Ten: I Remember You

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David holds Grace's hand as he leads the way into a high- school auditorium lit with hundreds of lanterns, which float from strings that are attached to the arm rests of chairs. He places her on the stage; right in the center. "Open your eyes." She listens. The room is bright. So bright that Grace thought night had become day. She smiles as he spins her around; a yellow dress twirls. Their hands clasp together as they stare at a lantern filled room. "Do you like it?"

"You sure know how to ask a girl out, I'll give you that. How did you even know I like lanterns?!"

"I may have observed you drawing in that journal of yours. Spied on you a bit in art class. But, I swear I'm not a stalker." He cutely puckers his lips into a grin.

"Oh yeah, you're definitely a stalker." Grace pushes back midnight hair. "I'm calling you in"

"Alright, if you do I'll just bring some other girl in here to ask out instead."

"What kind of girl?"

David draws closer to her. "A sweet but selfish one."

Grace punches him on the arm, "I am not selfish!"

"Also aggressive." He rubs his arm, then continues. "A girl to dream about. The kind a guy will never let go." David kisses her palms sweetly. "Where have you been?"

"Very smooth, lover boy. How many girls have you trapped in with that line? Because it's good. Like a scene from a romance novel. Ever heard of Mr. Darcy?"

"I mean...what can I say? You're the first girl whose done this to me. My heart is racing right now." His chiseled cheeks dance with dimples.

"Sure, uh-huh, right," She says a bit critical, as she mounts one of the many chairs and plucks a string that ties a lantern down, off of an armrest; then brings it to their level. She reels it down from fifteen feet high, wrapping the string around her wrist.

David watches her, his expression becomes serious, focused. "Do I have to say it?"

Grace centers the white burning ball between them. "Yes, say it. So I can know that you're lying to me."

"You're mean, has anyone ever told you that?"

"And you're a jerk, has anyone ever told you that?" Grace snaps, while she lets go of the string and unwraps it. "So, bye." Grace jets to the door, her pretty dress floating behind her.

"Okay stop, please!" David groans, leaning his head back and catching the string of the lantern.

She halts and skips back to him, giggling. "Tell me, then."

"Grace," he says softly. "Honestly..."

"Yes?" She approaches so closely, that his breaths skim her forehead. David raises her chin up using his thumb.

"I...I think I'm addicted to you. Maybe even both. There are going to be so many guys that say they love you and not mean it. But I do. I think it's faith that we found each other, because I have dreams about you."

"Oh, and what am I doing in these dreams of yours?"

"You," David's silky voice shakes a bit, "were sitting in a room, a blue room. There was a baby in your arms. I was just watching you two." He places her hand on the lantern's string with his. "It was a boy, Grace, and you were humming to him." Grace's chest rises rapidly. "Then I woke up, so mad that it wasn't real, knowing I wanted it."

Grace lets out heavy breath, her chest still rising as she lowers her head. She pulls the ball of shielded fire down to their chests; which casts a bright light onto them both. Her glossy eyes glowing along with his, from the glare of the fire. "Wow, I...I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything, just be with me." He moves a hand to her cheeks; cupping a heart-shaped face; kissing Grace's nose. "Until," then kisses her cheeks, "you are my wife."

"Promise?" Grace stutters, her soul completely captured.

"I promise." Finally, their lips touch; deeply, passionately, and slowly. The string they hold together floats away from their grasps. The lantern hovers up; burning bright. The blinding room disappears, as they get lost in each other.

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