Afterall, It Is Your Wedding

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Pedro's POV

"The reconstruction of the city center is going great," the familiar voice of Elena Sparkle rang out of the voice mail on Pedro's phone. "Oh, and we scheduled the wedding for this afternoon, so try to be there." Wedding? Who's getting married? "Afterall, it is your wedding with Hannah, so you can't be late!" The phone clicked as the message ended and the phone fell to the ground.

W-wedding? Me- Hannah- married- what?

Pierson picked up his phone and flew straight to The Heart-Shaped Derp, where he'd been told to meet Hannah later for lunch. Something about... needing to discuss the best strategy for rebuilding the city fence? Or was it the battle arena? His mind was too confuzzled to recall why they were meeting there. He just knew he had to get there.

Hgh's POV



"Yes?" She looked up innocently from the book she was pretending to read. Something about Miztrap... Or was it a songfic by someone? Her mind was too nervous to know what she was reading; she just knew why she was reading it.

"What is this?" Pedro replayed the message over the lounge speakers.

"Well, you see, uh..." She bit her lip. "I was on last night with a few other Rulers, just hangin' out, ya know, and then it got to the topic of HedroRulez, and, I, uh-"

"Planned our wedding?!" Pedro interrupted, more confused than angry.

"No! No, I had very little to do with it. They kinda got overly excited about the ship, and eventually came to the conclusion that we had to be married at once. They even got the HedroRose! I tried to message you last night, but I think you were already asleep. By the way, how did you sleep? I know with your insomnia and all that it can get ha-"



"I slept very well, thank you. Now please do not get off-topic when it comes to our wedding!"

"Ummmm... Yeah, so about that. I've got good news and better news," Hgh said with a mischievous smile.

Pedro ignored what he knew the smile meant; "Oh? What's that?"

"Good news: they wanted to have the wedding last night, but I was able to change it to today!"

"I'm scared to hear the 'better' news," Pierson groaned.

"The better news is... I got a wedding dress!"

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