

1. Think or write of all the sins we do daily.
2. Regret, let guilt fill you in.
3. Think of the consequences.
4. Do isthigfar as much as possible ( our target : 100 per day )
5. Thauba.
6. Make intention to Never do it.
7. Now calm. Allah will forgive us All,Aameen.

Next chapter will be soon, In shaa Allah.
This was short I know. But next one will be a big one In shaa Allah and it's my favourite chapter.

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If I had told anything wrongly, forgive me.

DM me if you have any ideas, or thoughts, or if wannah speak. Girls only .

Jazakillah khairn.

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