Four: My Best Friend's Back

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Hannah was to be at the airport at 6:30 in the morning. This wasn't good news for Grace because it meant she had to pick her up and pretend to be excited. In heavy rain and thunder, people rush out of O'Hare airport, waving and climbing into cars, which line up alongside the exits. Rain platters onto the roof go Grace's Volkswagen Beetle, causing river like ripples to form on the windows. The clock of a car's dashboard reads 6:39. Grace drums her fingers on the steering wheel, waiting for the bride to arrive. Unhappy and sick. She'd thrown up twice and cried too many times to count. Grace even dialed David's number eight times and left five voicemails. But she knew it wouldn't be that simple. Things have to get dirty before they get easy.

Her dark eyes spot Hannah exiting the fancy building with an umbrella and a light jacket, carrying a Chanel bag, and searching the surrounding cars. Grace's foot hovers over the gas pedal, half tempted to drive off and leave Hannah stranded. A foot dances over the gas pedal; she locks her gaze on it. I really want to do just that...but...too late. Tap tap, A hand knocks on her window. The window rolls down.

"Hiya, stranger." Hannah leans into the window for a hug as thunder cracks and lightning strikes hit the sky.

"Hiya to you too." Grace grins. "It's been what, like not even two days?"

"Yeah, I know, but still, I'm super happy to see you again." Hannah strolls over to the passenger side and tugs at the handle, which doesn't open the door. "It's locked, G."

"Oh...sorry." The door clicks, then is opened by Hannah, who gets in, folding up her umbrella before CLOSING the door. Grace feels rage pumping her veins...calm down...relax. Her mind says. "Buckle in,''

The car rumbles and the windshield wipers swipe away the rain. There are cars ahead that pull from the curb and onto the road, driving off slowly. Grace drives the Beetle up a few feet, then stops. The keys jiggle back and forth alongside the steering wheel. Grace looks over at her friend, who stares back with complete joy. "So what's new, besides you getting married?"

"Um-oh! I finally found the perfect dress. It's the one you recommended, the Mori Lee. It's so beautiful! Sorry, you said besides me getting married, it's just that I can't stop talking about it," she squeals. "I miss my baby already, he wasn't really able to spend a lot of time with me because of modeling gigs, but I understand. The photos are so gorgeous!"

"Yeah, I saw his Instagram." Grace watches ahead, moving her car up slightly, only to meet a jam.

"I'm so proud he's mine. I'm still in shock." Hannah sings and beams widely.

SHUT UP, BITCH! Grace's mind yells. She fights from rolling her eyes and saying it out loud. Her attitude begins to rise to a red limit, her blood boils, and her chest tightens. She controls her breathing. "I can find a venue for you too if you want."

"Really, omg, thanks, you're the best! My MOH is coming through! The title is truly earned."

Grace puckers her lips. The bride was the title I earned! She roars internally. "So, how does David feel about me being the maid of honor?"

"He's totally hyped! I didn't know you guys hung out one summer. I think he said it was during his senior year. You didn't tell me! He said you were the only girl who beat him at darts."

The line of cars ahead of them move up a bit more, only to stop again, the windshield wipers squeak across the windows and swipe away more droplets of rain. Grace's fingers flick on a turning signal while rain fogs up the glass and picks up to a heavier volume. "We were. I guess I forgot to tell you about that it was only for a little while. You were staying with your dad. I think that's why I didn't. And David thinks he's good at shooting darts, but his game is weak. Like, you wouldn't even believe how low his score was. It's embarrassing to even say it."

"Haha, okay, we gotta get together and shoot some."

"Cool, yeah, we should do that!" Grace takes this idea as an addition to her plan. "How's tonight?"

"Well, Davy is staying with his parents and little sister Kaylie for the weekend. Hopefully, I get to meet them soon." Hannah gives a crooked grin. "Maybe Thursday we can go out and get a game or two going."

"Yeah, so it's a date; it'll be so fun!" Grace turns her car towards an exit to the street, waiting for cars to curve the street before following. Onto a street, she drives a corner and meets a red light. She notices an annoying love glint sparkling Hannah's eyes. The bride is annoyingly hyper that it drains Grace like a battery. Baiting her to be spiteful.

I remember having that least I earned it! She had it handed to her! Everything is going in her favor, her mom supporting this nonsense, Davy being seriously invested in marrying her...a wedding hall selected at the last minute. I bet even the dress will be......oh, the DRESS! A malicious spark ignites Grace's soul...not for after this sensation, follows the act of pettiness.

"Did you order the dress yet?" She asks her friend nonchalantly.

"Nope, I've been running around like a headless chicken getting things set up. I'm only focusing on the attire and the bridesmaids and groomsmen right now. I'm behind on everything else. I need to make a list." She sighs longingly. "Could you order it for me? I'm so overwhelmed." A phone vibrates from her pocket; hastily, she retrieves it. "Aww, it's him checking on me!"

"Did you want it in ivory or the cream?"

"Ivory, size four." Hannah types while her friend pulls out her phone Abe searches up On the site, she selects a dress named Kimberly. A princess ball gown featuring a sweetheart neckline and alençon lace on tulle. A wide hemline and decorative horsehair bands trim the skirt. Hannah happy dances in her seat as Grace purchases the dress, knowing the item is two sizes too small.

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