small change in ( prologue )

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       Confusing prologue with pics 😉

This world is big to everyone but actually not wherever we go ,at one point we will end up in the place where we actually destined to...

You can hide from peoples but not infront of destiny ...

Do u really think our friendship lead to an unconditional love ?? Laksh asking to raginii

When you met my eyes can't u feel the love for u in it laksh

The things changing so i can't make it work ... I think let's drop this idea this marriage won't work for me laksh...

How could u change your mind often its not really you raginii... I need that ragini back

Its me laksh i can't change... Love don't come seeing face ...its will come after seeing pure heart... I would like to call its true love ....

Love won't start with lie ragini... I hate it...did u get...i hate u ...i hate u to the core for ruining my life nd make my heart as mess....

Wt should i do... I can't stand neither stand for my love nor life....

Which i used to like hating it a lot...

Which i used to do different one to me

Which is closed to far away from me...

I felt like i possessed into someone body this world seems to be new to me... I can't understand single things going around me... Wt is it ? Who r they ? Decision taken by them i am following it without say an word ....... Is this me ?

Its not you raginii ....saying him

Its you raginii... Saying my heart

Whom should i believe ... Heart or my love ?

His eyes showing love to me when i was stressed , pain , heart wanna reach him but when i go close to him...he is hating me...

Did i done any sin ?

You yourself is wrong... Come out of your shell its not you raginii like the way you are

Ragini how could u leave me ? Without even say an word to me ...asked kunal ( mishan fans )

Do i know you ? I don't have slightest idea we met before ...i am sorry u r mistaken... Said ragini

Ragini i really love u... But my family  ... I know i don't deserved u ...but i wanna try till my end... Said sanskar

Do u know the meaning of love ? U don't have rights to talk about it when u already killed someone heart

Whatever say raginii you messed with an wrong person by rejecting me ... Do u think u can escape from me raginii...smirking rohith

Do we look like prince nd princess y always my dream craved to be real...but real life end up in lie...

You like sun raginii

But i like moon laksh ...

I like puppy raginii

Even i like it laksh...

No u don't...

Ragini is it you ?

Yeah laksh its me... My heart won't lie to me laksh .... Then u r saying i was wrong ragini  ?

God this damn confusion...y my life end up like this... I am ragini but what happened to me y i can't be like before....this world turns ups nd down in single day... 

      I love u the way you are 😍

So guys its an prologue for this story i know its confusing but...wt to do its the actual plot... So me nd my twist is there always... You guys can guess the connections... Wt u guys thinking about these guys...

Lots of competition for laksh right ?

Guys leave ur cmnts abt the prologue 🙈

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