Camping Trip

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I just got back from camping which was epic. In the beginning of the week it was in the 50's and by the end it was in the high 20's with snow.

This was taken at the beginning of the week by my friend. Pretty nice.

Then this was taken during the end of the week. As you can see there's alot of snow on the ground, well just alot for April.

But that didn't stop us from doing stuff. The first day we were there after Easter we went "fishing". My fishing pole broke in the car so I borrowed one of theirs. I broke that fishing pole and borrowed another as my friend's mom was fixing the one broke. I broke that one after she fixed my previous one and took the fixed one. It the broke again and I borrowed another different one. Whilst I was slowly breaking this one my friends sister, who we'll call E for now was going to take pictures of Geese. E wanted to go closer so she chased them down a bit further. Then all of a sudden E started sinking into muck. She was knee deep in it and needed to be saved by her mom. The I broke the fishing pole again, E broke hers too. No one caught any fish.

When  we got back we decided to climb the mountain which was actually just a large and steep hill behind our cabin and carved our names into one if the trees at the top.

Then on Wednesday it snowed, it snowed alot. We went on a hike I think, or maybe it was Tuesday we did the hike, I can't remember. All I know is that me and friend created witch names and a book idea. I was Ylven and she was Zarga. We are witch friends going through a witch trials to become epic powerful witches. My color is purple and hers is green. We also make fun of each other and fight alot. It's not a bad idea in my opinion.

We went on a bike ride too, but it got bad out and we turned back. On Thursday we went on the small trail behind our cabin and started to unmoss this rock. There was so much moss on it. It was like rolling up a carpet and there was a tree on it that couldn't move and another smaller but still heavy rock on top of the big rock. In the end we had to leave because it started snowing.

When we got back we made a snowman. His name is Jeffery Free. Also know as Jeff, Jeff Free, and Jeffrey. He looks confused, but he's actually just looking for any dangerous things procting our cabin. Here he is, in all his magical glory.

This is the day after we built him, today. He used to have to water bottles as horns and several more teddy grhams for his mouth. You also need to look closely to see both of just two arms.

Camping was really fun. I also had over 50 notifications to go through on Wattpad which was nice. I'll be doing a tag next and hopefully updating within the week to come.

Welp, adios mi amigos.

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