Canada trip and Viola solo

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Guess what Canada! I'm coming to you! From the dates 17-20 I'll be in Canada! It's basically the same, but colder and with new things to do! I can't wait! I'm gonna ice skate and yes I've been influenced by Yuri on Ice. Also I'm gonna be dog sledding! DOG SLEDDING! It's basically a car but smaller and the engine is dogs! I mean just compare the two together and you'll see there's almost no difference. People are either good at bad at controlling it, you shouldn't get in either drunk, if you push it too hard it'll die. See, no difference! But also the food, I get to have all the food! But sadly it's super expensive! Why does Canada need to put things at such a high price! ;-;

But on a happier note, MY MUSIC HAS A VIOLA SOLO, AND PLUS... I ACTUALLY PLAY IT!!! It's sounds so good too, and plus it's only(at least I thought) the violas.

I've checked a lot of videos(2) and it's basically covered up by the freaking cellos and everyone else. Gosh darn it cellos, learn what a double p means. But here's the song anyways.

Let's play a game. Spot the viola solo.

Oh whale(I've typed this so much I've actually started saying this out loud in real life), at least it's the viola Melody solo I guess. #ripviolas

Adios!(this is ironic because the Canada Trip is for french class)

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